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3D CSS Text Generator

3D CSS Text Generator

CSS Sprite Generator | Project Fondue Grid Designer 2 If you're familiar with the grid, a bit of design and basic typography, using this script should be pretty easy - most of the functions are pretty self-explanatory. If you're unfamiliar with grids in general, you could start by reading an excellent series of articles by web designer Mark Boulton. For those who want a real understanding of the theory of grids in relation to design and typography, I strongly recommend this book. On the Columns tab, you can start your design in two ways: Fill in the number of columns, total width, gutters and margin widths, all specified in pixels - then press the design button. The grid preview on the Columns tab will display the widths of each area, in pixels. Use the Typography tab to adjust and calculate basic typographic settings for your design. Finally, on the Export tab, you can generate copy-and-paste ready CSS, and a sample XHTML template.

CSS Gradient Text Effect Do you want to create fancy headings without rendering each heading with Photoshop? Here is a simple CSS trick to show you how to create gradient text effect with a PNG image (pure CSS, no Javascript or Flash). All you need is an empty <span> tag in the heading and apply the background image overlay using the CSS position:absolute property. This trick has been tested on most browsers: Firefox, Safari, Opera, and even Internet Explorer 6. Continue to read this article to find out how. View Demos Download Demo ZIP Benefits This is pure CSS trick, no Javascript or Flash. How does this work? The trick is very simple. The HTML markups <h1><span></span>CSS Gradient Text</h1> The CSS That's it! Make it work on IE6 Since IE6 doesn't render PNG-24 properly, the following hack is required in order to display the transparent PNG (add anywhere in between the <head> tag): This is why we hate IE 6! jQuery prepend version (for semantic lovers) More samples Want to make Web 2.0 glossy text? Pattern / Texture

Internet Explorer CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE CSS Sprites - Online CSS Sprite Builder / Generator CSS Layout Generator About the CSS Layout Generator The CSS Layout Generator was first released by Tony Aslett in October 2003, since then over 871,000 layouts have been generated. Updated in November 2010, HTML5 doctype can now be selected and a simple HTML5 template with appropriate tags will be created. Other HTML and XHTML doctypes are still available. The generator helps you create the structure of your website template using valid HTML and CSS. You can create a fluid or fixed width floated column layout, with up to 3 columns and with header and footer. The generator requires a modern DOM capable browser with JavaScript enabled. Instructions To create your layout select the structural elements your site requires (header, footer, columns). Info popups are available where you see InfoMore info example :) icon, just hover over it for more information. Join the CSS Forum to suggest changes or ask for help where needed. Author: Tony Aslett

Quick tip: Styling blockquotes with CSS Today’s tutorial is going to be short one, as I’m working on one last piece of coursework. This time I’m going to explain a clever CSS trick borrowed from Nick Boalch . Here’s a screenshot: Here’s the HTML : <blockquote cite=" <div> Tables should not be used purely as a means to layout document content as this may present problems when rendering to non-visual media. The <div> in the above code is a slight sticking point: it has no structural value but is required for the technique to work. Here’s the relevant CSS : There’s a simple trick at work here. The padding is applied to the <div> rather than the <blockquote> because the <div> needs to stretch the entire width of the <blockquote> in order for the background image to appear in the right place. You can see the technique being used on this sample page , or over on Nick’s weblog .

21 outils et générateurs CSS pour développeurs web Les générateurs et outils CSS sont de plus en plus nombreux sur la toile, et facilitent la tâche des développeurs web en leur faisant gagner un gain de temps considérable, en particulier ceux qui génèrent du CSS3. Voici une liste non exhaustive de 21 ressources CSS à connaître et à tester dès maintenant ! 1. Bear CSS Bear CSS est un service qui permet de générer une feuille de style à partir d’un code HTML en prenant en compte les éléments et le balisage de la structure du document (id et classes CSS). 2. CSS Type Set est un service qui permet de gérer la mise en forme d’un texte dans une interface simple et intuitive. 3. Border Radius est un générateur déstiné uniquement à la propriété CSS3 border-radius qui permet de créer des coins arrondis sur un élément HTML. 4. 5. 6. 7. CSS3 Please est probablement l’un des tous meilleurs générateurs CSS3. 8. 9.

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I Shot the Serif - Free Fonts Welcome to I Shot the Serif, the webby home of Matthew Welch's fonts. My fonts are all free and available under an MIT-style license. CSS3 properties explained | Text Shadow Generator | CSS3 Generator | CSS3Gen Use this CSS3 text shadow generator to easily add text shadow styles into your web project. Your browser does not support the CSS3 text-shadow property. You can still use this tool to generate the CSS3 rule, but you won' be able to see the results. <div class="error_msg">Please enable Javascript to use this page. Text Shadow Explained The CSS3 text-shadow property is one of the most popular techniques of progressively enhancing the design of a website. The text-shadow property is really simple to use. It takes four values: the first value defines the distance of the shadow in the x (horizontal) direction, the second value sets the distance in the y (vertical) direction, the third value defines the blur of the shadow and the last value sets the colour. While this is relatively easy to remember compared to other CSS3 rules such as border-radius, it is useful to have a generator such as this so that you can generate your text-shadow in real time and fine tune it with Photoshop-like controls.

CSS @font-face : Des polices personnalisées gradient: All the CSS3 properties explained | css3files Gradients are smooth transitions from one color to another. Currently only gradients as background images (through the background property) are supported. Compatibility -webkit-linear-gradient Safari 5.1+ iOS 5+ Android 4+ Blackberry 10+ IE Mobile 10+linear-gradient Firefox 16+ Chrome 26+ Internet Exlorer 10+ Opera 12.1+ Not supported by Internet Explorer prior to version 10 and Opera Mini. Rececently there was a change to a slightly different syntax, but you can still safely use the syntax described here. Firefox 16+Safari 5.1+Chrome 26+Internet Explorer 10+Opera 12.1+iOS 5+Android 4+Blackberry 10+IE Mobile 10+ General description Multiple gradients can be assigned comma separated. background: linear-gradient(1 left, 2 red, 3 blue 4 30%, 5 green) 1 Optional. Examples Diagonal gradient with multiple color stops background: linear-gradient(1 225deg, 2 red, 3 green 20%, 4 yellow 70%, 5 black) 1 Starting point. Angeled gradient with just color stops 1 Starting point. Further reading 1 Optional.
