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ELT Podcast - Basic Conversations for EFL and ESL

ELT Podcast - Basic Conversations for EFL and ESL
HOME > Archive > ELT Podcast - Basic Conversations for EFL and ESL Robert Chartrand and Bill Pellowe Subscribe free:* Theme-based conversations and language practice for students of English, such as EFL, ESL and ESOL. The dialogs have two or more speakers. Read transcripts and listen to mp3 files. Archive Click the link titles to read the podcast transcript or notes, and listen to the broadcast. Basic Conversations - Introductions Nice to meet you!

Free Classic AudioBooks. Digital narration for the 21st Century Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English ► Level 1 For elementary and pre-intermediate students ► Level 2 For intermediate students ► Level 3 For upper intermediate students and above ► For teachers Lesson plans, teachers' information worksheets, how to find a podcast and much more! ► Pie plus Our monthly magazine with news, videos, information worksheets and our monthly competition. ► Extras Extra worksheet activities to support the podcasts ► Freebies Free sample worksheets for each of the three levels ► Travelogues Follow the pie team on their travels and learn English along the way Podcasts in English are not just listening activities for efl and esl students to improve their conversation. Many thanks to partnersinrhyme for the jingle on our podcasts and Philip Halling for the banner photo. Our partner sites: hire essay writers online at EssayPro Check your IELTS writing online - Boost your IELTS Band Score with IELTS Writing Pro, the most advanced IELTS writing checker. - best app that writes essays for you Did you know..?

ELT Podcast - Intermediate Conversations for EFL and ESL HOME > Archive > ELT Podcast - Intermediate Conversations for EFL and ESL Robert Chartrand and Bill Pellowe Subscribe free:* Theme-based dialog podcasts include language practice for intermediate-level students of English, such as EFL, ESL and ESOL. Archive Click the link titles to read the podcast transcript or notes, and listen to the broadcast. Intermediate Conversations - I got a new computer Why didn't you get a desktop computer? Listening Exercises Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free Down­load a Free Audio­book from Audi­ble and also Down­load hun­dreds of free audio books, most­ly clas­sics, to your MP3 play­er or com­put­er. Below, you’ll find great works of fic­tion, poet­ry and non-fic­tion, by such authors as Twain, Tol­stoy, Hem­ing­way, Orwell, Von­negut, Niet­zsche, Austen, Shake­speare, Asi­mov, HG Wells & more. Fic­tion & Lit­er­a­ture

Breaking News English Lessons: ESL Plans Teaching Current Events - Programmübersicht Gerry's News Digest is for more advanced users of English (at level B2 and above). The English is not simplified in any way. In his News Digest Gerry takes a personal look at some of the stories that have been filling the newspapers and the TV screens in Britain, Switzerland and elsewhere. How have the British been adjusting to the ban on smoking in their pubs, for example? Will the Swiss react the same way? What's happening in Liverpool in its year as European Capital of Culture? Gerry is a pseudonym used by Gareth Hughes for the character he has created for his podcasts. Listening to Music: From iPods to Stereo Systems Part 1: Listen and Read I really enjoy listening to music because it helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day. Personally, I really like jazz music because of its musical rhythms and soothing beat. There are several stations on the radio that play this type of music. Other times, I enjoy listening to country and western music. Some of the lyrics to these songs are inspirational and moving. Part 2: Discussion What kinds of music do you enjoy? Part 3: Online Investigation Traditional cassettee tapes are quickly being replaced my audio CDs, but what is the future for music players like iPods? Part 4: Online Listening Practice (from

Le guide du web pédagogique 2011 : Anglais Par Christine Reymond Cette année le coup de coeur est le site de Stéphane Bussutil qui vous propose des ressources actuelles et des idées de mise en oeuvre et d’activités originales, et surtout des tutoriels faciles à suivre pour créer vos propres ressources à partir de logiciels et de l’internet. Ensuite, retrouvez les 3 incontournables, un site de compréhension audio, des sites d’information faciles à utiliser, 3 sites pour aider le prof et des dictionnaires. Coup de coeur Another Teacher’s Website Sur son site, Stéphane Bussutil nous propose des resources pour le cours, des videos sous-titrées, des chansons, mais surtout des tutoriels pour savoir récupérer vos propres documents audios et videos et les mettre en forme (sous-titres, couper/coller, ajouter des blancs, etc) . Les incontournables Primaire : The British Council Teaching English Collège : Rescol Lycée : Vigilangues Films

How does it work ? How to use Audio-Lingua ? What you can find on Audio-Lingua is, for example, audio resources in German, if you click on the « German » section of the front page. You can also find, from any webpage, better targeted audio resources by using the advanced browser (choose a language, level, etc.). The quick and simple browser enables to find resources with one word (the search is carried out within the descriptions of the resources). How to listen and download resources ? By navigating and searching for resources : You can directly listen to mp3 documents You can download every document (to use them in class) clicking on the arrow (right click, then save target as...) ; By subscribing to one of the « RSS - Podcast » feeds of this website :Then you may automatically download and listen to the resources with Itunes or with your « RSS - Podcast » feed reader. To learn more about the rights of using these resources, read the Privacy Policy. How to find the « RSS - Podcast » feed that interests me ?
