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Learning Three.js

Learning Three.js

Webmaster API Providing an attractive game as part of a web site retains visitors and increase the returns. This is what the Webmaster API brings: Jocly services directly into your web sites pages. We just released the first beta. So far, only human vs computer mode is supported. Integrating a Jocly game is as simple as inserting this HTML code: where {webmaster id} is an id that is unique to you as a webmaster {game name} is the machine name for the game to be played (check for a list). You can add width, height and frameborder attibutes to customize the iframe: The game board will automatically adapt its viewport to fit your iframe dimension. To get your webmaster id, just log into Jocly, go to pick tab "Jocly Webmaster" and register as a webmaster. If you are comfortable with AJAX, it is also possible to go further and get data about games before launching them, so you can provide a full game portal to your users.

The Shapes of CSS Learn Development at Frontend Masters CSS is capable of making all sorts of shapes. Squares and rectangles are easy, as they are the natural shapes of the web. Add a width and height and you have the exact size rectangle you need. We also get the ::before and ::after pseudo elements in CSS, which give us the potential of two more shapes we can add to the original element. Square Rectangle Circle Oval Triangle Up Triangle Down Triangle Left Triangle Right Triangle Top Left Triangle Top Right Triangle Bottom Left Triangle Bottom Right Curved Tail Arrow via Ando Razafimandimby Trapezoid Parallelogram Star (6-points) Star (5-points) via Kit MacAllister Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Heart via Nicolas Gallagher Infinity via Nicolas Gallagher Diamond Square via Joseph Silber Diamond Shield via Joseph Silber Diamond Narrow via Joseph Silber Cut Diamond via Alexander Futekov Egg Pac-Man Talk Bubble RSS Feed via Kevin Huff 12 Point Burst via Alan Johnson 8 Point Burst via Alan Johnson Yin Yang via Alexander Futekov TV Screen Lock

jQuery Mobile Development Guide jQuery Mobile has rocked the web with an easy way of quickly developing mobile applications. Not just mobile web apps but using PhoneGap you can build native applications that can be downloaded in the available app stores. jQuery Mobile can be as flexible as you want it to be, but out of the box it’s built to quickly launch your applications with pre-built design templates or using the jQuery Mobile theme roller. Below is a detailed plan that will help you learn jQuery Mobile and all the possibilities. Use it as a reference guide when your looking to figure something out or trying to determine if there is something you can do in jQuery Mobile. If your looking for a tut that is not here, please request it in the comments and we’ll look into making it. jQuery Mobile 1.1 & 1.2 jQuery Mobile Toolbars Introduction to jQuery Mobile Do More With jQuery Mobile Advanced jQuery Mobile Topics jQuery Mobile Forms PhoneGap

Un pas de plus dans le relooking Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir enfin révéler cette nouvelle homepage plus accueillante et ... "animée". Non, ce n'est pas du Flash ;) La page Jeux a également été refaite pour une meilleure ergonomie. Nouveau: une fiche détaillée pleine d'informations utiles est désormais disponible pour chaque jeu (exemple). Nous travaillons actuellement à la mise à jour de la section "Duels" dans le même esprit. Tiens à propos, nous avons ouvert un compte Pinterest. Detecting And Controlling Touch Events On Web Pages There are legions of faceless hardware and software developers who are owed a debt of gratitude for accomplishing what appears, at first glance, to be a simple transition: equating mouse interactions to touch controls. The fact that that this transition works so seamlessly is little short of a miracle, allowing interaction models like CSS 3D Origami to respond equally well to fingertip touches or a moving cursor, with no extra coding required. However, developers cannot cover every eventuality. Inevitably there are situations where a CSS :hover does not translate to touch in the way that you expect or want. Covering The Basics In the current deluge of mobile devices, screen width does not indicate that a device has touch capabilities. Ensure that UI “hit areas” are at least 50px × 50px in size. Determining If A Device Has Touchability function is_touch_device() { return !! || !! As a function, you can call it almost anywhere in your code: $(document).ready(function() { if (is_touch_device()) {

