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At 9.24pm (and one second) on the night of Wednesday 18 December 2013, from the second arrondissement of Paris, I wrote “Hello!” to my first ever Tinder match. Since that day I’ve fired up the app 920 times and matched with 870 different people. I recall a few of them very well: the ones who either became lovers, friends or terrible first dates. The dating app has 800 pages of information on me, and probably on you too if you are also one of its 50 million users. “I am horrified but absolutely not surprised by this amount of data,” said Olivier Keyes, a data scientist at the University of Washington. As I flicked through page after page of my data I felt guilty. “You are lured into giving away all this information,” says Luke Stark, a digital technology sociologist at Dartmouth University. Reading through the 1,700 Tinder messages I’ve sent since 2013, I took a trip into my hopes, fears, sexual preferences and deepest secrets. So why does Tinder need all that information on you? Related:  rgdpLove in the digital ageallthejack

Carte interactive de la protection des données personnelles dans le monde Carte interactive de la protection des données personnelles dans le monde Voici une carte interactive de la protection des données personnelles dans le monde. Elle pour objectif de bien comprendre le niveau de protection et les différentes lois appliquées dans chaque pays afin de vous aider sur le process de mise en conformité au RGPD. La carte n’est pas encore complètement finie. Cette carte comporte ou comportera les éléments suivants: Le niveau de protection de chaque paysLe titre de la loi ou du projet de loiLes liens vers les documents de loi de chaque paysLes pays membres de l’AFAPDP (l’Association francophone des autorités de protection des données personnelles)Le site web de l’autorité de conformité et son adresse postaleDes remarques importantes sur les lois appliquées Merci pour votre compréhension et n’hésitez pas à me faire votre retour WordPress: J'aime chargement…

Guide to online dating behaviours | Life and style It’s a truism of modern dating that no one knows what they are doing anymore. As technology has exploded our capacity to find potential mates and take them to tapas bars with outsized wine glasses, we’ve all had to relearn our sexual “moves” from first principles, like stone age hunter-gatherers suddenly asked to perform credit default swaps. Yet what’s becoming apparent is that we all don’t know what we’re doing in remarkably consistent ways. These quirks – and the rules formulated by a panoply of breathless dating gurus who promise to help you navigate them – have required a new language. Ghosting Some suggest that ghosting is a defining millennial act. Ghosting is in lockstep with the times because it is entirely driven by new technology’s capacity to anonymise. Rather than explain in a series of text messages that they are a desiccated husk of a human, the ghoster simply puts down the phablet and is never heard from again. Slow fading You should pity them. Cuffing season Deep like

Getting your data out of Tinder is hard. It shouldn't be | Paul-Olivier Dehaye | Technology When a journalist approached me to help her get a copy of her personal data from Tinder, I knew this would be a good story. Judith Duportail had read my work researching the use of psychometrics during the US elections and the Brexit referendum. Duportail knew that Tinder computes a “desirability score” for their users: Tinder’s CEO had told another journalist their score, emphasising how complex and advanced its algorithm supposedly was. Curiosity piqued, Duportail wondered whether Tinder would tell her, or any other user who asked, their score, and how it was computed. Any European company has in theory the obligation to disclose the personal data it holds about any individual who asks them Companies even have to disclose the “logic of the processing” of that data. These rights can be very powerful tools for the democratic and distributed oversight of the data economy, but they have unfortunately fallen into misuse.

European parliament approves tougher data privacy rules | Technology The European parliament has voted through tougher rules on data protection, aimed at boosting privacy and giving authorities greater powers to take action against companies that breach the rules. The rules, including the much-needed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), were four years in the making and form the new backbone of laws for data regulators to pursue companies with heavy fines – as much as 4% of annual turnover for global companies – for incidents such as data breaches, which have become increasingly common. Viviane Reding, MEP and former vice-president of the European commission who proposed the changes in 2012, said: “This is a historic day for Europe. “There can be no freedom without security, and no security without freedom. Replacing the patchwork of national rules The new data privacy laws comprise of the GDPR, which governs the use and privacy of EU citizens’ data, and the Data Protection Directive, which governs the use of EU citizens’ data by law enforcement.

