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Building Your Own Super Computer

Building Your Own Super Computer
Building Your Own Super - Building a Linux Cluster ( 4 ) Linux clusters are generally more common, robust, efficient and cost effective than Windows clusters. We will now look at the steps involved in building up a Linux cluster. For more information go here . Step 1 Install a Linux distribution (I am using Red Hat 7.1 and working with two Linux boxes) on each computer in your cluster. Usually, one node is designated as the master node (where you'll control the cluster, write and run programs, etc.) with all the other nodes used as computational slaves. Our cluster is private, so theoretically we could assign any valid IP address to our nodes as long as each has a unique value. If you already have Linux installed on each node in your cluster, then you don't have to make changes to your IP addresses or hostnames unless you want to. Finally, create identical user on each node. Step 2 We now need to configure rsh on each node in our cluster. Master DevArticle Slave DevArticle

The Ultimate List of Uses for Old Computers Are you wondering what to do with that old computer? Well, I will start by skipping the usual… I will not talk about the obvious uses which you probably already know like: “Sell it on eBay”, “Cannibalize it”, “Give it to the Kids”, “Donate it”, “Recycle it” etc. If you wanted to do any of those you wouldn’t be reading this article in the first place, would you? Or other uses that are simply not practical for 99.9% of us… Like building a cluster… That is, if you have more than one old pc, and are prepared to spend more on electricity than what these computers are worth. File server: I would venture to say that this is easily the most popular use for an old computer now days. Build your own TiVo: I am sure many of you have wondered, why should we have to pay a monthly fee to record a program we are already paying for. Build your own SLINGBOX: Want to watch programs at work? Build your own CCTV (Security Camera) System: Build a Home Automation Server: Build your own Arcade Console:

Baking Pi - Operating Systems Development This course has not yet been updated to work with the Raspberry Pi models B+ and A+. Some elements may not work, in particular the first few lessons about the LED. It has also not been updated for Raspberry Pi v2. Welcome to Baking Pi: Operating Systems Development! You can now help contribute to this tutorial on GitHub. This website is here to guide you through the process of developing very basic operating systems on the Raspberry Pi! This course takes you through the basics of operating systems development in assembly code. Rather than leading the reader through the full details of creating an Operating System, these tutorials focus on achieving a few common tasks separately. 1 Requirements 1.1 Hardware In order to complete this course you will need a Raspberry Pi with an SD card and power supply. 1.2 Software In terms of software, you require a GNU compiler toolchain that targets ARMv6 processors. 2 Lessons

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45 Free Online Computer Science Courses Missed lectures or hate teachers? Or want to study computer science courses without going to university? … You can study anytime anywhere because there are number of free online computer science courses available on internet that are very interactive. Here is the list of 45 free online computer science courses that are designed by teaching experts from best universities of the world (almost the whole graduation!). 1. Programming Methodology CS106A , Stanford University Course. Complete set of course materials. 2. This course is the natural successor to Programming Methodology and covers such advanced programming topics as recursion, algorithmic analysis, and data abstraction using the C++ programming language, which is similar to both C and Java. 3. Advanced memory management features of C and C++; the differences between imperative and object-oriented paradigms. 4. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. 5. 6.

Top 15 Open Source/Free Security/Hacking Tools | Security & Hacking Blog 1. Nmap Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. Nmap homepage. 2. Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer. 3. Metasploit Community Edition simplifies network discovery and vulnerability verification for specific exploits, increasing the effectiveness of vulnerability scanners. 4. Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6400 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 1200 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers. 5. 6. ettercap 7. 8. 9. 10. w3af 11. hping 12. burpsuite 13. Learn SQL The Hard Way Python | Ruby | C | Regex Learn SQL The Hard Way Table Of Contents Frequently Asked Questions How long does this course take? You should take as long as it takes to get through it, but focus on doing work every day. What kind of computer do I need? You will need either a Windows, OSX or Linux computer to complete this book. Copyright (C) 2010 Zed. Credits How to Craft the Perfect Computer Spec List for Your Needs How to Build a Hackintosh Mac and Install OS X in Eight Easy Steps @douglobue: Apple doesn't always have the hardware options you want, and if they do, as with windows computers, building your own is almost always cheaper. Plus, as you said, it's fun to DIY. @douglobue: You're not going to get the same hardware for the price, but if you need a monitor, that's certainly an extra price. Personally, I wanted a powerful machine I can open up, add things to, and control. Mac Pro's are insanely expensive; Hackintosh machines are not, but can be very, very powerful. And yeah, DIY is part of the fun. :) @douglobue: i just priced out all the parts to do an 8-core i7 @ 3.06ghz. with 8gb ram, and a 1tb drive. for under $1800. an imac, at that price range, comes with an i3 with 4 gb of ram. @douglobue: Core i7 is your answer, you have to be geek enough to understand.

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I have a question:
In a datacenter for a big website company like Google, do they depend completely on clustering to build their computer infrastructure. Also anybody has any idea about their clustering software that they use. I know they use Hadoop, but they run than on top of already clustered machines running lunix. Hadoop works on clustered machines, but doesn't perform clustering. Any thoughts about that? by khalaf Feb 4
