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EVE Survival

EVE Survival
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Eve-Online Training Academy Blog - Order of Elite Games EVE Online Market Data - EVE Markets EVEMon - BattleClinic - MMO guides - tools - advice - forums EVE Online - 0.0 guide Edited by: Rod Blaine on 25/01/2007 14:42:27Edited by: Rod Blaine on 13/10/2006 12:03:59 CursePro: well, again pretty large, many many stations in many many systems, good npcing because angel faction sovereign space, quite a few entrances, many semi-solo people there to fill your market orders.Con: angel loot not always usable on your ship (mixed shield/speed/whatever loot), very very unfriendly history in this region, many old inhabitants (altho that's a pro too), many small factions around. Generally a warzone most of the time.Great WildlandsPro: hmm, don't know. Yes ! High end ores, decently quiet history, not a very confusing region.con: home of the new CA, no pirate faction sovereignty but a uninteresting NPC faction sovereignty, few station systems, bad layout, few access that don't go through Curse already which I prefer. O.k. So, assuming you've picked one without thinking, we'll now continue. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 11.

EVE-Central: The EVE-Online Market Aggregator and Toolkit Rookie Lowsec Survival Guide Summary Good and Bad Reasons to Go To Lowsec Before you even jump in, especially for the first time, you need to stop and think, "Why am I going here?". If your answer sounds like something lots of other people would do, odds are the system is going to be full of horribly nasty pirates looking to farm noobs like you. Some bad reasons to go to lowsec: Picking up skillbooks. Some good reasons to go to lowsec: To look for trouble! Setting Up Your Overview When you right-click the triangle next to the word "Overview" at the top of the overview, you'll get a menu that shows many options. Feel free to fiddle around with the Filters to set up your overview how you like it. You should set up several overviews - one for just getting around (stations, planets, stargates), another for missioning, mining, etc. I suggest all your overviews have stargates on them though, so you'll always have a warp-out handy. Using Warp to Zero To do this, first make sure your default warp distance is set to zero.

Eve Strategic Maps - 2D Maps for Eve-Online UniWiki
