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Complementary Currency Resource Center

Complementary Currency Resource Center

LETS Forum :: LETS in Cornwall and the SW IJCCR | International Journal of Community Currency Research Welkom bij Torekes! | Torekes The Soul of Money Institute: Transforming Your Relationship With Money Constitutional Financial Services - How To Use Silver Liberty's, Pre-1965 Coin and Gold Eagle's as Money Περιφέρεια Κρήτης Monnaie locales et lien social - Vers un monde du Troc - by Philippe Merlant et Patrick Viveret Vers un monde de troc C’est la forme d’échange économique la plus vieille du monde et elle revient aujourd’hui à la mode pour incarner une certaine modernité. Le troc est remis en selle par l’économie sociale. De nos jours, on ne troque plus seulement des objets, mais aussi du temps, de l’entraide, du savoir, des compétences, de l’attention aux autres. France Les Sel de la terre Grégoire initie Bernadette à Internet. États-Unis Le time-dollar de l’entraide À 72 ans, Barbara se sent parfois trop fatiguée pour faire ses courses au centre commercial le plus proche. Japon Les héritiers du yui et du ko Au premier regard, ce sont des associations comme les autres. Italie Des banques qui stockent le temps Valoriser leurs activités du quotidien, non salariales, c’est le défi que s’est lancé au début des années 90 un groupe d’Italiennes de la région de Bologne. Argentine Le troc contre la crise Comme dans le conte, c’est une simple citrouille qui a transformé leur vie. Québec Des syndicalistes capitalisent

Introduction - Life Currency Cooperative Exchange Have you ever wondered why, when millions of people have been working for positive change for so many years, the world is still in such a mess? Does it seem like no matter how much good work is done, the destructive juggernaut of modern culture steams ahead regardless, intent on destroying the planet and the quality of people's lives? There is an invisible but powerful underlying structure in our lives and our culture, one which supports and rewards antisocial behavior, the destruction of the environment and our communities, and the exploitation of people and resources. At the same time, it penalizes altruistic, social, cooperative and community oriented behavior. The vast majority of people accept this structure without question, never realizing how deeply it affects their lives and their world. What is it? Surprised? In fact, money is far from being a 'neutral medium of exchange,' as it is often claimed to be. Toxic Money Healthy Money The Life Currency Cooperative Exchange

Public sector innovation - Industrial innovation - Enterprise and Industry The public sector plays a key economic role as regulator, service provider and employer. It accounts for more than 25% of total employment and a significant share of economic activity in the EU Member States. An efficient and productive public sector can be a strong driver of economic growth through its support for and governance of the private sector. At a time where governments face the challenge to ensure financial consolidation while fostering growth, competitiveness and employment, there is a strong justification for efficiency gains, better governance, faster delivery and more user involvement in public sector. First European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard published! European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard 2013 What are the key results? The key results show that the public sector in Europe innovates but it faces still a number of obstacles. This report [190 KB] is also available.

RECOMMENDATIONS AND LINKS £Index £ Members of BAMR recognise the difficulty many people have in getting a full understanding of our message regarding both what is wrong and how it can be rectified. There are a number of reasons for this. BAMR is not exposing a recently engineered fraud, but a fraudulent practice that has been part of the status quo for over three hundred years and has been manipulated and exploited in the latter half of this century to a degree that threatens mankinds very survival. Most people have been successfully led to believe that the monetary system is so highly complex that only the "experts" can understand it and therefore they tend to shy away from the subject believing they will never understand it. It is difficult to believe that such a gargantuan fraud should have been going on under our noses for so long without exposure. To understand why "they" haven't and are unlikely (without our backing or coercion) to do anything about it one needs to recognise the power of money. Links:

Fourth Corner Exchange Inc Collaboration | Complementary Currency Resource Center Since the beginning, this website has been an entirely volunteer effort. We appreciate any collaboration and volunteer contributions, and we show our appreciation on our colleagues page here. Volunteering your skills to get yourself known is a good strategy for building networks and finding work in this fast-growing emerging field of economics. Language Translator Position Title: Language Translator Overview: The Complementary Currency Resource Center is an International Resource, therefore we are making every effort to make our services available in as many languages as possible. Translator Responsibilities: • Receive information regarding translation from the Project Coordinator. • Login to the Website and translate using the WordPress Translation System Contact the Project Coordinator for more information about this position. Internet / Database / Systems Programmer Position Title: Programmer Contact the Programming Coordinator for more information about this position. Regional Coordinator

Bernard Lietaer 'Community Currencies', part 3 Let us assume now that we develop a currency whose sole objective is to fulfill the two main roles of money: standard of value and medium of exchange. To discourage its use as a store of value, we build in a "booster" mechanism: when someone earns the equivalent of $100 in this currency, we give him or her a purchasing power of $110 if the money is used today. It would be worth only $ 109 tomorrow, $ 108 the day after tomorrow, $100 on the tenth day, and $90 in twenty days, and so on.(note 3) Now, what would happen? The following patterns would become manifest: A structural incentive to separate the functions of medium of exchange and store of value would be achieved, with the advantage of reducing the boom-bust cycle. The conceptual key to understanding this shift involves changing the "arrow of time" in the investment process. Consumption patterns would evolve toward products with longer lifetimes. Is such an unconventional concept as "charge money" a theoretically sound one?

El fin del euro y del dólar: llegan las monedas virtuales ¿Las divisas oficiales corren el riesgo de desaparecer en un futuro próximo ante el auge de las monedas virtuales descentralizadas? Este parece ser el temor de la Royal Canadian Mint, la casa de la moneda oficial canadiense, que pretende lanzar en septiembre su propia moneda virtual, llamada MintChip, para utilizar en las transacciones comerciales electrónicas. El responsable de finanzas de la casa de moneda canadiense, Marc Brule, parece que ha adoptado el dicho de ‘si no puedes con el enemigo, únete a él’, ya que todas las experiencias monetarias en internet llevan el sello de empresas privadas, con el consiguiente riesgo para los Estados y bancos centrales de perder el monopolio de la oferta en un futuro no muy lejano. “A través de nuestros estudios de investigación hemos descubierto que algunas necesidades del mercado no se cubren con la oferta de pago actual”, explica en una entrevista concedida a The Wired. Alerta estatal La gran oportunidad Burbuja financiera digital
