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Bloom’s Activity Analysis Tool

I have been working on a simple method of analysing teaching and learning technologies against Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. I have taken the verbs associated with each of the taxonomic levels and arranged them across a sheets and then added a column for the activity components. The idea is that you take your activity and break it down into the component elements and match these against the different taxonomic levels and the learning actions. For example if you looked at students constructing a wiki Editing the wiki is applyingSearching for the information – rememberingTagging the pages with suitable and detailed keywords and notes is understandingValidating the information is evaluatingUploading the resources to the wiki is applyingCollaborating and networking is a higher order skill and so on Here is the PDF version of this tool – blooms-activity-analysis This is a first draft and I would appreciate comments and suggestions.

Bloom's Taxonomy Project Part III - The Affective Domain The Affective Domain was defined later by the original Bloom's Taxonomy team in 1973 and focuses on the way we deal with things emotionally. These could be things such as feelings, values, motivations, appreciations towards things, and attitudes. The five levels appear to be not only for the student, but for the educator as well. Level 1 - Receiving Phenomena - This level is defined as one's awareness, willingness to hear, and their selected attention. As mentioned earlier, I do believe that instructors already do many of these things already their classroom in an effort to help students succeed.

Waikato Journal of Education 16(1) 2011 Taxonomía de Bloom para la Era Digital Andrew Churches Descargue este documento en formato PDF La Taxonomía de Bloom y la Taxonomía Revisada de Bloom [1] son herramientas clave para los docentes y los encargados del diseño de capacitaciones. Benjamín Bloom publicó la taxonomía original en los años de 1950 y Lorin Anderson y Krathwohl le hicieron revisiones en el 2000 [1]. Esta es entonces una actualización de la Taxonomía Revisada de Bloom [1] que atiende los nuevos comportamientos, acciones y oportunidades de aprendizaje que aparecen a medida que las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones) avanzan y se vuelven más omnipresentes. Tanto la Taxonomía Original como la revisada por Anderson y Krathwohl [1] se centran en el dominio cognitivo. Mientras que Bloom representa el proceso de aprendizaje en sus diferentes niveles, esto no implica que los estudiantes deban empezar en el nivel taxonómico más bajo para luego subir a otros niveles. “...habilidades de comunicación.

Multiple Perspectives: Building Critical Thinking Skills ReadWriteThink couldn't publish all of this great content without literacy experts to write and review for us. If you've got lessons plans, activities, or other ideas you'd like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. More Find the latest in professional publications, learn new techniques and strategies, and find out how you can connect with other literacy professionals. More Teacher Resources by Grade Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Classroom Resources › Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Overview Featured Resources From Theory to Practice This lesson develops students’ critical thinking skills through reading and interacting with multiple-perspectives texts. back to top Clarke, L.W., & Whitney, E. (2009). As a result of state standards that require students to engage in critical and analytical thinking related to texts, teachers have been turning toward the notion of critical literacy to address such requirements.

The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... Bloom’s & SOLO ‘are not Just Colorful Posters we Hang on the Wall’ is my two-part series at Education Week Teacher. Bloom’s Taxonomy is talked about a lot in educational circles. However, if you believe a recent survey of visits to 23,000 U.S. classrooms, the higher-order thinking skills it’s ideally designed to promote doesn’t get much use. And I can understand why. It’s easy to get caught-up in the day-to-day work involved in teaching a class or multiple classes, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing the “usual stuff” and not “think out of the box.” I thought it might be useful to share in a “The Best…” list the resources that help me try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in my classroom. There may very well be resources out there that do a far better job of explaining the Taxonomy and how to use it. I personally try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in two ways. In addition, I try to use Bloom’s to help me formulate my own lessons. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Memory Understanding Applying and Analyzing

SOLO taxonomy I am pleased to say that John Biggs himself has endorsed this representation of his ideas; "I've just found your website on SOLO et al. via google. I'm delighted! Your diagrams of prestructural-extended abstract are very elegant..." (Unsolicited email, 29 May 2005) The SOLO taxonomy stands for: Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes It describes level of increasing complexity in a student's understanding of a subject, through five stages, and it is claimed to be applicable to any subject area. I confess to a slight distrust of this kind of "progressive" model, which aspires inexorably to a final state. However, the emerging field of work on Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge links in very effectively with the SOLO taxonomy and offers some points about how the above issues might be addressed. There is a small but enthusiastic group of teachers using the SOLO taxonomy to structure their teaching in schools, and blogging about it.

