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Crazy Meds Welcome to Crazymeds, where you can learn what’s good, what’s bad, what’s interesting, and what’s plain weird and funny about the medications used to treat depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy, migraines, anxiety, neuropathic pain, or whatever psychiatric and/or neurological condition you might have. The information on this site is to help you work with your doctor(s) to find the right treatment options. Too many of us get nothing more than 15-minute appointments with overworked doctors or nurse-practitioners, so we need all the help we can get. We need to talk to our prescribers about the best medication1 to treat our conditions, and not the most profitable ones, or the cheapest ones2. OK, in reality “best” usually translates to “least bad.” Antidepressants, like Celexa and Effexor, for the treatment of depression (duh), anxiety, and other conditions. If you do need to take medication the math is really simple: which sucks less? You don’t think it’s that bad?

Green Smoothie for Weight Loss? | One of my absolute favorite things is a Green Smoothie. It’s a fast, easy, and delicious way to get a big dose of vitamins and minerals, plus it tastes FANTASTIC!! Don’t let the color’s fool you!! It’s super fast to make and a great breakfast or snack option, especially for people on the go and those looking to lose weight. This recipe is super simple. 1-2 bananas1/2 cup frozen peaches1/2 cup frozen mangoa couple handfuls of spinachwater Add just enough water to blend and enjoy, that’s it! I’ve have clients who have literally changed their lives just by adding Green Smoothies into their routine. Try any combo you like, all you need is a base of bananas, fruit of your choice and a couple handfuls of your favorite green (I like spinach as it has a really mild flavor that blends well). You can see all of my delicious smoothie recipes here. Green Smoothie FAQ: People always ask me what kind of blender I use and recommend. Glowing Green Smoothie for Weight Loss Author: Linda Wagner

Weight Loss How to Stop Eating at Night: 7 steps (with pictures) Edit Article Edited by Harri, Flickety, Zareen, BR and 15 others Eating at night is a bad habit to get into because it doesn't leave enough time before going to bed to digest your food well. Ad Steps 1Eat well throughout the day so that you're not ravenous when you get home. 7Be disciplined in your efforts to stop nighttime snacking. Tips Cut up and prepare fruit or veggie snacks in advance.
