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New Infowars Search Term: Resentment Toward Government Kurt Nimmo September 30, 2010 In order to draw attention to Paul Joseph Watson’s latest article, Authorities Plan To Trawl Phone Calls And E Mails For Signs Of “Resentment Toward Government,” Alex Jones has announced a new search term – Resentment Toward Government. If alive today, would the founders be profiled as criminals resentful toward government? Watson draws attention to a symposium in held Hamburg, New York, that was attended by federal agencies, police departments and others and where a system that trawls phone conversations, emails and instant messages to detect “resentment toward government” was demonstrated. The system works by detecting “resentment in conversations through measurements in decibels and other voice biometrics,” more specifically the emotional spikes that characterize “hatred and deep resentment toward government.” How many people express resentment toward the government? Government fears all citizens who resent their monopoly on power. Breaking!

YHWH is El The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (R. H. Charles) From The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament by R. H. Charles, vol. II, Oxford Press 1 1 The copy of the Testament of Reuben, even the commands which he gave his sons before he 2 died in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his life. Two years after the death of Joseph his 3 brother, when Reuben fell ill, his sons and his sons' sons were gathered together to visit him. 2 1 And now hear me, my children, what things I saw concerning the seven spirits of deceit, when 2 I repented. 3 1 Besides all these there is an eighth spirit of sleep, with which is brought about the trance of 2 3 nature and the image of death. 5 1 For evil are women, my children; and since they have no power or strength over man, they use 2 wiles by outward attractions, that they may draw him to themselves. 6 1 Beware, therefore, of fornication; and if you wish to be pure in mind, guard your senses from every 2 woman. 7 1, 2 And Reuben died, having given these commands to his sons.

YHWHYahuahTransliteration study on the Name of the MessiahSabbathMessianicNatsarimIsraelYahushuaLewWhiteFossilizedCustomsTorahNazareneIsraelPaganChristianityKipa The Transliteration of the Name What Is the Hebrew Name for JESUS? It is definitely not "JESUS". For those who want to get to the answer, we'll be skipping the Greek and Latin to find out. A Very Hairy Situation Going backward through languages, "JESUS" becomes "ESAU" in Hebrew! Many miss that the question is referring to "it", a singular identity for what people mistake to be 2 beings. Our Husband's Name is not Greek, it's Hebrew Also, the one incidence at NekemYah 8:17 is acceptable as an abbreviated form. In 216 of these, the spelling is: yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin: YAHUSHA The son of Nun (a leader of the tribe Ephraim) that we find in the concordance started out with a four-lettered name, then Mosheh changed it by adding one letter (YOD) to the beginning of his name: #1954: HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (HUSHA), rendered in the KJV as “HOSHEA” (Dt. 32:44), and “OSHEA” (Num 13:16). this spelling is found 216 times, rendered in the KJV as “JOSHUA”. YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN, or “YAHUSHUA”. יהושע

YahshuaMessiah Adam Was Black Most ancient Hebrew biblical inscription deciphered, scholar says A breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written. Professor Gershon Galil of the Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa has deciphered an inscription on a pottery shard discovered in the Elah valley dating from the 10th century BCE (the period of King David's reign), and has shown that this is a Hebrew inscription. The discovery makes this the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research and that the Kingdom of Israel already existed at that time. Prof. A breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written. Prof. Prof. The contents of the text express social sensitivity to the fragile position of weaker members of society. English translaton of the deciphered text:

Images of the True Israelites "VIEWS OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD" (VOL.3)International Publishing Co. Ltd. Jerusalem - 1960 p.110 ... "GENESIS - WORLD OF MYTHS AND PATRIARCHS" by Ada FeyerickNew York University Press - 1996 p.76-77 ... (4) races of Man p.190-191 ... "THE OXFORD HISTORY OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD"Edited by Michael D. p.89 ... "EGYPT - 400 YEARS OF ART"by Jaromir MalekPhaidon Press Limited - 2003 London and New York p.253 ... "EVERYDAY LIFE IN BIBLICAL TIMES"National Geographic Society - 1967 p.34-35 ... "COLLINS ATLAS OF THE BIBLE"Edited by James B. p.49 ... "6,000 YEARS OF THE BIBLE"by G.S.WegenerHarpers and Row Publishers - 1963 New York and Evanston p.36-37 ... "THE ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF THE WORLD AND IT'S PEOPLE"Vol - Israel and Turkey Greystone Press - 1966 and 1968New York p.94 ... "HEBREWISMS OF WEST AFRICA"by Joseph J. p.82 ... of William S. "THE JERUSALEM CHRONICAL"Vol.9 - No.2 p.3 ... image of Rabbi Arnold J. p.1 ...

10th Century Hebrew Inscription on Pottery from Khirbet Qeiyafa, Israel Confirms Biblical Claims Introduction Many skeptics claim that the Bible wasn't written until the fifth century B.C., since ancient Hebrew wasn't even in existence until then. However, recent discoveries show written Hebrew was in existence by the 10th century, B.C. To the surprise of many skeptics, an ancient Hebrew inscription, dated to the 10th century B.C. was discovered in 2006. Now, the most ancient example of the Hebrew language has been found on a pottery shard in Khirbet Qeiyafa, 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem, near the Elah Valley in Israel.1 New evidence The archaeological site of Khirbet Qeiyafa is the location of a massively fortified city of megalithic stones 6-9 ft tall.2 In 2008, two city gates were discovered, which was very unusual for cities of that time (which usually had only one gate). The pottery shard containing the inscription was discovered by Professor Yosef Garfinkel in 2008. you shall not do [it], but worship the [Lord]. Conclusion The discovery of the 10th century B.C. References Mesopotamia Halsall Home | Medieval Sourcebook | Modern History Sourcebook Other History Sourcebooks: African | East Asian | Indian | Islamic | Jewish | LGBT | Women's | Global | Science See Main Page for a guide to all contents of all sections. Common Issues: Mesopotamian/Egyptian/Hebrew/Greek History MEGA Abzu: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East Available on the Internet [At Chicago] 2ND Emergence of Civilization in Ancient Near East [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND The Near East 3000-1200 BCE [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND The Near East 1250-500 BCE [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND Arden Eby: The Origin and Development of Writing in Mesopotamia : An Economic Interpretation [At Internet Archive][Modern Illustrated Account] Interactive Map: Political Change in Ancient Mesopotamia , 3000-1000 BCE [At U. The Emergence of Kingship: Inscription of Umma and Lagash , c. 2500BCE [At] 2ND Arthur A. 2ND Harry A.

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