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SecLists.Org Security Mailing List Archive

SecLists.Org Security Mailing List Archive

Main Page Remote Exploit How to use Google for Hacking Google serves almost 80 percent of all the search queries on the Internet, proving itself as the most popular search engine. However, Google makes it possible to reach not only the publicly available information resources, but also gives access to some of the most confidential information that should never have been revealed. In this post, you will find the information on how to use Google for exploiting security vulnerabilities that exists within many websites. The following are some of the ways to use Google for hacking: 1. There exists many security cameras that are used for monitoring places like parking lots, college campus, road traffic etc. inurl:”viewerframe? Click on any of the search results (Top 5 recommended) and you will gain access to the live camera which has full controls. As you can see in the above screenshot, you now have access to the Live cameras which work in real-time. intitle:”Live View / – AXIS” 2. intitle:”curriculum vitae” “phone * * *” “address *” “e-mail” 3. “?

About - Yanel About Everything is content management (WCMS/Wiki, DMS, CRM, ECM, ERP, PIM/E-Mail, DRM, ...) and Yanel is a humble attempt to provide a solution for all your content management needs by offering an Open Source service oriented Content Management Framework written in Java. The Yanel community has defined a set of principles to sustain long-term development. Download See the download page for information on releases, snapshots, source code, etc. Main Focus or "Why another CMS"! There are a lot of content management systems/frameworks out there and it's very reaonable to ask "why develop another CMS?"! Usability: In the case of the editorial staff it's all about usability, for example how easy it is to create/edit/delete data.

SSL MITM Proxy Description mitm-proxy is an Java-based SSL proxy that acts as a "man in the middle". In other words, proxied HTTPS requests are terminated by the proxy and resent to the remote webserver. The server certificates presented to the client (i.e. a web browser) are dynamically generated/signed by the proxy and contain most of the same fields as the original webserver certificate. Documents Download NOTE: this tool can NOT be used for any commercial purposes, as is, because it makes use of an educational/research version of the IAIK JCE library. Version 1.0 (April 12th, 2007) Usage The mitm-proxy requires a Java runtime (1.5 or later) and has been tested on various windows and linux platforms. The proxy server is started from the command line in the following way: java mitm.MITMProxyServer [options] Where options can include: [-localHost <host name/ip>] Default is localhost [-localPort <port>] Default is 8001 [-keyStore <file>] Key store details for [-keyStorePassword <pass>] certificates. Credits 31.12.2012, godz. 11:00 Firma Imperva przeprowadziła badanie, w którym przetestowała skuteczność ponad 40 różnych rozwiązań antywirusowych, zarówno płatnych jak i bezpłatnych, pod kątem wykrywalności nowo utworzonych wirusów. Z raportu, który powstał po badaniu wynika, że jedynie niecałe 5% rozwiązań antywirusowych jest w stanie wykryć od razu wcześniej nieskatalogowane wirusy, a wielu antywirusom zaktualizowanie bazy sygnatur zajęło nawet miesiąc lub więcej. 8 703 31.12.2012, godz. 08:46 Coraz więcej firm korzysta z dużych zbiorów danych, rzadko myśląc o ich bezpieczeństwie. 13.11.2012 Platforma Google Android znajduje się pod ostrzałem twórców złośliwego oprogramowania. 13.11.2012 Aplikacja współpracująca z systemem ERP powinna być połączona z firmową siecią. 06.11.2012 W wielu przypadkach ryzyko ataków na urządzenia mobilne można łatwo zminimalizować. 30.10.2012 Odejście administratora systemów informatycznych to wyzwanie dla każdej firmy.

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