Hulster 8 Valve – 2007 AMD World Champion SE Service of Sweden is the winner of the 2007 AMD World Championship in Sturgis, South Dakota. After taking 3rd place in 2006 they returned to take home the win. The Hulster 8 Valve, is a board tracker powered by a custom engine using a knucklehead bottom end with custom built cylinders and heads. The cylinders are cast in bronze while the heads are aluminum. The valve assemblies are beautiful but even after looking at the photos and reading the brief description, I'm having a little problem figuring out exactly what's going on.
Horizon Herbs Empowering Gardeners to Grow Roots of Sustainability Thank you for your interest in open pollinated vegetables, culinary herbs and medicinal herbs. We are here to serve you and to nurture nature. Please use the navigation at the left (click) to access the full range of our seeds, plants, books, and other cool stuff. One Love! Our greatest joy is to provide you with GOOD LIVE SEEDS. MMI Tactical Browse» Watch» Shop» Cherry Gal - Heirloom Seeds Home of CHERRYGAL HEIRLOOM SEEDS and offering gifts & decorations from these fine gourmet shops, artists, artisans and design houses: Andrea by Sadek, Art of the Garden, Barlean's Organic Oils, Bespoken Jewelry, Christian Ulbricht, Colonial Tin Works, Crosby & Taylor, Gaia Herbs, Glass Rocks, Health Basics, Indian Harvest Gourmet Grains, Jeff Price Art Glass, John & Kira's Chocolate, KRM Chocolates, Laura Ashley, Monkeez, Motherlove Herbal Company, Organic Homemade, Ragon House, Ramsay Crowe, Reutter Porcelain, Silvie Goldmark Designs, Stonewall Kitchen, Vagabond House, Victorian Trading Co., and much more! We offer health, beauty, nostalgia, product excellence and great service! For all items tagged "Ships Now" including seeds, we process same to next business day (M-F). For non-seed items that are not "ships now," please check additional info in the item listing.
DeLorme Topo North America - Version 9.0 and 10.0 You want to navigate in U.S. harbors or coastal waters using Topo North America 10.0. With the purchase of DeLorme's Map Library you can acquire NOAA nautical charts with extensive coverage of US coastal waters, the Great Lakes, and numerous inland harbors (e.g., Seattle and Philadelphia). Using your laptop PC connected to a DeLorme Earthmate GPS receiver or other supported NMEA-compliant device, you can see your exact position as you navigate, in relation to water depths, hazards, restricted areas, and other indispensable information. In addition, you can create a route on the water and navigate against it. Within the Route tab, click on the drop-down box (Road - Quickest is the default entry) and select Direct.
Tripple Brook Farm Plant Nursery At Tripple Brook Farm we strive to make our gardens as productive, attractive, interesting, and low-maintenance as possible - and to supply plants to help you do the same with your garden. We offer a wide range of plants, most of which are cold hardy in southern New England. We also offer uniquely versatile and effective tree transplanting equipment, as well as striking botanical posters and note cards featuring original art work. We ship plants continuously from early spring to late fall to all portions of the continental US except for California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and Nevada. Tripple Brook Farm Tree Digging Equipment and most other non-plant items can be shipped world-wide. You may order on-line, or by phone at (413) 527-4626.
swinglet CAM senseFly drones are the most easy-to-use drones on the market, thanks to senseFly's proprietary control & monitoring software eMotion 2. Our drones are turn-key solutions and include all the accessories required for operation. On receipt of your drone you can download the latest version of our control and monitoring software eMotion 2 and image processing software Postflight Terra LT (swinglet CAM) / Postflight Terra 3D (eBee) at no extra cost. senseFly's drones are the lightest mapping drones on the market with a take-off weight of only 0.5kg for the swinglet CAM and less than 0.7kg for the eBee. Their flexible foam airframe and rear-mounted propeller are designed to ensure the safety of both the drone and the people on the ground. All our drones are out of the box and ready to fly in seconds.
Garbanzo Seeds/Chick-pea Seeds (Cicer arietinum) (Heirloom, Heritage and Organic) Chick-peas, or garbanzos, have been grown in Mediterranean countries since as early as 8000 B.C. Cicer arietinum was a staple of their diet and still plays an important part in the regional cooking of southern Europe. Chick-peas, widely grown in India and Burma, are India's most important legume. The chick-pea is a delicate, graceful plant which branches near the ground and is usually about two feet high. One or two seeds are borne in numerous round swollen pods about four months from the time of sowing. Garbanzos are a cooler-weather crop and can be sown like peas early in spring.
Olympic Arms to New York State - Take Your Business Elsewhere Olympic Arms to New York State – Take Your Business Elsewhere Olympic Arms will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York. Olympic Arms Olympia, WA --( Olympic Arms is a staunch believer in and defender of the Constitution of the United States, and with special attention paid to the Bill of Rights that succinctly enumerates the security of our Divinely given Rights.
Perennial Vegetables: Years of Bounty Perennial vegetables—crops that you plant just once and harvest year after year—are relatively rare in North American gardens. With the exception of asparagus, rhubarb and artichokes, most gardeners are probably unaware of the tasty, extremely low-maintenance bounty that can be harvested when many annual crops aren’t available. A Brief History of Perennial Crops According to Perennial Vegetables by Eric Toensmeier, most North American gardening and farming traditions come from Europe, where there are very few perennial crops except fruits and nuts. Cold and temperate Eurasian agriculture centered around livestock, annual grains and legumes, and early European settlers to North America simply brought their seeds and their cultivation methods with them, including draft animals for plowing up the soil every year.
untitled EpiPen® (epinephrine) Auto-Injectors contain a single dose of epinephrine, which you inject into your outer thigh. DO NOT INJECT INTO YOUR VEIN, BUTTOCK, FINGERS, TOES, HANDS OR FEET. In case of accidental injection, please seek immediate medical treatment. Epinephrine should be used with caution if you have heart disease or are taking certain medicines that can cause heart-related (cardiac) symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have certain medical conditions such as asthma, depression, thyroid disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, have any other medical conditions, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Be sure to also tell your doctor all the medicines you take, especially medicines for asthma.
These amazing trees grow up to 40 different types of fruit In all the time I’ve spent cruising around my quiet Seattle neighborhood for fallen sidewalk fruit (the semi-bruised apples are delicious), I’ve never thought to myself: “Geez. I wish all these trees had, like, 40 different kinds of fruit on them.” Until now. Artist and Syracuse University professor Sam Van Aken has made more than a dozen trees that bear all kinds of fruits and flowers, not just a single variety like the once-lauded peach and plum trees of yore — those pathetic, one-trick ponies.
72 Hour Kit for Emergency Preparedness This is a list of items to store in a 72 hour kit so a family can be prepared in case of an emergency. Directions: Print this list and check off each item that has been put into your 72 hour kit. Food and Water (A three day supply of food and water, per person, when no refrigeration or cooking is available) Protein/Granola Bars Trail Mix/Dried Fruit Crackers/Cereals (for munching) Canned Tuna, Beans, Turkey, Beef, Vienna Sausages, etc ("pop-top" cans that open without a can-opener are ideal) Canned Juice Candy/Gum Water (1 Gallon/4 Liters Per Person)