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20 meilleures banques d'images gratuites et libres de droits Trouver LA bonne image prend parfois un temps précieux, que l’on pourrait investir ailleurs, comme faire la vaisselle ou sortir pour une simple pause. Choisir une image ne doit jamais se faire à la légère, il faut garder en tête le message que l’on veux faire passer. Que ce soit pour illustrer l’article de son blog, pour la création d’un site internet ou bien présenter un projet décisif, chaque image et photographie aura un impact. C’est sur ces deux constats, le temps perdu et l’importance d’avoir des images parlantes et de qualités, que j’ai décidé de prendre un peu du mien pour vous proposer : Les 20 meilleures banques d’images gratuites et libres de droits, ainsi d’une liste commentée de plus de 60 autres sites d’images gratuites et parfois libre de tout droit d’auteur.

Life of Pix Life Of Pix is a community who shares free high-resolution photos with no Copyrights restrictions. Photos are for personal & commercial use. We post new photographies every week ! All images are donated to the public domain by our community. Subscribe to our newsletter to get notifications. Register to Life of Pix Log in to Life of Pix Forgot your password ? Forgot your password? Add location One or more pictures were removed because they were too small Each picture needs to be at least 1MB in size. Maximum number of uploads reached. One or more pictures were removed because they were too big Each picture needs to be at most 25MB in size. Your picture details were saved. Upload your photos Upload more photos Or drag and drop your photos in this section We accept JPG format in high resolution, files between 1 Mo and 25 Mo. Add a location Type a tag and press Enter to add a tag Press backspace to remove a tag Generate tags Save this picture Uploading in progress . . . Life of Pix galleries Nature City

40 Free Resources Every Designer Should Know Ever wondered where designers get their resources to help them succeed with a project? Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free and available for you to download. Just click on the title or image and it will bring you to the resource. Bookmark this post so that you can always look back at this great list that can help you succeed. Icons for your website, an iPhone mock up or PSD’s for your landing page, Fribbble is the place to be. Many of us struggle when posting a project at Behance. Another great site to get free PSD files, blurred background or UI elements. Struggling to get the perfect colour combination? A great site where you can download free stock images. In need of some high quality patterns? Lets you design a website, for free, without code. Guides can be a pain in the ass when it comes down to web design, here is a simple solution for you! Love this site!

albums and collections PICRYL is the largest media source for public domain images, scans, and documents. PICRYL is an AI-driven search & similarity engine. PICRYL makes the world's public domain media fun to find and easy to use. Get Archive LLC, creator of PICRYL, endeavors to provide information that it possesses on the copyright status of the content and to identify any other terms and conditions that may apply to the use of the content, however, Get Archive LLC offers no guarantee or assurance that all pertinent information is provided, or that the information is correct in each circumstance. Permission for use, re-use, or additional use of the content is not required. Get Archive LLC is the owner of the compilation of content that is posted on the PICRYL website and applications, which consists of text, images, audio, video, databases, tags, design, codes, and software ("Content").

BucketListly Photos 10 sites de photos libres de droits - Blog du Modérateur -F Si les banques d’images permettent de payer pour utiliser telle ou telle photo, à des prix plus ou moins onéreux suivant la qualité et les droits associés, certaines proposent également un catalogue de photos libres de droits gratuites. Pratique pour utiliser des photos de bonne qualité ! D’autres banques d’images sont totalement gratuites : si la qualité des photographies est en général un peu moins aboutie, le nombre d’images disponibles est parfois gigantesque ! Chaque banque d’images gratuites dispose de ses propres conditions d’utilisation, renseignez-vous bien sur les usages possibles. Certains sites autorisent l’usage des photographies pour un projet commercial, comme Bajstock. Vous trouverez sans doute votre bonheur avec ces 10 sites de photos gratuites et libres de droits ! Fotolia, une sélection de photographies gratuites Le site propose un certain nombre de fichiers gratuits et libres de droits (0 crédits). Stock.XCHNG Flickr, la référence des photographies en Creative Commons

Art en alta ressolució Con frecuencia os recomendamos diferentes recursos relacionados con el mundo del arte. En esta ocasión os hablamos acerca de la iniciativa del Instituto de Arte de Chicago, que ha publicado una completa colección con imágenes de alta resolución de un gran número de obras de arte. En concreto, la institución ha recopilado miles de obras de arte de artistas de la talla de Picasso, Monet, van Gogh o El Greco, entre muchos otros. Una de las ventajas es que una gran parte de las obras mostradas son de dominio público, lo que significa que tenemos total libertad para utilizarlas. Es importante tener en cuenta que no sucede con todas, pero siempre podemos revisar los derechos de autor en la página de cada obra. La web nos permite aplicar diferentes filtros para localizar las obras de nuestros artistas favoritos, encontrar aquellas correspondientes a una fecha concreta o las enmarcadas dentro de un estilo determinado.

