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If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger,<br>There'd Be a Whole Lot of Dead Copycats

If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger,<br>There'd Be a Whole Lot of Dead Copycats Les mains, les couilles et le trou du cul Il y a maintenant plus de deux ans, le 6 décembre 2004, Fatiha Kaoues et moi même avons publié, sur les sites « Arabesques », « Les mots sont importants » et « » un long texte intitulé « Les ennemis de nos ennemis ne sont pas forcément nos amis », consacré au personnage d’Alain Soral, qui défrayait alors la chronique pour un « dérapage » antisémite. Ce texte mettait en exergue, à partir d’une trentaine de citations de l’écrivain, le fond plus que nauséabond d’une pensée que son auteur se plaisait, pour mieux brouiller les pistes, à présenter comme subversive et progressiste. Derrière une façade mal repeinte aux couleurs de la sociologie, du marxisme, de l’antisionisme et de la lutte contre l’islamophobie, c’était bel et bien à une vulgate antisémite et anti-tzigane que nous avions affaire, ainsi qu’à un nationalisme matiné de nostalgie pour l’Algérie française, le tout sur fond de virilisme, de mysogynie et d’homophobie maladive. From : Alain Soral To : Alain S. ...

The Atlantic: James Fallows This morning I had the privilege of giving the commencement address at the University of Vermont—UVM, home of the Catamounts, in Burlington. My wife Deb and I, and our colleague John Tierney, visited UVM several years ago and wrote about it in our American Futures series, notably with John’s piece about the school’s emergence as a “public Ivy.” Seven Days, the financially-and-journalistically successful weekly based in Burlington (which I’ve also written about), has a story about today’s commencement, here. The University’s story is here. Since the talk drew on various themes that recur in this “American Futures” thread, I’m attaching the text, below. Go Catamounts! Commencement remarks University of Vermont May 21, 2017 James Fallows President Sullivan, Governor Scott, honorary degree recipients, faculty and staff, friends and family, people of Vermont and beyond, and above all members of the class of 2017 — greetings, and congratulations! Let’s go into that case. Let me explain.

Le blog de SuperNo | Jamais content, jamais d'accord, mais toujours prêt à le dire ! The Atlantic: Ta-Nehisi Coates On Monday, 66-year old Joan Tarshis accused Bill Cosby of raping her. Tarshis says the attack took place in 1969, when she was 19 and working as comedy writer: ... [H]e told me that he wanted to work on a monologue together, and I had an idea for something about an earthquake that had just happened. It was my first earthquake. Tarshis is the fifth woman to publicly accuse Bill Cosby of raping her. Perhaps it is not fair for a journalist to consider, or even publicize, anonymous allegations of criminal activity. Most of these allegations came after Constand sued Cosby in civil court. A defense of Cosby requires that one believe that several women have decided to publicly accuse one of the most powerful men in recent Hollywood history of a crime they have no hope of seeing prosecuted, and for which they are seeking no damages. I spent parts of 2006 and 2007 following Bill Cosby around the country. The author of this moment is Bill Cosby. It was not enough.

this isn't happiness™ Peteski Pinakothek (Luc Sante) Le blog de Shige Cut Off Your Hands

Dans la colonne de droite, aller sur The Hitchcock Truffaut Tape pour écouter l'INTEGRALITE des entretiens. by Abbeyrouth Mar 1

Génial, tu m'en avais parlé de ce truc. Je m'y mets demain. by francois Mar 1
