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HeyDesigner - Curated articles for designers and front-end developers

HeyDesigner - Curated articles for designers and front-end developers

FontBase — A blazing fast, beautiful and free font manager for designers. Webdesign Friday (#wdfr) - La communauté webdesign francophone Il y a quelques jours, le site Designmodo publiait le lien vers un fichier Photoshop gratuit contenant des éléments d’interface en Flat Design. Ce fichier a été remarquablement bien reçu de par sa qualité et beaucoup de webdesigners l’ont téléchargé afin de l’utiliser pour leurs maquettes. Mais voilà, le site Layervault a émis un avis […] Le Web devient progressivement de plus en plus complexe, au rythme battant des technologies. Ce qui était autrefois un support statique a aujourd’hui évolué pour devenir une expérience très riche et interactive. Cependant, une chose ne change pas : le succès d’un site Web dépend toujours de ce qu’en perçoivent ses utilisateurs. Depuis quelques semaines, voire des mois, on voit de plus en plus sur Twitter et Facebook, dans la communauté webdesign, passer des “Redesigns non sollicités”. La créativité est au cœur du métier de designer. Le Web évolue. Vous êtes designer, intégrateur, concepteur d’interfaces ou chef de projet.

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color Meaning of Colors in Color Psychology The meaning of colors can vary depending on culture and circumstances. Each color has many aspects to it but you can easily learn the language of color by understanding a few simple concepts which I will teach you here. Non-verbal Communication Color is a form of non verbal communication. For example, a person may choose to wear red on a particular day and this may indicate any one or more of the psychological meanings of the color red, including the following: this is their favorite color, orit may be that they are ready to take action in some way, orthey may be passionate about what they are going to be doing that day, orit may mean that they are feeling angry that day, on either a conscious or subconscious level. All are among the traits of the color red. The Meaning of Colors Red is the color of energy, passion, action, ambition and determination. For more on the meaning of colors for the color red Orange is the color of social communication and optimism. For more on the color orange : le web design puisé à la source What Is Color and How Do We Use Them? When we consider what is color, we invariably go back to the explanation first given by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. Color is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum and has always been so. Color is immediate: it conveys emotions and, to many people, it helps make decisions. Ask some people what is color and chances are you will get the answer: color is memorable and emotional. What is color? To understand what color is, let us consider how Newton studied the concept. Thus, it is now known that when we consider what is color, we get the answer that light is the only source of color. We thus cannot consider ‘what is color’ without considering three other factors: Light – the main source of colorThe object – its material and its reaction to colorThe eye – the perceiver of color To define what is color, we can say that it is powerful medium that can motivate, persuade and inspire. How do we use colors? Colors bring about an emotional response in each of us. In conclusion What is color?

The Design Blog - Design Inspiration Color Meanings - Learn about Colors and Symbolism Le Blog de Creads - Toute l'actualité du graphisme décryptée par Creads we are a design tribe Le blog de CREADS CREADS accélère son développement en misant sur les projets créatifs en 1 to 1 Talent à Suivre : Andrei Clompos, 29 ans, spécialiste en communication visuelle Comment le design impacte-t-il la performance d’un site web ? Décryptage du nouveau logo Polaroid : entre nostalgie et modernité Découvrez notre Top 10 des cartes de voeux design Previous Next Actus + d'articles TOUTE L'ACTU DU DESIGN & DE CREADS CREADS accélère son développement en misant sur les projets créatifs en 1 to 1 Précurseur du crowdsourcing, notre plateforme fédère aujourd’hui 50.000 designers freelances. En savoir plus Décryptage du nouveau logo Polaroid : entre nostalgie et modernité Polaroid Originals est une nouvelle marque de Polaroid dédiée à la photographie instantanée au format original et emblématique. En savoir plus + d'articles CONSEILS PRATIQUES ET TENDANCES DU GRAPHISME Comment lancer mon projet solo sur Creads ? Vous souhaitez créer une bannière web ? En savoir plus En savoir plus

Color Wheel Pro: Color Meaning Red Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color. Red brings text and images to the foreground. Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love. Orange Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat. Orange has very high visibility, so you can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of your design. Dark orange can mean deceit and distrust. Yellow Yellow is the color of sunshine. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings. Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy. Green Green is the color of nature. Green has great healing power. Blue Purple White Black