ICT planning: lesson plan proforma & Bloom's taxonomy | 07JunResources: lesson plan proforma & Bloom’s taxonomy for ICT I posted these a while ago on Twitter, but I think they deserve a repost. During my training year, I saw lesson plans as a hurdle to jump before teaching a lesson, but over the course of this year I’ve come to appreciate the value of an in-depth lesson plan. I put together a new proforma for our department earlier in the year, and it helps me form my thoughts when approaching a new subject cold. Having a copy of my Bloom’s Taxonomy diagram by the side of the computer also helps to stagger exercises to start with building understanding before moving on to more involved skills such as analysis or evaluation. Download links

Parents Debate the Ban on Cell Phones in Class Guest post by Lisa Cooley | Cross posted at The Minds of Kids An interesting conversation took place this morning between my daughter, her two middle-school-age friends, my husband and I. It was about cell phones in school; the general complaint from the girls was about the ban on using cell phones, even at lunchtime.The conversation turned to the ban in classrooms, and my husband, who I have apparently failed to bring up to speed on cell phone issues, brought up what he felt to be an issue of common courtesy: that kids should have cell phones turned off when in class, and their attention turned to the person who is trying to teach them. Reasonable, right? Unfortunately our whole system of education is based on kids learning stuff they don't care about. Not only do we need to design schools that allow kids to connect to learning that matters to them, but we need to allow them to do it with their cell phones.

The Differentiator Try Respondo! → ← Back to The Differentiator The Differentiator is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Kaplan and Gould's Depth and Complexity, and David Chung's product menu. Try It In: French Dutch • Tweet It • Like Byrdseed • Pin It Students will judge the ethics of the [click to edit] using a textbook and create an essay in groups of three. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy adapted from "A Taxonomy for Learning,Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Anderson and Krathwohl Depth and Complexity adapted from The Flip Book by Sandra N. Depth Big Idea Unanswered Questions Ethics Patterns Rules Language of the Discipline Essential Details Trends Complexity Multiple Points Of View Change Over Time Across the Disciplines Imperatives Origin Convergence Parallels Paradox Contribution Key Words Consequences Motivations Implications Significance Adapted from David Chung and The Flip Book, Too by Sandra N. Group Size One Two Three Four

10 Sites To Send Free Text Messages To Cell Phones (SMS) With SMS messages becoming a key utility in today’s modern world, we are finding ourselves sending more and more of them. But the telecommunications industry is charging a fairly high price on 160 characters. So what can we do about it? We can send SMS messages for free, or for a very low price by utilizing the magic power of the internet. The only downside with this is that you have to be sitting in front of a computer, unless of course you have one of those hi-tech phones with internet capabilities. So where are these free text message services hiding? Yakedi If you are anywhere but in Australia, unfortunately this service will not work for you. Pros You get the full 160 character for each SMS you sendThe messages come from your phone number and not someone else’sYou have a contact list so you can select contactsTheir is no advertisements in SMS messages. Cons Final Say GizmoSMS The good thing about GizmoSMS is that you can send free text messages to any number world-wide. SMS Pup Con’s

Bloom’s Taxonomy There isn’t a person alive in education who didn’t sit through the single lecture about Bloom’s taxonomy. In fact, as I sit here, I just pulled down one of the books that I’ve retained from my teachers’ training. “Psychology for Teaching: A Bear Always Usually Faces the Front” by Guy R. Over the years, people have tried to explain learning theory in a number of ways but we keep returning to the original or slightly modified theories based upon Bloom’s work. With computers and technology, we have modern representations as well. or we have an interactive Flash located here; or a revised taxonomy here; or digitally applied here; or a whack of posters here; or connections to a Web 2.0 world here. Over the weekend, I read a blog entry from George Couros that was really put another focus on things for me. I’m thinking of my own personal use for this approach. Just thinking out loud here, any software or activity should be analysed and held up to inspection like the humble pen in this blog entry.

Questioning Authority: Evaluating Wikipedia Articles Jim Wilson/The New York TimesSue Gardner, executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, with an assistant, James Owen.Go to related article » Overview | If Wikipedia is a collaborative project open to all, why are fewer than 15 percent of the site’s contributors women? How authoritative and complete do Wikipedia articles tend to be? Materials | Copies of the Fill-In: Wikpedia and Gender (optional), student journals, computers with Internet access Warm-up | Give students 10 minutes to complete the Fill-In: Wikpedia and Gender, which introduces them to the article they will be reading in class. Next, give students two minutes to write down as many topics they have looked up on Wikipedia as they can remember. Now discuss students’ experiences with Wikipedia, now in its 10th year as an online reader-generated public encyclopedia. Related | In the article “Define Gender Gap? In 10 short years, Wikipedia has accomplished some remarkable goals. Technology 2. Language Arts 1.

Digital Bloom's Visual I was playing around today trying to create a visual representaion of a Digital version of the new Bloom's hierarchy. I'm either going to link the images in this illustration directly and publish on a wiki or I will come back here and provide all the links in a list format, separated by Bloom's level. If you're interested in "Digital Bloom's," you can search for "Bloom," "Bloom's" or "taxonomy" in my Delicious/Diigo tags: or
