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BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin

La vie simple et smiling Windy – A Plugin for Swift Content Navigation Coco LokoTotal bicycle rights in blog four loko raw denim ex, helvetica sapiente odio placeat. Vermouth LandVelit chambray fugiat, enim aesthetic esse ullamco typewriter. ElectrodynamicsBefore they sold out PBR magna jean shorts non seitan ea. Dolor wolf pop-up. Top sites pour télécharger des polices gratuitement Les polices texte libres sont souvent crées par des designers et montrent la créativité de ces gens et leur capacité de jouer avec des lettres en faisant appel à leur vaste imagination. Aujourd'hui il y a énormément de sites qui offrent ces polices en téléchargement gratuit pour tout le monde. Si vous aussi avez besoin de ces polices, ci-dessous vous trouverez une liste de sites pour télécharger ce dont vous avez besoin gratuitement. 1° ffonts: est un site qui vous présentent des milliers de polices libres classées en plusieurs catégories pour aller directement dans le style que vous cherchez. 2° urbanfonts: un autre site qui offre des polices gratuitement et qui correspondent à plusieurs styles que vous allez surement apprécier. SI vous etes geek vous y trouverez aussi une police qui vous est destinée. 3° Dafont: il comprend de belles polices nouvelles avec de nouveaux styles. 9° abstractfonts: un autre site qui offre de belles polices en téléchargement gratuit. Vous avez aimé?

3D Gallery Room « Previous Demo: 3D Book Showcase Images by Thomas ClaveiroleBack to the Codrops Article 3D Gallery Room Demo 1 Demo 2 x 9 Apps to Help You Create HTML5 Animations Without Coding Apps 9 Apps to Help You Create HTML5 Animations Without Coding This post is written in partnership with PrintRunner, an online printing company that offers label printing services. We all love HTML5 and the stunning animations article shows us its true potential. I am sure that after viewing so many beautiful and creative animations you thought at least once to create your own, because let’s face it, HTML5 is practical, lightweight and mobile friendly, everything you need in order to succeed in today’s web. So, for those of you thinking about creating a professional animation or application using pure HTML5 and CSS3 here are some options. Adobe Edge Even Adobe who owns Flash technologies realized that HTML5 is the way to go in the years to come. Tumult Hype Create one of a kind animations using HTML5 and CSS3. Hippo Studios Sencha Is a rich CSS3 animation builder with a nice user friendly interface that includes timeline and support for mobile devices. MotionComposer Purple Visual Studio Mugeda

slidr.js - add some slide effects. Add as many Slidr's as you want - even place them within each other.Dynamic resizing - adapts to the size of its content, unless you don't want it to.Keyboard navigation - move your cursor on top of the demo below, and hit the arrow keys!Touch navigation (mobile) - change the slides below by swiping left, right, up or down! Include either slidr.js or slidr.min.js somewhere at the bottom of your html page, after the body content. slidr.js works on any inline, inline-block or block elements with an id defined. are all valid html markup for creating three different Slidr's within the same page. A global slidr object is available for calling. slidr.create('slidr-id').start(); create() accepts an optional settings parameter as its second argument. Settings Full details on available settings listed below: The before and after callback functions return the following metadata: Global API The global slidr namespace provides the following function calls: Slidr API which produces this: Dynamic resize good

5 sites e-commerce pour votre inspiration – #6 Vous possédez un stratégie e-business bien en tête et vous chercher à acquérir de la notoriété en ligne ? Il n’y a pas de secret, un bon concept va de pair avec un design efficace. Découvrez 5 sites e-commerce pour votre inspiration dans la suite dans l’article. Les achats en lignes ont encore progressé de 19% en février 2012 par rapport à février 2011. (JDN, mars 2012). Les opportunités sont encore nombreuses, alors lancez-vous et tentez votre chance, comme ces quelques e-commerçants : FineGoods Market Petite boutique en ligne réservée aux graphistes et webdesigner, FineGoods Market propose de vendre des icônes, des ressources, mais également des tee-shirts. Redington Site dédié aux amoureux et experts de la pêche, le site de marque Redington offre la possibilité de commander les produits de la gamme en ligne. Talkingdonkey Shop Autre univers avec Talkingdonkey Shop, quoi que le layout général ne s’éloigne pas trop du site précédent. The Frey Compagny Threadless

slick - the last carousel you'll ever need Set up your HTML markup. <div class="your-class"><div>your content</div><div>your content</div><div>your content</div></div> Move the /slick folder into your project Add slick.css in your <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slick/slick.css"/> // Add the new slick-theme.css if you want the default styling <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slick/slick-theme.css"/> Add slick.js before your closing <body> tag, after jQuery (requires jQuery 1.7 +) Initialize your slider in your script file or an inline script tag When complete, your HTML should look something like: NOTE: I highly recommend putting your initialization script in an external JS file. Set up your HTML markup. <div class="your-class"><div>your content</div><div>your content</div><div>your content</div></div> Move the /slick folder into your project Add slick.css in your <head> Add slick.js before your closing <body> tag, after jQuery (requires jQuery 1.7 +) When complete, your HTML should look something like:

Synthetik Wordpress Theme Synthetik is a WordPress theme for creative professionals such as graphic designers, web designer, artists, illustrators and photographers. It also makes for a good personal website as it not only has a filterable gallery but also a blog section. Its other features include a slider on the homepage, Twitter widget, Latest Work widget, Latest Blog Post widget, social media buttons and contact form. Several custom widgets and shortcodes are also included with this theme. Main Features Synthetik HTML Template Available Here Parallax Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery Warm welcome When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own road, the Line Lane. Read more Easy management Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Revolution A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. Quality Control Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.
