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Tools, Publications & Resources

Tools, Publications & Resources

Planet Cataloging Library Link of the Day Today's Link for October 14, 2021:R. Kelly was convicted. What happens to his music on streaming platforms? [NBC News] What is this? The Library Link of the Day provides you a daily link for keeping up to date with the library profession. Who is it for? If you already read ten library-related weblogs, subscribe to twenty discussion groups, and scan another thirty or so news sites, this service may not be for you. Can I get the link delivered? You can sign up to receive the daily link via e-mail. An RSS feed is also available. Where are the older links? The U.S. city with the most psychiatrists per capita is Washington, D.C..

Lipstick Librarian: She's Bold! She's Sassy! She's Helpful! Public Libraries Online » A Publication of the Public Library Association Library Journal The School Library Media Specialist: Overview The teacher librarian must be prepared for a wide variety of leadership roles in the learning community. These multifaceted roles require a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to on-going professional development. The library media specialist has many roles and responsibilities including teacher, instructional partner, information specialist, and program administrator (Information Power, p. 4-5). Teacher. School media specialists should be teachers first! Take me seriously Challenge me to think Nurture my self-respect Show me I can make a difference Let me do it my way Point me toward my goals Make me feel important Build on my interests Tap my creativity Bring out my best self Students were asked to describe a time when they felt in charge of their learning in school - when they were working not just for a grade but because they were excited and interested. Also read Alfie Koln's What to Look for in a Classroom from The Schools Our Children Deserve, Houghton Mifflin, 1999.

N S R | Portal on all aspects of ebooks and digital content and for all creating, reading, publishing, managing, curating, and distributing the written word and other content in digital format, including publishers, writers, editors, content developers, d

Take Action Tuesday Blog | Everyday Advocacy Be a superhero every week with Take Action Tuesday! Welcome to the Take Action Tuesday blog, a collection of challenges designed to help you be informed, engage with your community, speak out, get inspired, and share your advocacy story. Each week we'll issue a new challenge to help you activate your Everyday Advocacy role and flex your growing skill set. Find links to the current month's challenges below; links to archived challenges appear in the left-hand navigation bar. Have an idea for a Take Action Tuesday challenge or want to share your experience with one of them? Week of Tuesday, March 22 (Spring 2016 #EAChallenge Week 4) Submit the Share Your Advocacy Story webform. Week of Tuesday, March 15 (Spring 2016 #EAChallenge Week 3) Champion the importance of school libraries and school librarians. Week of Tuesday, March 8 (Spring 2016 #EAChallenge Week 2) Introduce Everyday Advocacy to a colleague. Week of Tuesday, March 1 (Spring 2016 #EAChallenge Week 1)

Awful Library Books - Hoarding is not collection developmentAwful Library Books Curation as Digital Literacy Practice | Ibrar's space I have been writing my PhD so haven’t updated this blog for a while. Thesis writing is taking up a lot of my mental space as I get the ideas, storyline and contentions to ‘coalesce’ and cohere in a manner suitable for such a piece of work. I’ve been mulling over a series of ideas in my analysis of digital literacies, and one of them is the concept and practice of ‘curation’ as a digital literacy, and what the implications are for curation practices to be better understood, theorised, and subsequently harnessed for educational purposes. My PhD thesis (Bhatt, forthcoming) is not fully completed yet, but some ideas are worth throwing out to collide with others as part of what I believe is a public conversation (#impact #engagement). [Aside: see this brief lecture by Steven Johnson on the ‘collision’ of ideas and the sharing of half-baked hunches] Back to the topic: Source: References: Bhatt, I. Tufte, E. Like this:
