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YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) YUMI Basic Essentials NOTE: YUMI exFAT works with exFAT formatted USB drives. For the legacy variant, your USB drive must be Fat32/NTFS formatted, otherwise Syslinux will fail and as a result, your drive will NOT Boot. NTFS may not work with every distribution but is required for storing files over 4GB. The UEFI variant must use Fat32 format. The Installer will format your select USB drive, but be aware that all partitions on the select disk will also be deleted. Basic Essentials to create a Multi System Bootable USB Drive Recommended: You will have the best experience when using a Fast SSD Flash Drive. 2GB+ Formatted Flash Drive (128-256GB recommended).Computer that can boot from USB.Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 Operating Environment.YUMI (to create a Multiboot Bootable USB).Your favorite ISO Files. Please inform me of unlisted "FREE" Live Linux distributions or version revisions, and I will attempt to update the USB Multiboot Tool to support them. That's really all there is to it. I. II. III.

No Agenda Entertainment | Multimedia resource for the listener of No Agenda and Daily Source Code Podcasts/Digital broadcasts Journal Archives I’ve been John Scalzi for the past month, and you didn’t notice. EDITED TO ADD: For those of you arriving late, this was my Alternate Reality Day prank. Did you miss me? Mostly. Kind of not at all. It happened like this. I said, “You should let me take your account over. Scalzi said, “Yeah, during a GAME.” Pat cleared his throat and looked a little sheepish (which is totally adorable, by the way) and made a very thorough study of his drink. Yep. So I bet Scalzi that I could get his Twitter account verified. I am sorry to report that I could not. Again, with the not noticing. So then, feeling cocky, I asked if I could try the blog. Want some irony? Now, I’ll grant that biggest thing that I had going for me was that, unlike the Rothfuss game, no one was looking for an impostor here. Also, Scalzi was feeding me Ghlaghghee photos. But then… just to see how thoroughly I could pull off writing like him, I wrote a sample chapter of a novel, which made him laugh. Again, with the smug. Ahem.

Homeland Security Watch Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal [ CSICON ] Wilson describes himself as a "guerilla ontologist," signifying his intent to ATTACK language and knowledge the way terrorists ATTACK their targets: to jump out from the shadows for an unprovoked ATTACK, then slink back and hide behind a hearty belly-laugh. - Robert Sheaffer, The Skeptical Inquirer, Summer 1990 Dublin, 1986. I had given a talk to the Irish Science-Fiction Society and the question period began. "Do you believe in UFOs?" somebody asked. "Yes, of course," I answered. The questioner, who looked quite young, then burst into a long speech, "proving" at least to his own satisfaction that all UFOs "really are" sun-dogs or heat inversions. "Well, we both agree that UFOs exist. An elderly gentleman with blonde-white hair and a florid complexion cried out in great enthusiasm, "By God, sir, you're right. And thus I met Timothy F.X. In fact, Prof. Now I hear that Prof. At this, Murphy spoke up.

WTF, Evolution? Android Forensics « Forensic Focus – Articles Smartphones are changing the IT and Communication landscape vastly. A Smartphone can do almost every good thing a computer can do. Today most of the corporate employee access and manage their official emails through the e-mail client installed on their Smartphone. Right from booking movie tickets to making fund transfers, all e-commerce and online banking transactions can be done using a Smartphone. With high speed of 3G, Smartphones are getting more popular specially among working professionals and students. As Smartphone market is growing, it is also catching bad guy’s attentions. There are number of Mobile Operating Systems present in the market. It is quite obvious that the widely used platform is likely to be targeted more, as in the case of Microsoft Windows Operating System. It is always a challenge for forensic examiners to discover the evidences from the Android devices. How Android can be used in Cyber Crime Android can be used in cyber crime in two ways: Investigation • GPS data

Modern Mythology Patrick Rothfuss – Blog Chip and Skim: cloning EMV cards with the pre-play attack September 10th, 2012 at 19:25 UTC by Mike Bond November last, on the Eurostar back from Paris, something struck me as I looked at the logs of ATM withdrawals disputed by Alex Gambin, a customer of HSBC in Malta. Comparing four grainy log pages on a tiny phone screen, I had to scroll away from the transaction data to see the page numbers, so I couldn’t take in the big picture in one go. I differentiated pages instead using the EMV Unpredictable Number field – a 32 bit field that’s supposed to be unique to each transaction. I soon got muddled up… it turned out that the unpredictable numbers… well… weren’t. Each shared 17 bits in common and the remaining 15 looked at first glance like a counter. And with that the ball started rolling on an exciting direction of research that’s kept us busy the last nine months. Mike Bond, Omar Choudary, Steven J. Let’s go back to the start. Early on Alex smelled a rat. First, there is an easier attack than predicting the RNG. Overthinking It - Movies, TV, Music, Comics, Video Games, Books and Popular Culture
