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Combining the power of microfinance and technology to defeat global poverty.

Microfinance and Microcredit Investment | GRAIN | Nous donnons les moyens d'entreprendre à ceux qui n'ont pas les moyens Farm land grab Birinder Singh of Karuturi Global Ltd in Ethiopia This website contains mainly news reports about the global rush to buy up or lease farmlands abroad as a strategy to secure basic food supplies or simply for profit. Its purpose is to serve as a resource for those monitoring or researching the issue, particularly social activists, non-government organisations and journalists. The site, known as, is updated daily, with all posts entered according to their original publication date. If you want to track updates in real time, please subscribe to the RSS feed. This site was originally set up by GRAIN as a collection of online materials used in the research behind Seized: The 2008 land grab for food and financial security, a report we issued in October 2008. is an open project. If you find this website useful, please consider helping us cover the costs of the work that goes into it. Practical tips:

Le (faux) procès du microcrédit qui masque ses (vraies) réussites Prenant prétexte de conflits de pouvoir autour de la célèbre Grameen Bank, les médias mettent en procès la microfinance, jetant l'heureux bébé du microcrédit avec l'eau sale du bain de ses excès. Depuis quelques semaines, la microfinance occupe à nouveau les devants de la scène. L’éviction du Professeur Yunus de la tête de la Grameen Bank et plus largement les messages très négatifs véhiculés sur ce secteur menacent une fois de plus ce bel outil de développement. La microfinance est-elle réellement menacée ou condamnée comme l’annoncent certains ? Retour sur les derniers événements. Muhammad Yunus, prix Nobel de la paix 2006, a donc été évincé, mardi 1er mars, de la direction générale de la Grameen Bank, qu’il a fondée et qu’il dirige depuis 1983. Que reproche la Banque centrale à Muhammad Yunus ? Une bataille de pouvoir à la Grameen Bank… prétexte d’une polémique sur la microfinance L’enjeu de cette bataille politique? La face cachée du microcrédit ?

CRBM | Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale Visualized: Over 4 Million Micro-Loans Fly Around the Globe Kiva is a company that facilitates micro-loans between people from all over the world; incidentally, nothing to do with the Finnish KiVA. With the help of this non-profit, anyone can donate as little as $25 or as much as the sum of any single loan — you can read the stories of many different people seeking financial support across the globe; there are students, farmers, entrepreneurs and those looking to improve their physical living conditions. Kiva released a video visualizing the micro-loans that happened across the world in its five-year lifespan — a total of 4 million loans in 4 minutes: 620,000 lenders funding 615,000 entrepreneurs. Get inspired, and make a loan today — it’s a simple way to help a real person.