10 tools and platforms changing the web design landscape It's that time again! Voting is now open in the 16th annual net awards and the leading lights of the web world are waiting to see whether they win one of the most sought-after prizes in the web design world. There are 20 categories this year, including Game Changer of the Year. Below is the shortlist based on nominations from the public and in no particular order. Don't miss this You can also check out the nominees in the other 19 categories on the net awards site. 01. Build, ship and run any app, anywhere. 02. Sketch gives you the power, flexibility and speed you always wanted in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. 03. Slack is a platform for team communication: everything in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. 04. Babel will turn your ES6+ code into ES5 friendly code, so you can start using it right now without waiting for browser support. 05. A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. 06. 07. The package manager for JavaScript. 09. 10. The net awards

Category:Topics This category is the global common root of the media files categorized by the topic, similar to en:Category:Main topic classifications. All media files should be categorized under this category for the sake of allowing others to find them by topic. For an explanation of Wikimedia's category system, see Commons:Categories, Help:Category and Category:CommonsRoot. Subcategories This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total. Free Stock Photos | Stockvault 17 meilleures banques d'images, photos, textures gratuites, libres de droits (maj 28/02/2015) Les meilleurs sites d'images, de téléchargements gratuits, sous licence domaine public, pour illustrer vos cours, présentations, blogs ou site, etc... Les images gratuites sont courantes sur internet, néanmoins, certaines ne peuvent pas être modifiées, ni utilisées dans un contexte commercial. Les sites d'images que nous vous proposons, sont généralement en CC0 (creative commons) ou équivalent, ce qui signifie que l’auteur à renoncé à ses droits. Toutefois, les droits en France, même pour les produits libres sont encadrés juridiquement, voir en savoir plus sur la licence CC0. regroupant plusieurs fournisseurs, répertoires d'images, vidéos, sons libres de droit (CCO). adigitaldreamer Plus de 1000 images, gratuites et libres de droit sont téléchargeables sur ce site. Freedigitalphotos offre des photos et des illustrations libres de haute qualité, produites par une communauté de photographes et illustrateurs professionnels. morguefile sans restriction. pixabay

7 Resources for Free Science Pictures | StressMarq Pictures are essential in making scientific research more accessible and memorable. Papers, posters, and presentations can all benefit from accurate, visually appealing diagrams. While graphs and micrographs are important figures, they are not always sufficient to illustrate pathways and mechanisms, or to captivate audiences. Servier Medical Art (SMArt) This is an excellent resource for anatomy, biology, and medical illustrations. Somersault 1824 Disclaimer: this resource not free, but rather “pay-what-you-can.” Public Health Image Library Digitally colorized scanning electron microscopic (SEM) image depicts a number of yellow colored, Yersinia pestis bacteria, that had gathered on the proventricular spines of a Xenopsylla cheopis flea. The Public Health Image Library (PHIL) is a database of images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, USA. Wikimedia commons Pixabay

Fresh Education For Creative Professionals Inspirational Videos For Designers – The Big Collection The biggest collection of inspirational videos for designers is here. TED videos for designers The Best of Creative Mornings You see, as much as I love full-length features, sometimes what you really want is just something quick to watch and get inspired by. I love seeing how amazing speakers are spreading their great thoughts, ideas and projects on TED. I can’t explain why (is there a scientist in the crowd?) Memetics is the science of how new ideas are spreading. The ideas and the visuals being discussed on the video somehow make their way into my brain. For me, a good TED video is much better than another 20 mins on Facebook or Instagram. OK, let’s get into business. (I’m planning to update this post until it has as many inspirational videos for designers as possible. TED Videos for designers The art of first impressions — in design and life Book designer Chip Kidd knows all too well how often we judge things by first appearances.

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