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A Akihabara, les Maids réchauffent les coeurs et refroidissent Tokyo ! - Blog photos du Japon - voir le Japon autrement ! Alors, pour ceux qui ne seraient pas au fait des news d'Akihabara, le quartier organise régulièrement des petits évènements et autres Matsuri. Mais comme j'ai pas toujours le temps de répondre aux invitations, j'en rate pas mal... sauf le week-end dernier car ça faisait longtemps que je voulais photographier cette coutume ! Ainsi, j'ai eu droit à une belle brochette de Maids (vous savez ces jeunes filles habillées en soubrettes -mais pas seulement- et qui servent le café en faisant plein de roupoutou et dessins de coeurs -bon après y'a plein de variantes-, aux Otaku et autres Salaryman en manque d'affection.... mais aussi aux nombreuses jeunes femmes -oui c'est surprenant- qui y viennent prendre un café -et choper un futur mari docile ? ) jetant de l'eau dans la rue pour rafraîchir la ville en ces périodes de fortes chaleurs. PS : pour ceux qui se demandent... on a bien ressenti le tremblement de terre...

camen design · Video for Everybody! Video for Everybody is simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element, falling back to Flash automatically without the use of JavaScript or browser-sniffing. It therefore works in RSS readers (no JavaScript), on the iPhone / iPad (don’t support Flash) and on many browsers and platforms. Thanks to the rapid adoption of HTML5 video happening right now, Video for Everybody isn’t the only solution around. How It Works If your browser supports it, HTML5 video is used. If HTML5 video is not supported, Adobe Flash is used. Finally, if all else fails, a placeholder image is shown and the user can download the video using the links provided. VfE different than any other Flash video embedding method. This is all done without JavaScript and requires two video encodes, one Ogg file, and one MP4 file. It’s compatible with HTML 4, HTML5 (valid markup), XHTML 1 and additionally also works when served as application/xhtml+xml. The Code IMPORTANT Notes Using

About Bento Bento, or o-bento, refers to a packaged, single-portion, portable meal that is usually eaten at lunch, but also comes in larger sizes meant for use at picnics, dinner, and parties. A bento generally consists of rice or noodles and some form of protein (e.g., meat, poultry, fish, tofu) accompanied by side dishes of raw, simmered, or pickled vegetables. There are many different types of bento boxes, ranging from traditional handcrafted wooden lacquerware to disposable containers – see Bento Boxes and Accessories for examples. Most bento boxes have compartments or internal dividers for separate dishes. Bento is an art form in Japan. The bento I pack are not quite so fancy. If you haven’t tried making bento yet, you should give it a go! Back to the top

What just happened to video on the web? That's a question you should ask with the announcement we made tonight. I think a lot will change. This is probably one of my longest and information packed posts ever, but I think it is important we put down all cards on the table. Lets summarize what new functionality Flash Player 9 Update 3 Beta 2 contains (for the impatient: It will be available on this afternoon):An file format parser implementing parts of ISO 14496-12. In terms you might understand this means a very limited sub set of MPEG-4, 3GP and QuickTime movie support.Support for the 3GPP timed text specification 3GPP TS 26.245. Essentially this is a standardized subtitle format within 3GP files.Partial parsing support for the 'ilst' atom which is the ID3 equivalent iTunes uses to store meta data. Why now? Unfortunately, and we realized while working on this: along with adopting industry standards also comes completely new terminology which seems designed to confuse non-insiders.

Institut des Traditions du Japon /日本伝統協会 / Institute of Japanese Traditions / Nihon Dento Kyokai Making movies from image files using ffmpeg/mencoder Motivation In my research, I often generate a sequence of images from either my experiment or from a simulation that I want to put together into a movie. Since I use linux, I wanted to do this using free software in linux, and I wanted to be able to play the movie in linux. This webpage outlines what I've learned about how to do this in linux using mencoder or ffmpeg to create high quality files that are well compressed and the play well under all operating systems. The movies are going to be non-standard size (usually square, around 200x200 pixels for me), and have a non-standard frame rate: typcially, my movies may only be 10 frames, so I don't want to run it at 30 fps. The details We want to encode to some kind of relatively portable movie format. ffmpeg and mencoder both do this using the libavcodec library developed as part of ffmpeg. vcodec= ffmpeg supports an even larger list of output codecs and container formats. MPEG-4 is the best option. How do the file sizes compare? Image files:

100 mots japonais qu’il faut connaître (Attention à l'encodage des caractères) Vous souhaitez partir au Japon pour 3 mois ou 1 semaine? Alors avant de partir il est important de connaître un minimum de vocabulaire pour vivre au quotidien sereinement au pays du soleil levant et faire face aux petits tracas qui pourraient arriver. Voici une sélection de 100 mots très utiles qui vous permettront de vous faire comprendre par les japonais. En cas d’urgence トイレ (toire) = les toilettes 手洗い (tearai) = des toilettes où l’on peut se laver également les mains 助けて (tasukete) = à l’aide わかりません (wakarimasen) = je ne comprends pas やめて! 英語 (eigo) = Anglais (si vous souhaitez communiquer dans une langue étrangère autre que le japonais, il y a de grande chance que votre interlocuteur ne connaisse que l’anglais) 服 (fuku) = vêtement 死にそう (shini sou) = je me sens très mal (littéralement « j’ai l’impression que je vais mourir ») 警察 (keisatsu) = la Police 危険 (kiken) = Danger (Ces kanji sont souvent inscrit sur les panneaux à l’entrée de zones prohibées ou dangereuses) Poser une question どうした? なに?

Open Source Media Framework Blog OSMF 1.6 (pre-release “Sprint” 1) introduced Stage Video support. With Sprint 2, we wanted to see how well the implementation works for advertisement scenarios, so we created a sample plug-in for ad insertion. Our intent is to provide the best Stage Video support in complex, multiple video scenarios and at the same time we’d like to establish a set of best practices related to implementing advertisement plugins. Getting the source code The source code is in the OSMF SVN repository and you can get it directly from these locations: svn checkout svn checkout We have also uploaded the ZIP archive containing the source code to our SourceForge download section (check the OSMF 1.6 – Sprint 2 folder): Using the plug-in with Strobe Media Playback A configuration snippet looks like this:
