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Bill Mollison - Permaculture Design

Bill Mollison - Permaculture Design
Related:  Permaculture

Conception Permaculturelle . La démarche permaculturelle I - Définition de David Holmgren : (co-fondateur de la démarche permaculturelle) " La permaculture est un système de conception basé sur une éthique et des principes qu'on peut utiliser pour concevoir, mettre en place, gérer et améliorer toutes sortes d'initiatives individuelles, familiales, et collectives en vue d'un avenir durable." Approfondir sa vision sur son site internet traduit en français. avec notamment son livret de 16 pages en téléchargement gratuit II - Définition et explications données sur l'écolieu Au Petit Colibri : 1 - Notre point de vue sur la permaculture (janvier 2016) 2 - Autres réflexions En résumé : La permaculture est un outil de réflexion et de conception visant à créer des environnements humains durables au sein de l'écosystème naturel sur lequel elle s'appuie. C'est dans ce cadre que l'on est amené à faire des choix techniques pour lequel le permaculteur va puiser dans le pot commun de l'humanité. 4 - Autres Techniques agricoles ?

Cultivate's Permaculture Blog | Cultivating sustainable lifestyles and resilient communities projet-permaculture.frProjet de permaculture >> la permaculture appliquée pour votre projet! | la permaculture appliquée !! Permaculture Magazine - Inspiration for Sustainable Living | Permaculture Magazine Keyhole Gardens Keyhole Gardens First made popular in Africa, keyhole gardens are catching on in Texas and other hot, dry places. Keyhole gardens hold moisture and nutrients due to an active compost pile placed in the center of a round bed. Although most helpful in hot and dry locations a keyhole garden will improve growing conditions in just about any climate. From a bird's eye view the garden is shaped as a keyhole. A notch is cut into a round garden bed, the notch makes for easy access to the center compost well. Keyhole Garden in Central Texas, Deb Tolman uses keyhole gardens as the main source of her own food supply, and is working on ways to keep them producing throughout multiple seasons and conditions. Keyhole garden in Lesotho by Send a Cow, who first popularized keyhole gardens in Africa. Keyhole garden. Keyhole garden by Send a Cow. A keyhole garden in Ethiopia. Keyhole garden in Uganda by Send a Cow. Keyhole garden scheme. Step by step photos of a keyhole garden build.

Permaculture Articles This section of the online library contains an expanding offering of permaculture articles on concepts, techniques, practices and related skills. The word “permaculture” was coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren and describes a system of design that integrates all aspects of sustainable living, including polycultural systems of perennial and self-perpetuating plant and animal species useful to humankind. Permaculture is understood as an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that mimic the relationships found in natural ecological systems. It is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature. The principles of permaculture provide a framework that enables people to provide for food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs. The permaculture articles often include references to excellent books, resources, and classes on permaculture. Permaculture Food Forest Ever heard of a permaculture food forest?

Forest Farming vs. Forest Gardening: What’s the Difference? | Farming the Woods Steve Gabriel In our pursuit of discovering forest farmers for the writing of our book, we’ve received a lot of responses from folks around developing forest gardens. This post describes the difference between the two practices. Definitions With many agricultural and horticultural practices out in the world, there are many lines that one can draw in the sand; some useful and some less so. Forest Gardening: mimicking the structure and function of forests in the way we garden, or using the forest as a model for the way we garden. Dave Jacke and others advocate that in Forest Gardening we want to mimic mid-succession forests and woodlands with a 40 – 50% canopy cover. As Dave Jacke says, this is “…gardening LIKE the forest, but not necessarily IN the forest. Forest Farming: the intentional cultivation of non-timber forest crops underneath the established canopy of an existing forest. This is gardening/farming IN the forest. Further Distinctions Other Agroforestry Practices Does it really matter?

33 Tips: Lawn To Permaculture Food Forest: Booklet Waking Times Does the idea of getting fresh, nutritious food right out in front of you kitchen door sound like a good idea in these turbulent times? A growing movement to reclaim, restore, and re-localize our relationship to food is happening all around us, and you can participate by re-thinking what you do with the under-utilized space outside of your home. The manicured, grassed, perennially green American lawn is a symbol of a passing era when people had little understanding of how the developing industrialized food system could do them harm by overuse of pesticides, anti-biotics and herbicides, by depletion the soil, and by genetic modification of food crops. Rather than acquiescing to the health tyranny of modern food production, today’s forward-thinking citizens and rebels are re-developing the model for the American lawn, and bringing forth a new kind of revolution… an edible one. This article is offered under Creative Commons license.