La protection des données en Europe – Oxalia Data Protection La protection des données en Europe L’application prochaine en mai 2018 du « RGPD », le Règlement Général relatif à la Protection des Données à caractère personnel (ou GDPR en anglais), entraine la publication de nombreux articles çà et là sur la toile. Beaucoup d’entre eux évoquent une « révolution » tandis que d’autres, plus mesurés, parlent « d’évolution ». Comme souvent, la vérité est entre les deux. Le RGPD est principalement constitutif d’évolutions et pour certains points constitutif de « révolutions ». Peu de choses sont réellement nouvelles dans ce règlement. Voilà une bonne occasion de jeter un œil à notre tableau comparatif des 28 « CNIL » européennes. Quelles sont leurs possibilités de contrôles et de sanctions ? France Allemagne Autriche Belgique Bulgarie Chypre Croatie Danemark Espagne Estonie Finlande Grèce Hongrie Irlande Italie Lettonie Lituanie Luxembourg Malte Pays-Bas Pologne Portugal République Tchèque Roumanie Royaume-Uni Slovaquie Slovénie Suède Partagez cet article ! LinkedinEmail Related Posts

Sex toy company admits to recording users' remote sex sessions, calls it a 'minor bug' | The Verge I have some news: the Internet of Things is a mess. A hacked refrigerator sounds slightly scary, but a vibrator-controlling app that records all your sex sounds and stores them on your phone without your knowledge? That's way worse. Today, a Reddit user pointed out that Hong Kong-based sex toy company Lovense's remote control vibrator app (Lovense Remote) recorded a use session without their knowledge. A user claiming to represent Lovense responded and called this recording a "minor bug" that only affects Android users. This isn't Lovense's first security flub. All of this is to say that if you're going to purchase connected sex toys, do your research. Correction 4:26 PM ET: This article previously stated that Lovense created the We-Vibe vibrator.

The information banks keep about you and your spending and how it's used - ABC Life Remember the last time you opened a bank account or applied for a credit card? You probably gathered up your paperwork and handed over your name, address and payslips, hoping to be approved. Given what we willingly provide them, you'd expect banks to have a certain level of information about us. But you'd likely be surprised to find out exactly how much they really know, says Professor Dimity Kingsford Smith, a corporate regulation expert from the University of New South Wales. "They know our gender, they know our income, they know where we're employed, they know who our kids are, they know what we spend our money on," she says. "[And] they could make a pretty good guess about how much tax we pay." That's because every time we swipe a credit card, we're handing across more information on our spending patterns — what products and services we buy, how much we're spending and how frequently. This makes the banks one of the few organisations with such a full picture of our personal information.

Em 4 anos, Tinder acumulou 800 páginas de dados pessoais de uma usuária - TecMundo Uma jornalista alemã chamada Judith Duportail recebeu do Tinder nesta semana um documento de 800 páginas contendo seus “mais obscuros e profundos segredos”, como classificoa ela mesma. Duportail solicitou em março deste ano uma cópia de todos os dados que a rede social de encontros tinha a seu respeito depois de deletar sua conta. Ela utilizou o app por cerca de quatro anos, e o serviço gratuito coletou dados incrivelmente precisos sobre ela. Em um artigo no The Guardian, Duportail explicou que, como cidadã alemã, ela fez a solicitação ao Tinder, dizendo que, de acordo com as novas diretrizes da União Europeia sobre proteção de dados, ela tinha direito de ter acesso a tudo o que qualquer serviço online tem de dados sobre si mesma. Segundo ela, o documento que recebeu tinha precisão assustadora, incluindo a localização geográfica determinada por GPS de cada interação que ela teve no app e textos completos de todas as conversas realizadas com demais usuários.

GDPR Material and Territorial Scopes Posted by Tara Taubman-Bassirian on February 8, 2018. The new EU General Data Regulation will apply from May of this year. The GDPR contains rules concerning the protection of natural persons when their personal data are processed and rules on the free movement of personal data. The new regulation is not revolutionary but an evolution from the previous Data Protection Act 1998 that needed an update taking account of the evolution pf new technologies such as social media. The regulation has lately created a big buzz due to much higher financial sanctions. Many whom heard of, have been shaken by the perspective of the high fines of 20 Million € or 4% global turnover, whichever higher. As stressed in Article 1(1) GDPR. Article 1(2) GDPR provides that the GDPR seeks to protect fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and, more specifically, their right to the protection of personal data. Therefore, are excluded legal persons, deceased unless member state ruling otherwise. 2.

a girl’s guide to surviving social media after a break-up "Everywhere I turn he's right there. I feel like I can't escape." This is a conversation most of us have had with friends who have just come out of relationships. Romance is brutal, relationships can burn out slowly or end abruptly and pulling yourself back together after they do is never easy. But there is one thing, always present, which affects the process more than we give it credit for. Your phone might be face down on the table if present company is lucky, but it's more likely standing to attention by your elbow or gripped in one hand. We continue to underestimate the actual impact of the culture of surveillance and self-surveillance created by social media, but we are all victim to its repercussions. Imagine for a moment that you've fallen asleep and woken up inside your Instagram account. Social media after a break-up is a minefield -- if you aren't going to delete it make sure you're aware of it.
