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Porte cartes

Porte cartes
So, how was your weekend? Mine was fun, but exhausting. I decided to go and visit TheSecondChild on Saturday. It’s a six hour drive, so I got up early and I was down there by noon. Anyway, last week. before all that excitement, I had fun making some little keychain cell phone id coin whatever-else-you-want-to-throw-in-there purses. They’re pretty easy to make and I thought you might like to make some too, so I took some pictures of the process and thought I’d write a little tutorial. Here’s a shot of the back of the purse with my cell phone tucked into the little pocket. So, shall we start? Some scraps of fabric — I used three different prints. Purse Back: Cut a 7″ long x 5 1/2″ wide piece of fabric. Quilt this little sandwich however you would like — stipple, straight lines, or make up your own. For the cell phone pocket, cut another piece of fabric, 8 1/2″ long x 4″ wide. Feed the elastic through the channel and secure the elastic at each end of the channel with a tacking stitch. Oops! Related:  Sacs / Portefeuilles / Porte monnaie

Le porte chéquier tout en 1 C'est avec une petite fierté personnelle que je poste ce billet. En effet je viens de terminer mon tout premier tuto couture! Je suis en pleine réalisation d'un colis pour une copinaute et la jolie voulait de la couture made by So Lovely. Je lui ai demandé de choisir un coupon ( comme ca j'étais au moins sur qu'il y ai un truc qui lui plaise ^^) et apres avoir faire un premier cadeau il me restait du tissu. En discutant avec elle je me rend compte qu'un petit portefeuille lui ferait plaisir. Je fonce donc dans la liste de favoris de mes tutos du net et rien à ce sujet... je fouille alors et rien, enfin si je suis tombée sur de jolis tutos mais jamais de ce que je voulais c'est à dire un tuto pour PorteFueille 4 en 1: porte chéquier, porte carte , porte billet ET porte monnaie. J'ai donc pris ma plus belle règle , ma plus belle feuille de papier et mon porte chéquier et je me suis mise au travail. Une nuit de repos et hop je le test à la lettre et hop un portefeuille est arrivé... Matériel :

Magnetic Bookmarks with Louise from I'm Feelin' Crafty. - Welcome to The Southern Institute, I'm so glad you're here! Make sure you stay in the know... subscribe to our newsletter! Today we have a guest who’s new to The Southern Institute, although she’s not new to me! You might have followed me over to I’m Feelin’ Crafty awhile back for the Charlie’s Soap Container project. If not, then get ready to meet a wonderful blogger, Louise! I’ll let her tell you how we “met”…Hey there! Today I wanted to share my tutorial on a magnetic bookmark. Step 1: Materials:Scrap FabricSew-In Magnets (or any magnets will work really, but I like the sew-in ones)Scissors and/or Rotary CutterThread Step 2: Make the front and/or back. Step 3: Cut the front and back sides to both be 2.5” by 6”. Step 4: Sew pieces together, right sides together, leaving about a 1” hole. Step 5: Trim the corners and pull the ends through. Step 6: Now that it’s right side out, iron the seams flat. Step 7: Insert the magnet. Step 8: Topstitch. Step 9: wahlah!

Insulated Lunch Tote Tutorial Due to a large number of requests, I've updated the tutorial with the finished dimensions and a few clarifications. Enjoy! I designed this insulated lunch tote for Sandra's Handmade Christmas in July series. All the materials are machine washable, which for me, is what makes this worthwhile. Here's what you need: 2 pieces of medium weight fabric, main part of tote (16 in. Take the contrasting pieces of fabric and fold over 1/2inch along the long side, toward the wrong side of fabric. Now, we're going to shape the bag a little. Here's what it should look like. A little more shaping. Draw a line from the corner of the bottom cutout. Cut on your line, for all layers (2 main panels, 2 PUL and Insul-Bright layers) Now that we've got our bag shaped, here's some quick instructions if you want to make your own straps. Fold in half lengthwise, iron. Topstich all the way around strap to finish. OK, back to our lunch tote. OK, on to the zipper, my least favorite part of any project. Almost done!

Happybird's Crafting Haven: Make A Cute Little Bow With A Fork.. I made this fork bow tutorial for you. It's very easy and makes cute little bows that can be tied to favors, small earring boxes, homemade Christmas ornaments and more! I used an old, big serving fork to demonstrate, but you can use a regular size fork or dowels glued on a wooden base. Picture 1 Below: All you need is some kind of 4 pronged fork, ribbon and a pair of scissors. Picture 2 Below: First off, start by weaving the ribbon in and out of the fork. Picture 3 Below: Take the ribbon on the right hand side over the top of the fork and weave the ribbon in and out. Picture 4 Below: Then, do the same thing again on the left hand side of the fork, weaving the ribbon in and out, coming the opposite direction. Picture 5 Below: Now, finish weaving in and out until you almost reach the top of the fork. Picture 6 Below: Take a separate piece of ribbon and slide it through the bottom in the middle of the fork. Picture 7 Below: Now, tie it tight!

