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Life is a game. This is your strategy guide

Life is a game. This is your strategy guide
682k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. Basics You might not realise, but real life is a game of strategy. Most importantly, successful players put their time into the right things. Childhood Life begins when you’re assigned a random character and circumstances: The first 15 years or so of life are just tutorial missions, which suck. Young adult stage As a young player, you’ll have lots of time and energy, but almost no experience. This is the time to level up your skills quickly. Now that you’re playing properly, your top priority is to assign your time as well as possible. This may sound simple, but the problem is you won’t always know what tasks to choose, and your body won’t always obey your commands. How to obey your own commands Many players find that when they choose to do something – say “go to the gym” – their body ignores them completely. This is not a bug. Keep your state high. Where you live Related:  Sef-improvement InboxSelf-help

How To Become Superhuman Through Meditation Orthorexia: An Unhealthy Obsession With Healthy Eating At the beginning, the goal seems innocent, smart even: a vow to eat more whole grains, or more fruits and vegetables. But healthy eating can turn rigid and confining, wiping out whole categories of food one by one—first anything with additives, perhaps, then maybe nonorganic produce, and then another and another. It can become decidedly unhealthy. The focus on quality and purity can deteriorate into orthorexia, a term coined in 1996 by physician Steven Bratman to describe a "fixation on righteous eating." Like anorexia and bulimia, it can wreak serious damage on the health of someone trapped in the obsession. "Orthorexia boils down to someone who is very, very concerned with eating what they consider the perfect diet," says Joy Jacobs, a clinical psychologist with the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine. Orthorexia is not a formally recognized psychiatric diagnosis or eating disorder, although most experts agree it blends elements of both.

How to connect deeply with anyone (in 5 minutes) 468k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter I’m going to share a game with you. This game will reveal incredible things about whoever plays it; surprise, shock and delight complete strangers, and has kickstarted more friendships than I know how to count. Play along and you’ll see. I want you to imagine a desert, stretching out as far as your eyes can see. Your first task is to describe the cube. There are no right answers here, only your answers. As you look at the desert and your cube, you notice there is also a ladder. Now imagine that in the scene there is a horse. We’re nearly there now. Final question. If you’ve been playing along, this is going to be fun. Ready? The cube is yourself. The size is ostensibly your ego: a large cube means you’re pretty sure of yourself, a small cube less so. The vertical placement of the cube is how grounded you are. The ladder represents your friends. Are your friends leaning on the cube? The horse represents your dream partner. But I’ll tell you what.

6 Pieces of Fan Art That Are Better Than the Original If 37 percent of the Internet is porn, then the other 63 percent must be people complaining about stuff. A movie that disappointed; a game that's taking too long to come out; George Lucas. Well, sometimes the companies or creators will actually address their fans and say, "You think you could do better than us?" And sometimes the fans will answer back, "Um, actually, yeah." #6. Star Wars Fan Remaster Looks Better Than the Real Thing Unless you still have a working VCR, the only way to watch the original, theatrical versions of Star Wars is buying the out-of-print 2006 DVD box set, which insultingly comes with the original movies as mere bonus features on a separate disk (meaning, you had to pay for the Special Editions to get them). But what else are fans supposed to do? How the Fans Made It Better: A fan from the U.K. named Adywan did that and much more. ESBR Preview ESBR PreviewHmm. ANHR Visual Comparison ... making the lasers hit the right places ... #5. How the Fans Made Them Better: #4.

13 Surprising Ways to Make Happiness a Habit You know how some people seem to be happy no matter what happens to them? They always have a positive outlook on life. They seem to enjoy things more than you and me, and their relationships with people thrive in a way that we only imagine. You’ve probably wondered what it is about them that makes happiness so easy for them. Well it turns out there is no special trick to happiness. Just like anything else, it’s just something that we have to learn to make a habit. 1. There are plenty of reasons to not be happy. 2. Sunlight makes us happy. 3. Life lists are awesome. 4. Hobbies are fun ways to experience happiness. 5. Learning to show appreciation and to be grateful for what you have is, in itself, a reward. 6. While meditation often gets the reputation of being spiritual and strange to those who don’t partake, it has benefits for practically everyone who gives it a real chance. Check out How to Meditate: 10 Steps to Meditate Anywhere 7. Fear is one of the big zappers of happiness. 8. 9.

Our free guide to mindfulness and meditation. - meditationSHIFT Our free guide to mindfulness and meditation. Welcome!Our guide gives you an introduction to your compulsive mind, and explains the "why, what, and how" of mindfulness and meditation. It was first published 15 years ago, and is updated regularly.Why should you care? Why should I meditate? It's an important question, because even experienced meditators may not have a clear understanding of "why." What are mindfulness and meditation? In any given moment, we are all in one of two states:Lost in thought; orAware of thought.To put it another way, you are either (1) caught up in the drama of the mind or (2) not caught up in the drama of the mind. How do I meditate? When it comes to mindfulness and meditation, there's a lot of information out there. As you practice, you are bringing awareness to your mind and its non-stop activity. About meditationSHIFT: Change your relationship with your mind.

