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Grooveshark Downloader Mit der Web-App Grooveshark spielen Sie Ihre Lieblingsmusik direkt im Browser oder finden neue Künstler mit Hilfe der Grooveshark-Community. Mit wenigen Klicks stellen Sie sich aus dem riesigen Angebot auch eigene Streaming-Playlisten zusammen. Wer sich die Lieblings-Musik auf der Festplatte sichern möchte, liegt mit dem "Grooveshark Downloader" genau richtig. Hinweis: Die Software enthält Adware. Bitte verfolgen Sie die Installation aufmerksam und wählen Sie, wenn möglich, eine benutzerdefinierte Installation. Lehnen Sie alle nicht benötigten Zusatz-Angebote ab, oder entfernen Sie die entsprechenden Haken aus den Checkboxen.

Nerd Art Stock Pile: Superhero Sculptures, TMNT Noses, Star Wars Pumpkins, Portal and M.C. Escher Mashup, Bebop Taxidermy and MOAR The Interwebz is a great place for nerdy art and the like. A lot of the time it’s fuckin’ weird shit like Superman rupturing Lois Lanes vagina with his super sperm, Gandalf docking Magneto, bestiality with the Ninja Turtles and shit like that. But there are a lot of awesome things that we see on a daily basis, and we’re lazy nerd bastards so we just round them all up once a week for your nerdgasm glory. First up, we have a set of bizarre Superhero sculptures by artist Calvin Ma. The sculptures include characters such as He-Man, Batman, Spider-Man, Lion-O and more. While these are impressive and I clap my hands at seeing truly unique designs, I confess that I will not sleep tonight.

Good Weather for Airstrikes - Musik und mehr Από το 0 στα 10 ^-43 δευτερόλεπτα. Η εποχή του Planck, Η Εποχή που η διάσταση του χρόνου εξομοιώνετε με μια από τις διαστάσεις του χώρου… το κοσμικό ρολόι συνεχίζει να χτυπάει, ο χρόνος κυλάει μπροστά ποτέ αντίστροφα, η διαστολή του Σύμπαντος συνεχίζεται…Το ταξίδι συνεχίζεται...πάτα γερά εδώ η βαρύτητα έχει λόγο και ο λόγος βαρύτητα… Πες το και στον διπλανό σου. Γράφουμε για αφύπνιση νου, συνειδητά.

openkapow - Blogs All Song Results: dominik Grooveshark - Free Music Streaming Online Radio and Internet Streaming. Music Popular Music Music Videos Online Radio Stations Community Music <a href=" title="Grooveshark"><img src=" alt="Grooveshark" /></a> <h2>Listen to free music online.</h2> <p>Grooveshark provides free music streaming, online radio stations, and lets you connect with artists and friends.</p> <p>Grooveshark is the world's largest international community of music lovers. Artists pay tribute to Steve Jobs - Appletell A newly-formed French rock band known as Bravery in Battle and artist Olivier Lefebvre from Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec City have paid tribute to Steve Jobs in their own very special ways. Lefebvre’s work can be seen above, as he created that portrait of Steve Jobs entirely out of 3,735 deer (rotting) apples. Although the portrait may not look exactly like Steve, the resemblance is certainly there. Bravery in Battle paid their tribute to Steve through a music video, entitled “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish,” using clips from his famous 2005 Stanford Commencement Address speech. The band chose parts of his speech which meant the most to them, and combined them with the band’s music to create an inspiring video that you can watch for yourself below.

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