Portefeuille Porte Monnaie Bon, on va voir si j'arrive à être claire, ce qui n'est pas gagné, je men excuse d'avance!! Voici le tuto du porte-feuille fait il y a quelques jours. Il est à adapter selon ce que vous souhaitez avoir comme taille et nombre de poches! Moi, j'ai choisi de tout réunir: cartes, monnaie, chéquier avec un petit stylo, papiers d'identité et de véhicule. Prenez un tissu relativement épais pour la tenue, ou bien doublez entre les 2 épaisseurs. J'ai utilisé une bande de tissu de 84 cm sur 23 (avec les marges), qui fait directement la doublure extérieure à la fin de la réalisation. Commencez par préparer la partie porte-monnaie, avec 2 poches à cartes sur le devant si vous le souhaitez. Ce qui ressemble au final à une trousse plate: Définissez sur papier ce dont vous avez besoin. Attaquez votre grande bande de tissu par le bas en laissant un centimètre de marge pour la couture finale. Une fois vos poches définies et repassées, cousez le milieu sur l'envers en commençant par le haut! Puis les 2 côtés.

How to Make an Artful Scarf from Scraps April 30th, 2009 Email 97 users recommend Kayte Terry After dissolving the stabilizer, you are left with a beautiful, one-of-a-kind scarf. Choose ribbons that are similar in shades, or you can try complementary shades, too! Photo: Kayte Terry A couple of days ago, a friend was wearing a beautiful scarf that she had gotten from a museum shop. For this project, you can use any fabric scrap or ribbons, lace, or doilies. What you'll need: One 18-inch x 60-inch piece of water-soluble stabilizerScraps of ribbons and/or fabricsIronFabric scissorsSewing machine and thread in desired colors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

THE SHRUG Saks Fifth Avenue features this season’s trendy cover up, the shrug by Vince. The shrug pattern is an ideal project with which to experiment with fashion design for several reasons — it is knitted or sewn in one piece, there is minimal finishing, it is easy to wear, and relatively quick to make. The Vince version is an angora knit but can be made up in any stretch fabric. Try mohair, stretch velvet, or double knit. Plus, these shrug patterns are easy to adjust. Cuff-to-cuff: 45 ½ (46 ½, 47 ½)” Width at back: 16 ½ (17 ½, 18 ½)” Top-to-hem: 21 (22 ½, 24)” NOTE: The greatest stretch of the knit fabric runs around the girth of the body (usually the crosswise grain from selvedge to selvedge). Measure a rectangle 21″ by 45½” (length X width) for a size SMALL. Measure 14½” in from each short end of the rectangle and mark as A,B,C, & D according to the diagram. Measure 4½ inches down from the top & up from the bottom of each long end of the rectangle and mark as E, F, G, & H. Like this:

Make Your Own LED Wedding Table Cards For years I've been drawn to stuff that lights up. Maybe it was all the glow-in-the-dark toys they made back in the 80's. Maybe I'm just part moth. Whatever the case, when I started planning for my wedding I knew that I wanted to make something myself that was unique and lit up and looked awesome. My original idea was to make some kind of LED centerpiece. Before delving any deeper, I'd like to give one cautionary note to anyone thinking of making these. In the end, the payoff can be pretty cool though. Finally, remember this will not be very impressive if you're having a very bright reception. OK, now let's cut to the chase...

porte monnaie ...gentes dames, je vous annonce que j'organise un concours de créations dont le thème est "Mon porte-monnaie rétro". Le seul point commun à toutes vos créas sera d'utiliser un fermoir métallique, du genre de ceux que je vends dans la boutique. Ho mais quelle étrange coïncidence, on peut trouver ces maginfiques fermoirs dans ta boutique!!! Ben oui, vous avez vu ça, si c'est pas beau. Si vous voulais vous inscrire, laissez moi un ptit com sous le post. Bon je vous montre le mien: Et comme je suis une fille extraordinaire, je vous ai fait un petit tuto. Matériel: un fermoirun petit coupon de tissu pour l'extérieurun petit coupon de tissu pour la doublurede la viselinede la colle forte une pincedu fil coordonné et des épingle Temps: ½ heure à 1 heure Etape IPrenez votre fermoir métallique, posez-le sur une feuille à petites carreaux et tracez le contour externe du fermoir sur un côté, en partant du milieu. Etape IITracez le valeurs de couture. Etape VEpinglez le patron sur vos tissus.
