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Witches' Voice Inc. - 17 December, 2010 - 11:27:00 PM

Witches' Voice Inc. - 17 December, 2010 - 11:27:00 PM

Demon In Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an unclean spirit, sometimes a fallen angel, the spirit of a deceased human, or a spirit of unknown type which may cause demonic possession, calling for an exorcism. In Western occultism and Renaissance magic, which grew out of an amalgamation of Greco-Roman magic, Jewish demonology and Christian tradition,[2] a demon is a spiritual entity that may be conjured and controlled. Terminology[edit] The Greek term does not have any connotations of evil or malevolence. The supposed existence of demons remains an important concept in many modern religions and occultist traditions. Psychological archetype[edit] Psychologist Wilhelm Wundt remarked that "among the activities attributed by myths all over the world to demons, the harmful predominate, so that in popular belief bad demons are clearly older than good ones M. By tradition[edit] Judaism[edit]

Louisiana: Main Page Louisiana Home Page... Hail and welcome Witches, Pagans, Wiccans and Heathens to the Witchvox home page for Louisiana! (v8.2). <--- To your left are HOT LINKS to complete listings for Louisiana. Louisiana Sponsors: The WitchVox staff would like to thank Autumn Star - Bee Hive Coven, Rev. This page is designed to grow and evolve with useful enhancements and dynamic content. Thank you for what you are doing in Louisiana and for what you will continue do for the good of us all. In Your Service,

13 Ideas for Samhain article Let's face it; Halloween is a major commercialized holiday. So how do you find something meaningful to pull out of all the mainstream commercialism for your Sabbat celebrations? Take a close look at the history behind the holiday, then create new traditions for your family to enjoy year after year. Samhain (also known as the Festival of the Dead or All Hallows' Eve) is a time for us to release the spirits of those who have died during the previous year and for us to honor our ancestors. Volunteer to talk to your child's class about the origins of Halloween and how Wiccans really celebrate Samhain. Together as a family, create an altar honoring your family's beloved dead (including pets). Make candleholders out of apples, turnips, gourds and small pumpkins by hollowing out deep holes in the tops. Put candles in the windows to guide spirit travelers on their way. Eat dinner by candlelight, setting a place at the table for your beloved dead. Bob for apples in your cauldron!

Photocase - Creative Stock Photography that's good for your eyes. Walking the Unbeaten Path The IndoPagan Project Spiral Goddess Grove - A Goddess Temple 10 Strange Things About The Universe Space The universe can be a very strange place. While groundbreaking ideas such as quantum theory, relativity and even the Earth going around the Sun might be commonly accepted now, science still continues to show that the universe contains things you might find it difficult to believe, and even more difficult to get your head around. Theoretically, the lowest temperature that can be achieved is absolute zero, exactly ?273.15°C, where the motion of all particles stops completely. One of the properties of a negative-energy vacuum is that light actually travels faster in it than it does in a normal vacuum, something that may one day allow people to travel faster than the speed of light in a kind of negative-energy vacuum bubble. One prediction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity is that when a large object moves, it drags the space-time around it, causing nearby objects to be pulled along as well. Relativity of Simultaneity This is similar to arranging tiles evenly on a floor.

Rosarium Philosophorum (part 1) Back to Rosarium page. Here beginneth the Book of the Rosary of the Philosophers most diligently compiled and brought into one volume. They who desire to have the most true knowledge of the greater science of the philosophical Art, let them diligently peruse this little book and often times read it over and they shall obtain their prosperous and wished desire. Listen to these things, you children of the Ancient Philosophers, I will speak in the loudest and highest voice I can, for I come unto you to open and declare the principal state of human things and the most secret treasure of all the secrets of the whole world. I will not do it feignedly and erroneously but altogether plainly and truly, wherefore use you towards me such devotion of hearing as I shall bring unto you magistery of doctrine and wisdom, for I will show you a true testimony of those things which I have seen with my own eyes and felt with my hands. But the second way is called particular and it is hard and laboursome. Dual Music Player That Plays Your MP3 Collection & Your CDs Dual Music Player That Plays Your MP3 Collection & Your CDs You want to enjoy your audio CDs while traveling but you also have a huge MP3 collection at home that you want to take with you. The ideal solution? DMP, a portable music player that supports CD and MP3 files. Use the MP3 player as you normally would, hang it around your neck, clip it on your jeans or place it in your pocket. Otherwise open both sides and insert your favorite CD and you got yourself a CD player my friend. Designer: Yong-Seong Kim The Book of Shadows Here you will find one of the largest online Book of Shadows. This page may seem a bit unorganized but I can't think of any other way to do it and I would hate to have a bunch of links for you to have to click on to get to the information you are looking for. So check back often for more items. If you would like to have a spell or information posted here, e-mail me! Magick is the art of causing change to occur in accordance with one's desires. Table of Contents Please choose one of the following: Tips For The Solitatry Practitioner A Book Blesssing | Beliefs | Wiccan Rede | Pagan Terminology| What is Magick? God and Goddess DirectoryCharge of the Goddess | Charge of the God | Charge of the Dark Goddess | Charge of the Dark God The Pentagram | Creation Myths | Pagan Humor | Pagan Traditions | Pagan Parenting Circle Casting | The Wheel of the Year | Misc. Full Moon Rituals | Dark Moon Rituals | New Moon Rituals | Solitary Moon Ritual | Witches Bottles| Dream Spells| House Protection

The Celtic Connection Internet Book of Shadows Index This is a large (+9Mb) collection of articles related to Neo-Paganism which can be found archived at a number of FTP sites (for instance, here). This is a collection of posts to bulletin boards from the late eighties to the mid nineties, essentially predating the modern Internet. According to a recent communication, the original editor of this archive was Durwydd mac Tara at PODS net. We acknowledge Durwydd's hard work to preserve this archive. For ease of access, we have converted this archive to HTML using a C program. There are a number of technical difficulties with this collection including runtogetherwords in many places, problems with the table of contents and huge inconsistencies in pagination; due to the volume of this material we have left these intact for now. We have taken the liberty of removing about twenty-five articles which were too far 'off topic', posted elsewhere at this site, or had serious copyright issues.

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