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Misha Glenny: Hire the hackers!

Misha Glenny: Hire the hackers!

Is your online personal data up for sale? - Inside Story Americas Facebook is likely to smash Wall Street records when it floats on the NASDAQ stock exchange this week. But in an age when we increasingly live our lives online, how worried should we be about what companies and governments do with our personal data? When Facebook begins issuing shares on Friday, it is expected that the company will be valued at $100bn, three times the GDP of Kenya - a remarkable rise for a company that was started in a Harvard dorm room. The company, started eight years ago by Mark Zuckerberg, has raised share prices and the number of shares available on the IPO, making it the third-largest initial share sale in the US. It claims to have made $3.7bn in revenue in 2011. The site has 900 million users who post photos, connect with friends and share information about their lives. The stated aim of the law is to help the US government investigate cyber threats and protect the security of networks against attack. WHAT IS CISPA?

iTunes U - Aprende todo, en cualquier momento y lugar. 特洛伊木马 (电脑) 特洛伊木马(Trojan Horse),在计算机领域中指的是一种后门程序,是黑客用来盗取其他用户的个人信息,甚至是远程控制对方的计算机而加壳制作,然后通过各种手段传播或者骗取目标用户执行该程序,以达到盗取密码等各种数据资料等目的。与病毒相似,木马程序有很强的隐秘性,随操作系统启动而启动。 “木马”这一名称来源于一个希腊神话。攻城的希腊联军佯装撤退后留下了一只木马,特洛伊人将其当作战利品带回城内。 一個完整的特洛伊木馬套裝程式含了兩部分:服務端(伺服器部分)和用戶端(控制器部分)。 特洛伊木馬程式不能自動操作, 一個特洛伊木馬程式是包含或者安裝一個存心不良的程式的, 它可能看起來是有用或者有趣的計畫(或者至少無害)對一不懷疑的用戶來說,但是實際上有害當它被執行。 特洛伊木馬有兩種,universale的和transitive的,universal就是可以控制的,而transitive是不能控制,刻死的操作。 特洛伊木馬不經電腦用戶准許就可獲得電腦的使用權。 木马程序技术发展可以说非常迅速。 第一代,是最原始的木马程序。 木马的植入通常是利用了操作系统的漏洞,绕过了对方的防御措施(如防火墙)。 特洛伊木马大部分可以被杀毒软件识别清除。 海外著名木马 Back Orifice(BO)NetBus ProSUB7中国大陆著名木马 广外女生广外男生灰鸽子蜜蜂大盗Dropper Stealing Your Address Book by Dustin Curtis It’s not really a secret, per se, but there’s a quiet understanding among many iOS app developers that it is acceptable to send a user’s entire address book, without their permission, to remote servers and then store it for future reference. It’s common practice, and many companies likely have your address book stored in their database. Obviously, there are lots of awesome things apps can do with this data to vastly improve user experience. But it is also a breach of trust and an invasion of privacy. I did a quick survey of 15 developers of popular iOS apps, and 13 of them told me they have a contacts database with millons of records. There are two major questions to ask about this behavior: First, why does Apple allow iOS apps to access a user’s entire address book, at any time, without permission? Yesterday, it was revealed that the private social network app Path practices this behavior. There was similar outrage last year, when Kik was outed. Apple’s Failure

Khan Academy Tracking the Trackers: Where Everybody Knows Your Username Click the local Home Depot ad and your email address gets handed to a dozen companies monitoring you. Your web browsing, past, present, and future, is now associated with your identity. Swap photos with friends on Photobucket and clue a couple dozen more into your username. Keep tabs on your favorite teams with Bleacher Report and you pass your full name to a dozen again. [Update 10/11: Since several readers have asked – this study was funded exclusively by Stanford University and research grants to the Stanford Security Lab. Background on Third-Party Web Tracking and Anonymity In a post on the Stanford CIS blog two months ago, Arvind Narayanan explained how third-party web tracking is not at all anonymous. In the language of computer science, clickstreams – browsing histories that companies collect – are not anonymous at all; rather, they are pseudonymous. Arvind noted five ways in which a user's identity may be associated with third-party web tracking data. Web Information Leakage

e-book ligas Hundreds of websites share usernames sans permission High performance access to file storage Home Depot, The Wall Street Journal, Photobucket, and hundreds of other websites share visitor's names, usernames, or other personal information with advertisers or other third parties, often without disclosing the practice in privacy policies, academic researchers said. Sixty-one percent of websites tested by researchers from Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society leaked the personal information, sometimes to dozens of third-party partners. The report comes as US officials have proposed a mandatory Do Not Track option for all websites. In the report, Jonathan Mayer, a Stanford graduate student who led the study, argued against the claim that the online tracking is anonymous. “We believe there is now overwhelming evidence that third-party web tracking is not anonymous,” he wrote. The report cited privacy policies of many of the websites that appeared to make no mention of the practice.

Comunicación y tecnología Web Browsers Web browsers are software on your machine that communicate with servers or hosts on the Internet. Using a web browser causes data to be stored on your computer and logs to be stored on the web servers you visit, and frequently transmits unencrypted information. Until you have understood the mechanisms by which this occurs — and taken steps to prevent them — it is best to assume that anything you do with a web browser could be recorded by your own machine, by the web servers you're communicating with, or by any adversary that is able to monitor your network connection. Controlling and Limiting the Logs Kept by Your Browser Web browsers often retain a large amount of information about the way they are used. For example, here are the stored data privacy settings pages for Firefox, the free web browser: Apple’s Safari browser also has an easy one-click option to clear everything. Controlling and Limiting the Logs Kept By Web Servers Web Privacy is Hard Cookies Managing Adobe Flash Privacy.

RSS | RSS Explicado Los términos y el vocabulario que empleamos para referirnos al RSS son más sencillos de lo que puedan parecer a primera vista. Muchos de estos términos están “heredados” del inglés. Las siglas de RSS provienen de la expresión en inglés Really Simple Sindication; es decir, sindicación realmente simple. Ejemplo ilustrativo sobre el funcionamiento de las RSS: Vamos a explicar cómo funciona un sistema RSS a través de un ejemplo ilustrativo. En el caso del mundo online y los RSS, esto funcionaría de la siguiente forma. Los sistemas RSS tienen muchísimas ventajas, entre las que cabe destacar, que te permiten mantenerte informado con un importante ahorro en tiempo.
