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Free Geolocation Database New Database Format Available: This page is for our legacy databases. For our latest database format, please see our GeoLite2 Databases. Databases IP Geolocation Telecomix Telecomix is a sociocyphernetic telecommunist feminist cluster of internet and data loving bots and people, always striving to protect and improve the internet and defend the free flow of data. Telecomix, just like the Internet, knows no borders technological or territorial. We have no specific agenda, IRCocratic leadership and no pre-determined practices. We are an occurance rather than a group; a siphonophoric organism transmitting its genome through memes and imitation rather than through rules and regulations.

Royal Society journal archive made permanently free to access 26 October 2011 Around 60,000 historical scientific papers are accessible via a fully searchable online archive, with papers published more than 70 years ago now becoming freely available. The Royal Society is the world’s oldest scientific publisher, with the first edition of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society appearing in 1665. Henry Oldenburg – Secretary of the Royal Society and first Editor of the publication – ensured that it was “licensed by the council of the society, being first reviewed by some of the members of the same”, thus making it the first ever peer-reviewed journal. Philosophical Transactions had to overcome early setbacks including plague, the Great Fire of London and even the imprisonment of Oldenburg, but against the odds the publication survived to the present day.

Free Software Foundation Europe Open Letter to EU institutions: Time to support Open Standards 26 March 2014: In an open letter to the European Parliament and the European Commission, Free Software Foundation Europe and Open Forum Europe are asking the European institutions to improve their support for Open Standards.

Cool Infographics - Cool Posters A collection of great infographic posters from around the world. Click the image to be taken to the poster site to view details and order yourself a copy. Purchasing posters through these links will help support Cool Infographics on most of the posters below. Thank you! A Visual Compendium of Cameras SPARQL Query Language for RDF W3C Recommendation 15 January 2008 New Version Available: SPARQL 1.1 (Document Status Update, 26 March 2013) The SPARQL Working Group has produced a W3C Recommendation for a new version of SPARQL which adds features to this 2008 version. How many pupils from your school go to Oxbridge? Four schools and one sixth-form college sent more pupils to Oxford and Cambridge between them over three years than 2,000 schools and colleges across the UK, according to a new study that analyses university admissions by individual schools. Westminster, Eton, St Pauls, St Pauls Girls School and Hills Road sixth form college, a state school, produced 946 Oxbridge entrants from 2007-09. In the same period, 2,000 schools and colleges sent 927 pupils to Oxbridge. The difference in these schools' success rates is driven mainly by gaps in achievement at A-level, but some schools do better at gaining entry to university than others with similar exam results. At a comprehensive and a private school in Cornwall, with near identical results, one sent 17% to selective universities and the other 66%.

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