Framer: Modern Prototyping Voilà, c’est fini… Je quitte Jocly. 3 ans et demi de boulot se terminent. Je ne cacherai pas que je suis assez fier de ce que nous avons réalisé à 2 au cours de cette folle épopée. Ci dessous une vidéo que je viens de terminer et qui je crois fait bien le tour de la chose. Bien sûr ce n’est pas fini pour Jocly, loin de là, mais mon ami et patron Michel ne peut plus investir dans mon poste tant que Jocly n’est pas rentable. Je profite de ce billet pour demander une dernière fois à toute personne voulant causer de notre bébé de ne pas hésiter à me contacter, je continuerai à en faire la promo car je pense que ça le mérite: Jocly est depuis peu une solution complète impliquant des technologies web encore peu utilisées en prod telles que le WebGL et WebRTC. Je fais donc une dernière fois le pitch pour ceux qui voudraient y (re)jeter un oeil: Video DownloadHelper De facto je quitte également Video DownloaHelper, le célébrissime add-on Firefox (2ème mondial, chtefraidire). Bilan personnel #labizh

BinaryJS - Realtime binary streaming for the web using websockets Junior - A front-end framework for building HTML5 mobile apps with a native look and feel. A front-end framework for building HTML5 mobile apps with a native look and feel. CSS3 Transitions optimized for mobile performance. Swipable carousels using flickable.js. Installation Javascript Dependencies Each of these dependencies is included in the lib/javascripts directory. junior.js junior.js is included in the src/javascripts directory. ratchet This dependency is included in the lib/stylesheets directory. junior.css junior.css is included in the src/stylesheets directory. junior.js expects you to have a #app-container and #app-main in your body like this. Examples Annoted example.js The best and most detailed example for how to get started is the Annotated Example for example.js. Jr.Router Jr.Router is simply an extension of Backbone.Router. Jr.View Jr.View is optional for you to use. Jr.Navigator Jr.Navigator is how you trigger a navigation using an animation. Currently the only animations that we have is SLIDE_STACK. Apps that use Junior Sources and Credits

Connecting with WebSockets (Windows Store apps using JavaScript and HTML) Send and receive data using WebSockets for low-latency, secure, real-time bi-directional network communication using features in the Windows.Networking.Sockets namespace. What are WebSockets? The WebSocket Protocol defines a mechanism for fast, secure two-way communication between a client and a server over the web. Data is transferred immediately over a full-duplex single socket connection, allowing messages to be sent and received from both endpoints in real time. To establish a WebSocket connection, a specific, HTTP-based handshake is exchanged between the client and the server. Important A client cannot use WebSockets to transfer data unless the server also uses the WebSocket protocol. The Windows.Networking.Sockets namespace provides support for client WebSockets in the Windows Runtime. The Windows.Networking.Sockets namespace defines two types of WebSocket objects for use by clients in Windows Runtime apps: MessageWebSocket and StreamWebSocket. Developer audience In this section

Single page apps in depth (new free book) Ariel Flesler: jQuery.ScrollTo Notice I've pretty much stopped updating this blog, but the plugin development is still on-going. You can find the link to the Github project page at the bottom of the article. Introduction An article about animated scrolling with jQuery inspired me to make a small, customizable plugin for scrolling elements, or the window itself. How to specify what to scroll ? Simple, all the matched elements will be scrolled, for example: $('div.pane').scrollTo(); If you need to scroll the window (screen), then use: $.scrollTo(); How to specify where ? Settings Getting the real scrollable element out of a node In order to find the real element whose attributes will be animated, you need to call $.fn. $(window). Manually finding the scrolling limit ScrollTo always had an internal function that calculates the scrolling limit for both axes. Overloading This plugin accepts the arguments in two ways, like $.animate(). $().scrollTo( , , ); $().scrollTo( , ); In this second case, you can specify the duration in the hash.

My Workflow for Developing PhoneGap Applications I am asked all the time “How do I get started developing PhoneGap applications?”. My normal answer is to advise people to check out the PhoneGap Getting Started Guides, which provide a great starting point for every platform. However after further thought, I’m not sure this is always what people are asking. Rather than “how do I get started?” Know What You’re Going To Build Before You Build It First and foremost – it is essential to have at least some kind of idea what you are going to build before you build it. The UX design/wireframes help you understand what you application should be doing from the user’s perspective, which in turn helps you make decisions on how you tackle a project. When working with a designer, I use Adobe’s Creative Suite Tools for pretty much everything – wireframes, UI/UX designs, chopping up assets, etc… I’m currently working on a project that was designed by the talented Joni from Adobe XD. OmniGraffle – A drag & drop wireframing tool for OS X. Enjoy!
