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Military Veterans and Foreign Affairs Journal – VA – Veterans Administration

The Potential Hidden Meaning & Messages Behind The Film ‘Divergent’ The film Divergent is the newest installment of dystopia books turned Hollywood films. In what is sure to give the 1.5 billion dollar and counting Hunger Games franchise a run for its money, Divergent appears to either be a clever warning disguised as the next teenage obsession, or another Hollywood tool of predictive programming to acclimate us. Regardless, some of the movie’s parallels cannot be ignored. It’s curious to note that the author Veronica Roth claims that among her short list of life-changing books are non-other than George Orwell’s 1984 and Orson Scott Card’s Ender Game. Both of which, like Hunger Games, see a technological elite ruling over a lower class of peasant-like population. When asked where the idea for Divergent came from, the author speaks specifically on the the clear trauma-based mind control found in the story by confessing: “I was studying exposure therapy in the treatment of phobias. “What if they tell me that I’m not cut out for any faction?

The Contrary Perspective | Provocative views on politics, society, and the state of humanity Divine Cosmos Hipknowsys ALEX JONES Prison Planet TV The Spy Who Billed Me Seymour Hersh was likely counting on his reputation cutting through any obstacles that could prevent him from pulling off what is probably the last “blockbuster” of his career. And he did meet an obstacle: He is pretending to break a broken story—and he knows it. Tuesday evening on Democracy Now! Hersh tried to slide by my allegations of unethical behavior.[1] Hersh commented: … people were writing stories accusing me a [sic] plagiarism in the press in the last two days. Setting aside the apparent assertion that 10,000 words make it okay to take credit for someone else’s story, “wacky stuff” in the referenced 2011 blog article included, among other points: The story of finding bin Laden was total fictionOBL was turned in by a walk-in informantThe Pakistani Intelligence Service -- ISI -- was sheltering bin LadenSaudi cash was financing the ISI operation keeping bin Laden captivePakistani generals Kiyani and Pasha were involved in the US operation that killed OBL In the Democracy Now!

EL PROYECTO MATRIZ Syria: Germany, France break out of U.S. Alliance against Russia Germany, Europe Fully Back Russian Involvement in Syria Photo from May 2015 Editor’s note: VT has been under both “hack” and “denial of service” attacks since running, out of “courtesy,” the unusual article on Israel and Russia that uses humor to burn down a major disinformation network including Reuters and their news partners. Germany is surprisingly quitting the anti-Putin Alliance created by the United States: Germany now officially welcomes Moscow’s readiness to engage with Syria and launches an initiative to end the war with the Russians and the French. Thus, the stream of refugees is to be stopped. Germany put thousands of soldiers on standby. Germany surprising quits Alliance with the United States, which wanted to prevent a participation of Russia in Syria. Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen told der Spiegel, they Welcome Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s involvement in the fight against the extremist Islamic State. It is well possible that the U.S.

COMPRENDRE LA STRATEGIE DU NOUVEL ORDRE MONDIAL i 14 Votes Je vous conseille vivement de prendre le temps de tout regarder. Faites-le en 10 fois s’il le faut, mais faites-le. Vous y apprendrez tellement de choses que, quand vous en aurez fini, rien ne vous surprendra plus. Analyse de la stratégie géo-politique du Nouvel Ordre Mondial. Pierre Hillard est Docteur en Science politique et professeur de relations internationales. Dans cette émission de la chaine web Méta TV de plus de quatre heures, il explique pour la première fois de manière inter-active avec production de cartes et de documents originaux en direct, les réels dessous des décisions politiques, stratégique, la dimension socio-culturelle et religieuse, montrant les objectifs des personnes au pouvoir et celles qui "tirent les ficelles" en coulisse. C’est une remarquable synthèse (analyse autant du passé que de son avenir) de ce que nous reserve le "Nouvel Ordre Mondial".