What Is Quality? What Is Quality? Quality is one of the greatest things in life, and just as ephemeral and hard to define as Love. And just as we express love to a person through “acts of love,” we can express quality through functions we apply to our product. In my previous post, I spoke about The Forgotten First Principle of Software Delivery: Quality. Quality Is Like Love Quality is not a thing unto itself. When you love someone or something, you invest your time and energy to express that love. Quality is exactly the same. High quality comes from due care and attention. Quality Only Exists In The Presence Of Value Quality is not a thing by itself, as in it cannot be applied to nothing. Applying Quality To Value Let’s look at how this works in product development. Value creation always begins as an idea that you realize through an iterative series of steps. Quality Functions The way in which assumed value is transformed into real value is through quality functions. Putting Quality Functions Into Practice

15 Things That Emotionally Strong People Don't Do There is a particular aspect of mental strength that is the deciding factor of whether or not you will have a good life. There are many levels to mental strength and all are needed to be successful and happy. The one particular area of mental strength that has the greatest impact is that of emotional strength. Emotions are, of course, a part of our psyche, yet nevertheless, can be distinguished from the remainder of mental qualities because they most directly influence our physical body. Emotions are our greatest motivators. 1. Needing attention is directly linked to emotion. 2. Emotional strength requires resilience. 3. If you’re holding a grudge, then you already care more about a situation than you should. 4. Emotionally strong individuals do what they do because they love doing it. 5. Those who love themselves and understand themselves — those who aren’t afraid or proud to be themselves — never doubt themselves. 6. People are mean. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Galaxie Pokémon : Guide Tactique Vous allez sans doute croire que cette section implique des maths. Sans aucun doute, c'est bien des maths !! Vous n'allez tout de même pas croire que Pokémon a été créé comme ça en un geste. Cette section vous semblera assez difficile mais pas de panique, son principe est juste de décortiquer l'élaboration du jeu Pokémon. Formule mathématique ( Attaque, Défense, Atq. Paramètres S(x) : Stat de Base IV : Individual Value ( Valeur Individuelle ) EV : Effort Value ( Valeur Effort ) N(x) : Niveau de Pokémon C(x) : Caractère Pokémon Les fonctions S(x), N(x), C(x) sont à valeurs réelles. Formule mathématique ( PV ) Paramètres S(x) : Stat de Base IV : Individual Value ( Valeur Individuelle ) EV : Effort Value ( Valeur Effort ) N(x) : Niveau de Pokémon Les fonctions S(x), N(x) sont à valeurs réelles. Note : après le calcul d'un sous-résultat, il faut arrondir par défaut en cas d'existence de décimals, il faut donc appliquer la partie entière du sous-résultat pour obtenir le résultat final.

13 Things Successful People Do Every Morning Wise Bread Picks While there are many factors that influence a person's success, those who have discussed their preferred habits or have documented their own tricks of the trade seem to have several common denominators when it comes to reaching their goals. Many of these commonalities involve the morning routine. (See also: Habits of the Financially Successful) Here are 13 things that successful people do every morning. 1. To create a peaceful morning routine, start preparing for the next day the night before. 2. By resetting your internal alarm clock to awaken earlier than your usual time, you can accomplish many things on your to-do list even before you head to work. 3. By rising earlier, you can give yourself some needed "me time" before the rest of the family wakes up. 4. The old adage "mind over matter" is true. 5. Exercise is a vital part of overall good health and mental well-being. 6. 7. 8. Forget hoping for more hours in the day. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14 Lies Your Mind Tells You to Prevent Life Changes The mind is a wonderful thing. It’s also a complete liar that constantly tries to convince us not to take actions we know are good for us, and stops many great changes in our lives. Scumbag mind. I’ve had to learn to watch these rationalizations and excuses very carefully, in order to make the changes I’ve made in my life: a healthier diet, regular exercise, meditation, minimalism, writing daily, getting out of debt, quitting smoking, and so on. If I hadn’t learned these excuses, and how to counter them, I would never have stuck to these changes. Let’s expose the cowardly mind’s excuses and rationalizations once and for all. First, the main principle: the mind wants comfort, and is afraid of discomfort and change. OK, with that in mind, let’s go into the excuses: 1. It seems too hard, so we think we can’t stick to the change. 2. Just because someone else can do it, doesn’t mean we can, right? 3. 4. 5. 6. This is also true, but you can learn. 7. 8. 9. Well, true. 10. Yep, me too. 11. 12. 13.
