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Tester et optimiser votre site avec

Tester et optimiser votre site avec

100 outils pour lancer sa startup sans développeur ni graphiste (et presque sans argent) Republication d'un article du 13 avril 2018 Retrouvez l'article (en anglais) sur le blog de Maxime Blondel Ce qui suit est le résultat de sept années de veille de Maxime Blondel, serial entrepreneur et fondateur de trois marketplaces. Issus de blogs, articles d'entrepreneurs et de mentors, rencontres avec des accélérateurs et incubateurs, discussions dans des communautés privées sur Facebook et Slack, listes dressées par des journalistes Tech, classements de Product Hunt... tous ces outils ont été glanés sur internet. PS : rien de mieux qu'un bon vieux Excel pour garder les contacts de tous les journalistes que vous croisez

Duplicate Content Checker / Plagiarism Detection Tool Duplicate content checker / Plagiarism detection. Use the duplicate content checker to find internal and external duplicate content for a specific webpage. Duplicate content is an important SEO issue, because search engines try to filter out as much duplicates as possible, to offer the best search experience. This tool is able to detect two types of (text based) duplicate content. Tip: Need to check duplicate content for more websites on a daily basis? Duplicate content types Internal duplicate content. Why is it important to prevent duplicate content? As mentioned above search engines don’t like duplicate content / plagiarism because users aren’t interested in looking at a search results page containing multiple URL’s, all containing more or less the same content. How does the duplicate content checker work? Find indexed duplicate content, using URL or TEXT input.Use URL input to extract the main article content / text found in the body of a web page. How to use these results?

Documentation and list of commands for your Nginx server » Webinoly Webinoly provides a set of tools and commands that facilitate the web server administration. The idea is to always have any option to a command away, that is, with a single command you can install and configure your web server, with a single command you can create a new site or with a single command you can completely configure an SSL certificate, among many other options. In the Quick Setup Guide you will find the basic elements and steps to start your first server in just minutes. Read our Full Example and Advanced Practical Tutorial for Webinoly as a guide to know in a practical way the use of some common commands for your web server. Commands available: HttpAuth · Log · Site · Stack · Webinoly Quick guide of commands available in Webinoly. Basic HTTP authentication for any directory or file, we also use it as an additional layer of protection for access to the WordPress administrators area. Access and applications log manager and real-time viewer from command line.

RM Tech, l'audit SEO qui fait parler la data ! My Ranking Metrics Web Page Analyzer - free website optimization tool website speed test check website performance report from web site optimization Free Website Performance Tool and Web Page Speed Analysis Try our free web site speed test to improve website performance. Enter a URL below to calculate page size, composition, and download time. The script calculates the size of individual elements and sums up each type of web page component. Based on these page characteristics the script then offers advice on how to improve page load time. Help Speed Up the Web Tired of waiting for slow web sites? <a href=" Page Analyzer</a> - Free web page analysis tool calculates page size, composition, and download time. Consider optimizing your site - with our Website Optimization Secrets book, contacting us about our optimization services, or our Speed Tweak tutorials. Related Website Optimization Services Try our targeted services to optimize your web site's ROI. Version History See the version history for all revisions.

Gmail : l'intégration automatique d'évènements à Google Agenda étendue aux utilisateurs de Google Apps Depuis la fin de l’année dernière et la refonte de Google Agenda, Gmail et Google Agenda pouvait se synchroniser lorsque l’utilisateur recevait un email lié à un évènement précisément daté. Désormais, la fonctionnalité est étendue à tous les utilisateurs de Google Apps, et n’est donc plus réservée exclusivement aux utilisateurs de Gmail. Cette fonctionnalité, présente depuis novembre 2014 pour les utilisateurs de Gmail est très pratique. Lors de la réception d’un email lié à un évènement, comme une réservation de vol, de concert ou de restaurant, cet évènement est automatiquement ajouté dans Google Agenda avec la bonne date et le bon intitulé. Lien YouTube S’abonner à FrAndroid Cette fonctionnalité sera disponible dès la semaine prochaine ou dans deux semaines aux versions mobiles (y compris pour iOS) et bureautiques des deux applications et à tous les utilisateurs de Google Apps à l’exception des utilisateurs de Google Apps for Governments.

