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Livres News Dernières actualités : 16/05/2017 - Message Alerte !! Voir la suite >> Espace Membre Top Films du moment Top Séries du moment Espace Publicitaire Catégories Films par Genre / Année Partenaires Livres Classer par : Popularité | Date d'ajout « préc 1 2 3 4 suiv » Notre site n'héberge aucun fichier.

Ebooks libres et gratuits Dossiers criminels Bonjour chers lecteurs, je vous souhaite la bienvenue sur ce site. "Dossiers criminels" est consacré aux affaires judiciaires connues ou méconnues et fait l'objet de mises à jour mensuelles.Ce site est rédigé par pure passion pour les affaires judiciaires et les méthodes d'enquête. En aucun cas, il ne vise à faire l'apologie de criminels.Le site ne traitera par ailleurs que de dossiers définitivement jugés ou clôturés, une personne inculpée dans un fait récent devant, jusqu'à preuve du contraire, être considérée comme innocente. Ce site est volontairement dépourvu de forum et de livre d'or.

Wikisource Pattern: Spring Bunnies | All About Ami Spring has arrived! It’s been 3 years since I designed the Spring Bunnies and I know that this pattern has been dearly loved and used many times all over the world since then. If you never jumped on the bunny bandwagon, now’s your chance to join in on the fun and make your own Spring Bunny as the weather warms up and Easter approaches! This pattern originally appeared on Craftzine HERE and it is my pleasure bringing it to you on my blog for the very first time! Materials: Yarn [beige or white medium weight (4) yarn for the body; pink lightweight yarn (3) for the flower]2.00 mm crochet hook and 1.25 mm crochet hook (for the carrot)Yarn needleFiberfillBrown or pink felt (for the feet)Patterned fabric (for lining of the ears)12 mm safety eyesEmbroidery floss (brown or beige for the nose and to attach felt for the feet; orange and green for the carrot)[For new bunny: 9 mm safety eyes, yellow embroidery floss for flower, pink embroidery floss for nose, beige felt for feet] R9-13: Sc 48 Ch 21.

Зверушки и фигурки амигуруми 1.Любая пряжа небольшой толщины 2.Крючок – его размер должен быть таким, чтобы при вязании столбиками без накида получалось довольно плотное полотно без дырок 3.Наполнитель для набивки – это может быть вата, паралон, синтепон, холофайбер, а также стеклянные или пластиковые шарики для набивки конечностей. Для придания формы туловищу или головы вполне подойдут коробочки от шоколадных яиц. 4.Различные украшения, требующиеся для персонажа. 5.Тонирующие средства: от маркеров и восковых мелков до самой настоящей косметики – теней, румян, губных помад и подводок для глаз. Как связать амигуруми В начале работы нужно обернуть нить дважды вокруг пальца и связать шесть столбиков в получившееся кольцо. Классическое амигуруми вяжется просто и быстро, что даёт огромное пространство для вашего творчества. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Амигуруми обычно связаны из пряжи крючком. Amigurumi составлены из частей, которые вяжутся, набиваются, и сшиваются вместе.

Great Grey Crochet: Soren the Barn Owl Here's my beautiful barn owl! I love owls, and was so excited to make this little guy. I read the book Guardians of Ga'hoole and then watched the movie, and then when I learned to crochet I couldn't help but make Soren and some of the other characters. This pattern could also be used to make a normal barn owl. Soren the Barn Owl Materials: G hook E hook Cream or white yarn Light tan yarn Peach yarn Grey yarn 8mm black eyes (optional) White or cream thread Head/Body (use cream or white yarn, G hook) 1. ch 6 in ring-6 2. 2sc in each st around-12 3. Top of Head/Back/Tail (use tan yarn, G hook) (always sc in 2nd st from hook at beg of each round)1. ch 6; turn, (FLO) sc across-52. ch 2, turn, sc in next 7st-63. ch 2, turn, sc in next 7st-74-7. ch 1, turn, sc in next 7st-78. ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 6st-69-11. ch 1, turn, sc in next 6st-612. ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 5st-513. Right Wing (use tan, grey, and cream yarn, G hook,make 1 tan and grey; and the other cream)

Amigurumi | Pattern | Tutorial I heard friends and readers asking me how to do amigurumi, including patterns, materials, tools & tips etc…. you will find all the answers in this post: How-To Amigurumi!!! Frankly speaking, just like all other crafts, to make a decent looking amigurumi is not easy but it is not hard as you thought too. You need skill, skill comes from knowledge and practice…. and to success in crafting, you need patience and the “never-give-up” attitude – do it again and again until you are satisfied with the result. Amigurumi (編みぐるみ?, lit. crocheted or knitted stuffed toy) is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The word is derived from a combination of the Japanese words ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll. {CLICK HERE to get the introduction on How-To Amigurumi.} Pages: 1 2 Print / Download PDF

Elefante marinaio amigurumi | Hobby uncinetto Ho trovato in casa un vecchio gomitolo di lana di un colore molto bello. Inizialmente avevo pensato di realizzare un elefante semplice ma una volta finita la testa ho visto che la lana non sarebbe stata sufficiente e ho trasformato il progetto iniziale in un elefante vestito alla marinara. ---> English pattern Abbreviazioni MagliaCotone bianco 22. 18 mbs 23. (5 mbs, 1 aum)x3 (21 mbs) 24. 21 mbs 25. (6 mbs, 1 aum)x3 (24 mbs) 26. 24 mbs 27. (7 mbs, 1 aum)x3 (27 mbs) 28-29. 27 mbsCotone blu 30. 27 mbs 31. (8 mbs, 1 aum)x3 (30 mbs)Cotone bianco 32. (8 mbs, 1 dim)x3 (27 mbs) 33. 27 mbs ProboscideLana grigia 1. 6 mbs in un anello (6 mbs) 2. 6 mbs 3. 1 aum, 5 mbs (7 mbs) 4. 7 mbs 5. 1 aum, 6 mbs (8 mbs) 6. 8 mbs 7. 1 aum, 7 mbs (9 mbs) 8. 1 aum, 8 mbs (10 mbs) 9. 1 aum, 9 mbs (11 mbs) 10. 3 mbs, 5 aum, 3 mbs (16 mbs) ManiLana crema 1. 6 mbs in un anello (6 mbs) 2. 6 aum (12 mbs)Lana grigia 3. lavorando solo gli anelli posteriori 12 mbs 4-6. 12 mbs 7. (2 mbs, 1 dim)x3 (9 mbs) 8. 9 mbs

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