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japanese stab binding I’ll be honest, I’ve been working on this tutorial for days. It might be the most convoluted one. I’ve checked and double-checked for errors. If you find one, leave a comment and I’ll fix it as soon as I can. But ‘woven’ is not that difficult to sew once you understand the technique. 123D Circuits - Design and Test Electric Circuits Online 123D Circuits is a free tool from Autodesk for collaboratively designing electronic circuits online. On 123D Circuits you can design your circuits and test them on the simulator in your browser. You can create circuits from scratch or use and modify templates and other publicly shared projects.

Semiotics Encyclopedia Online - Welcome This reference website is freely usable for educational and personal use. It will provide in-depth articles written by experts in a great variety of disciplines bearing upon the ways in which organisms in general, and humans in particular, process information, discover or construct meaning, represent and share their knowledge, interact through the mediation of signs and symbols that change over time, and elaborate diverse cultures and systems of thought. It will offer articles documenting the historical development of semiotics while emphasizing that this variegated epistemological movement is still in the making. The Semiotics Encyclopedia Online will endeavor to bring into focus important advances in the sciences, which are bound to have an impact on our understanding of the issues which have been traditionally raised by semiotics. It will also critically reexamine the basic concepts and models that form contemporary semiotic literacy.

Building with Bamboo: 13 Super Sustainable Structures - WebEcoist It’s 100% natural, thrives in diverse climates, grows up to a whopping 39 inches per day and is super-strong; why isn’t bamboo already used more often as a building material? While bamboo structures have long been common in Asia and the South Pacific, they’re only just gaining prominence in the rest of the world. From schools to disaster shelters, these 13 bamboo buildings prove just how strong, durable, eco-friendly and visually pleasing this perennial evergreen grass can be.

DRAWDIO - draw music with a pencil, or a kitchen sink, or a banana, or... What is Drawdio? Imagine you could draw musical instruments on normal paper with any pencil (cheap circuit thumb-tacked on) and then play them with your finger. The Drawdio circuit-craft lets you MacGuyver your everyday objects into musical instruments: paintbrushes, macaroni, trees, grandpa, even the kitchen sink... higher quality video:Stream on Vimeo -- drawdio.mp4 -- drawdio.wmvMade with Paula Aguilera and Eric Rosenbaum. 17 Best DIY gadget projects of 2013 We do love a good gadget project. From tinkering with Raspberry Pi microcomputers to automating our own homes, to coming up with cool renewable energy projects... we can't stay away. Here are our favorites from this year. David Hunt/Video screen captureRaspberry Pi hack unlocks door when it hears a dog's bark Maker David Hunt created a clever hack for a door for dog owners who are tired of getting up to let Fido outside. Called Pi-Rex, it is a bark-activated (note, not voice activated, but bark activated) door. The King of Random/viaMake a Battery with Spare Change"This teaches you how to build a battery with the spare change in your pocket.

Cartesian Diver PC2 CON-2 — Supercharged Science OPT Rene Descartes (1596-1650) was a French scientist and mathematician who used this same experiment show people about buoyancy. By squeezing the bottle, the test tube (diver) sinks and when released, the test tube surfaces. You can add hooks, rocks, and more to your set up to make this into a buoyancy game! The test tube sinks because the when you squeeze the bottle, you increase the pressure of the water and this forces water up into the test tube, which then compresses the air inside the tube. Welcome to ARTstor Far Left Robert Henri La Reina Mora, 1906 Colby College Museum of Art Top Center Winslow Homer Girl Reading, 1879 Colby College Museum of Art Kids science: Electricity 102 Science >> Physics for Kids Important things to know about electricity? Conductors and insulators - Conductors are materials that allow electricity to flow easily. Most types of metal are good conductors, which is why we use metal for electrical wire. Copper is a good conductor and isn't too expensive, so it's used a lot for the wiring in homes today. Insulators are the opposite of conductors.

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