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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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Bill Gates William Henry Gates III, meglio conosciuto come Bill Gates (Seattle, 28 ottobre 1955), è un imprenditore, programmatore, informatico e filantropo statunitense. È meglio conosciuto come il principale fondatore di Microsoft Corporation.[1][2] Durante la sua carriera in Microsoft, Gates ha tenuto le posizioni di presidente del consiglio di amministrazione (chairman), amministratore delegato (CEO) e chief software architect, ed è anche stato il maggior azionista individuale fino a maggio del 2014. Gates è uno dei più conosciuti imprenditori della rivoluzione del personal computer. È stato criticato per le tattiche commerciali, che sono state considerate anti-competitive. Questa opinione è stata sostenuta da numerose sentenze giudiziarie.[8][9] Dopo aver lasciato Microsoft, Gates perseguì una serie di imprese filantropiche. Biografia Infanzia e adolescenza Nato in una famiglia di origini inglesi, tedesche, irlandesi e scozzesi,[21][22] il padre William H. I primi progetti e l'università Note

Information for Grant Seekers The ADEAGies Foundation provides grants to improve the oral health of the public through the support of dental education institutions; the encouragement of lifelong learning; and the recognition of scholarly achievement, professional ethics and values, and publications in dental education and research. Three to five proposals may be funded annually. Grant support ranges up to $25,000 and may be a one-time grant or funding provided for up to four years. The ADEAGies Foundation has two funding cycles per year, with deadlines of March 1 and September 1. The Foundation will give prompt consideration to all proposals and will respond to applicants within 90 days of the deadline. The ADEAGies Foundation is interested in receiving applications for grants that: Other Considerations: The foundation gives priority to grant applicants from the United States.

Steve Jobs Durante los años 90 transformó una empresa subsidiaria adquirida a Lucasfilm en Pixar, que revolucionó la industria de animación con el lanzamiento de Toy Story. La integración de esta compañía en Disney, de la que era proveedor, convertiría a Jobs en el mayor accionista individual del gigante del entretenimiento. En el año de su muerte, su fortuna se valoraba en 8300 millones de dólares[21]​ y ocupaba el puesto 110 en la lista de grandes fortunas de la revista Forbes. Biografía Primeros años En esa nueva familia Steve creció junto a su otra hermana, Patty. Ya en la secundaria asiste a charlas de Hewlett-Packard. Inicios de Apple Computer El célebre computador Macintosh al que Steve Jobs le debe su mayor fama. Debido a las exigencias de su contrato con Hewlett-Packard, Wozniak tuvo que dar a conocer su intención de construir un computador personal a la empresa, que desechó la idea por considerarla ridícula.[33]​ Fue así como en 1976 nació Apple Computer Company.[27]​ Fundación de Pixar Muerte

How We Give Together, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation generally provide more than $1 billion in cash and in-kind to support programs that align with our philanthropic priorities. Our philanthropic approach is rooted in our company’s mission to create opportunity, so people can live better. Through the philanthropic investments of, we strive to systematically address some of the biggest economic, environmental, and social challenges faced in the world today. But we can’t do it alone. To help meet the critical needs resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have committed $35 million to support organizations on the front lines responding to the outbreak. supports work directly related to our philanthropic strategies and geographic focus. Requirements vary, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application.

VARTA Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Storia[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Note[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Altri progetti[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Wikimedia Commons contiene immagini o altri file su VARTA Collegamenti esterni[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Sito ufficiale, su Welcome to the ADEAGies Foundation As the only philanthropy dedicated solely to dental education, the mission of the ADEAGies Foundation® is to enhance the oral health of the public by funding programs that support innovations in dental education, research, leadership and recognition. To achieve its mission, the Foundation awards grants–over $1.2 million to date–and holds The William J. Gies Awards for Vision, Innovation and Achievement each year. The ADEAGies Foundation provides opportunities for dental educators and organizations in the dental education community to have a lasting impact across dental education. History In the spirit of elevating dentistry within the health professions, the William J. In 2006, ADEA and the ADEAGies Foundation forged a landmark agreement with Oral Health America (OHA), the nation’s premier independent advocacy organization dedicated to improving oral health to increase public awareness of the inextricable connection between oral health and overall health. In 2007, The William J.

Desde la psicología – Pedro T. Sánchez » Conceptos fundamentales para entender la Teoría Sistémica. El concepto básico de la teoría sistémica es obviamente el sistema. Para nuestro como trabajamos con personas, podemos definir un sistema como un conjunto de personas que interactúan. La noción de sistema está basada en dos conceptos que proceden de la Teoría de la Gestalt: el primero nos dice que la Unidad es algo más que la simple suma de sus partes, y el segundo que la clave para entender las unidades complejas reside en su organización. Dado que por su misma naturaleza un sistema consiste en secuencias de interacción, el tiempo debe estar considerado siempre implícito en un sistema. Otro aspecto importante de la definición de un sistema es que engloba también a su medio ambiente. Existen dos clases de sistemas: los cerrados y los abiertos. Conceptos fundamentales: Totalidad, No sumatividad, No unilateralidad, retroalimentación, equifinalidad, estabilidad. Quizás, esta característica se entienda mejor en contraste con su opuesto polar, que es el carácter sumatorio. Cargando…

Institute of Museum and Library Services