People Also Ask - A Free Content Idea and Research Tool How is this different from Answer The Public? Technically speaking, Answer The Public uses Google's autocomplete functionality to extract questions whereas our tool uses Google's "People Also Ask" box. Practically speaking, this means that our tool is able to do 3 things better than Answer the Public: 1. Find questions that do not include the focus keyword.Because of how Answer the Public works, it is limited to questions that include the focus keyword. For example, for the query "car insurance", our tool is able to find questions such as "What does bumper to bumper not cover?" 2. 3. For example, for the query "first sales hire", our tool is able to to find 49 questions where Answer the Public is only able to find 3:‍ Why are there no results for my query? Google uses personalized data such as location, profile, and search history to decide whether or not to show the People Also Ask (PAA) box in the search results.

Cheap SSL Certificates as low as $3.88 per year | GoGetSSL™ Suivi de position Free Website Checker Tool | Online SEO Checker and Site Analysis Basically, to run this tool, all you need to do is enter a domain in the search box and click on the “Analyze” button beside it. The rest will be handled by the SEO checker tool. Within seconds, you’ll be presented with complete SEO analysis results along with details on other parameters like the Technology used, Social Media presence, Mobile Rendering etc. This detailed information by the site checker will help you in learning all the places where your website is lacking in the field of SEO. After you’ve made the desired changes, return to our free website analysis tool and check for a fresh SEO site checkup. Similarly, our website SEO Checker can also be used to assess competitor websites in identifying the areas where they’re performing well.

Les 30 meilleurs outils tice de l'année 2018 Article mis à jour le 20 juin 2020 par Fidel Navamuel Alors que la période des rétrospectives va commencer, je me suis livré à ce petit jeu pour vous proposer ma sélection très personnelle des outils tice testés ces derniers mois. Le résultat est un ebook d’une centaine de pages à télécharger que j’ai le plaisir de vous offrir. Le choix n’a pas été facile. Comme chaque année, j’y ai consacré pas mal de temps avant de trancher pour savoir si tel outil outil ou service méritait de figurer dans ma sélection. Le site des Outils TICE a testé et présenté plus de 150 outils et services cette année, il fallait en garder un sur cinq. Dans les critères qui ont guidé mon choix, l’originalité et la facilité d’utilisation, mais aussi la bonne adaptation à un usage en classe ou en formation: ceux qui m’ont surpris, ceux qui m’ont époustouflé, ceux que j’aurais aimé concevoir moi-même. Il n’y a pas de classement dans ce podium des outils TICE de l’année.

Site Kit by Google – WordPress plugin Site Kit is the official WordPress plugin from Google for insights about how people find and use your site. Site Kit is the one-stop solution to deploy, manage, and get insights from critical Google tools to make the site successful on the web. It provides authoritative, up-to-date insights from multiple Google products directly on the WordPress dashboard for easy access, all for free. Bringing the best of Google tools to WordPress Site Kit includes powerful features that make using these Google products seamless and flexible: Easy-to-understand stats directly on your WordPress dashboardOfficial stats from multiple Google tools, all in one dashboardQuick setup for multiple Google tools without having to edit the source code of your siteMetrics for your entire site and for individual postsEasy-to-manage, granular permissions across WordPress and different Google products Supported Google tools Site Kit shows key metrics and insights from different Google products: Manual installation Enhanced

Base64 Encode and Decode - Online Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool & Crawler Software About The Tool The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a fast and advanced SEO site audit tool. It can be used to crawl both small and large websites, where manually checking every page would be extremely labour intensive, and where you can easily miss a redirect, missing page title, or duplicate page issue. You can view, analyse and filter the crawl data as it’s gathered and updated in real-time in the apps UI. The SEO Spider allows you to export key onsite SEO elements (URL, page title, meta description, headings etc) to a spread sheet, so it can easily be used as a base for SEO recommendations. Check our out demo video above. Crawl 500 URLs For Free The ‘lite’ version of the tool is free to download and use. For just £199 per year you can purchase a licence, which removes the 500 URL crawl limit, allows you to save crawls, and opens up the spider’s configuration options and advanced features. FAQ & User Guide For more guidance and tips on our to use the Screaming Frog SEO crawler – Updates

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