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11 (onze) mois sans toi(t)

11 (onze) mois sans toi(t) Visualize your resume in one click. Letters of Note Map your moves Data This map distills more than 4000 moves from over 1700 people, collected in an informal survey by WNYC, a New York based public radio station. For generating the geo–coordinates from the entered ZIP codes, I used the free bulk geocoder at I did not check every single data row in detail, so a few of the moves might be misrepresented. Mapping As most moves occurred from, to or within the New York area, this area displayed enlarged in the white circle at the center of the graphic. Visual markers Each circle corresponds to one zip code area. Actually, it is consists of two overlaid circles: a red one for people moving out of the area, and a blue one for people moving to the area. Interaction Click one of the circles to inspect only moves to or from this area. Details On the right, you can find some statistics on why and when people moved to the selected areas.

If we don't, remember me. color forecast Stella Artois Black presents The Black Diamond | Stella Artois Inspirational Quotes / Motivational Quotes / Quotes to live by This site is not suppose to look like this, it's suppose to be a little more fun. You are probably using an old browser like Internet Explorer (Shame on you). Use the latest versions of Firefox, Safari or Chrome instead. Inspirational Quote 68 If you don't like how things are, change it! Jim Rohn Inspirational Quote 67 Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything. Vince Lobardi Inspirational Quote 66 If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Milton Berle Inspirational Quote 65 Everything you want is on the other side of fear. George Addair Inspirational Quote 64 Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! Audrey Hepburn Inspirational Quote 63 You can't live your life for other people. Nicholas Sparks Inspirational Quote 62 Well-behaved women seldom make history. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Inspirational Quote 61 If you don't like something, change it. Maya Angelou Inspirational Quote 60 Everything you can imagine is real. Pablo Picasso Inspirational Quote 59 I have not failed. C.

Public Data Explorer Eurostat, Indicateurs démographiques Eurostat Indicateurs démographiques annuels. Ce jeu de données a été préparé par Google à partir de données téléchargées depuis le site d'Eurostat. Chômage en Europe (données mensuelles) données sur le chômage harmonisé pour les pays européens. Salaire minimum en Europe Salaire mensuel brut minimum en euros ou parités de pouvoir d'achat, données semi-annuelles. Dette publique en Europe Statistiques sur les finances publiques des pays européens. Transport routier en Europe Statistiques du transport routier pour les pays européens.

RVMBLE | San Francisco the color of: an attempt to find out the color of anything What is the color of happiness? Now you have an objective answer with 'The Color Of' app. When you search for something, the app will grab pictures from Instagram and overlap them to form an abstract image with a dominant color, which you can share on Facebook and Twitter, save as your phone's wallpaper, or even send as a postcard. You can even explore the creations of other users. 'The Color Of' project adds on to the emerging field of new media and data art, where the work goes beyond a static medium by co-creating an art piece together with the user, the photo community and their ever-changing data. As a mobile app, users now have a piece of the project with them for an extended art experience anywhere and anytime. From its creation till today, web experiment has over 300,000 visits. presents the Handy test!
