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Luckie's 30-Day Social Media Makeover

Luckie's 30-Day Social Media Makeover
The Social Path About Luckie Luckie & Company is a marketing agency packed with Southern charm and a freakish love of new ideas. About us David Griner is a social media strategist for Luckie & Company . He's also a contributing editor to Adweek's blog, . Luckie's 30-Day Social Media Makeover. Throughout January, The Social Path is running daily tips on how to improve your social life — online, at least. Here's a quick recap of all the tips posted to date: Introduction. Comments Great Idea, guys. Posted by: Rebecca Caroe | January 02, 2010 at 02:51 PM This is a great idea! Posted by: Ginidietrich | January 04, 2010 at 04:51 PM Hey guys--this is great stuff... I came across it (a bit too late, as it's almost February) from StumbleUpon, and I've been going through the stuff that's new to me. Thanks for posting it, I've linked to it from my blog (, and will be sharing it with my networks as well. Thanks for the great info and wonderful blog! Nick Great Post.... Bo heh Thanks

Simon Sinek en conférence TED donne un conseil qui transformera votre manière de communiquer. | Proactive Activity Voici une des meilleures vidéos sur la communication et le leadership issues des fameuses conférences TED . Simon Sinek auteur du livre « Start With Why » nous explique en quelques minutes le « Cercle d’or », un conseil simple à appliquer et extrêmement efficace qui bouscule les idées reçues sur notre manière de voir la communication et le leadership de ceux qui connaissent de grandes réussites. Sinek illustre sa présentation 4 exemples (Apple, Martin Luther King, les frères Wright et Tivo) qui au départ n’ont pas grand chose en commun avec brio et nous montre ce qui est essentiel pour avoir une communication inspirante . Vous y apprendrez aussi la loi de diffusion de l’innovation avec l’exemple d’Apple. Vous avez trouvé cet article intéressant? Si vous avez apprécié cet article, c’est qu’il est peut être utile à vos amis et vos contacts sur les réseaux sociaux. Merci d’avance pour le partage et à la semaine prochaine pour un nouvel article. Named Suivre l’actualité du blog.

29 Ways to Collect Email Addresses for Your Business Looking for ways to grow your list of newsletter subscribers? There are a ton of ways to get people to sign up for your weekly or monthly email marketing campaigns. I’ve put together a list for you to read, so you have heaps of options for growing your list. Include a link to your newsletter sign up form in the main navigation bar of your website and/or blog. (Or better yet, include a sign up form in the main navigation bar).Create a “sign up” call to action on your Facebook business page.Create enticing visuals encouraging people to sign up for your list, and post them on social media channels (especially Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn).Attend or exhibit at a trade show or networking event and bring a newsletter email sign up clipboard or book. If you’re tech savvy, bring an iPad or mobile device with you. Bonus: Optimize your site for appropriate SEO keywords, and ensure your business is on appropriate online listings. Have any additional ideas? © 2016, Janine Popick.

11 Qualities of an Effective Social Media Manager The following is an excerpt from the newly released Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits and was published in the September 2011 edition of Fundraising Success Magazine (@frsuccess). However, do to word count constraints the content below is not in its full entirety. In the book, this section (taken from Chapter 2) is twice the length seen below. Just a FYI. 11 Qualities of an Effective Social Media Manager Despite all the buzz about social media, the reality is that your social media campaigns are only as good as the human being(s) behind them. 1. You can hear it in his voice and read it in his tweets. 2. Effective social media managers enjoy engaging with and responding to comments on social media sites. 3. Creativity is what makes exceptional social media campaigns stand out from the rest. 4. 5. 6. The nonprofits that are the most successful in social media today were on Myspace and YouTube in 2005 and 2006. 7. 8. 9. 10. It’s a whole new Web. 11. Like this:

Musicovery Getting Real About Your Social Media Marketing Plan - Content First! Everybody talks about social media as the new Holy Grail of marketing. The fact is that results have been pretty mixed. Relative to the amount of hot air, the hard dollar results are unimpressive. Consider the size and diversity of the social media market. The answer, in a word, and it only needs one, is: Content. This isn’t TV or print marketing. Why is content so vital? Long ago, Claude Hopkins, revered as the father of modern advertising, already knew one fundamental law of the trade which has never changed: Try to sell something to people, and they run away. He was also the person first to put into words another fundamental principle: If your advertising content gives people something of value, the content is as good as a sales pitch. One of the most irritating statements in online marketing at the moment is that “Content is king”. There’s now a new principle involved: People gravitate to their areas of need online. Planning your content basics Content really is king.

Journalists, Online PR & Link Building “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” Jonathan Swift Opportunities for great free publicity and inbound links are all around us. They arise every day from a host of newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news sites… but we just don’t see them. Often we don’t see them because we don’t look. Our brains work on autopilot most of the time. But once you start to look for something, you see it everywhere. Several years ago, I was featured in the New York Times – and the feature gave a live link to my site. Afterwards, I wondered how many other small businesses had been featured in the New York Times and whether they too had a link to their site. I started looking for other examples of how link building and online public relations could work together. In this article, I’d like to outline 10 reasons why a journalist would write about your website, and I want to give you real examples that will inspire you to try the same. An important online PR tip 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

WAVE - Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool AU: A ‘digital social contract’ for online behaviour Citizen Engagement By Xinghui Guo | 18 September 2011 | Views: 1957 Five federal ministers in Australia are proposing a ‘digital social contract’ that will guide Australians’ cyber lives, reining in offensive online behaviour. Under the Cyber White Paper released on 15 Septemeber 2011, a discussion paper call ‘Connecting with Confidence’ said there is a need to “consider a broadened or updated social contract that takes account of the growing part of our civic experience that occurs online”. The paper cited concerns regarding social media use, saying that some popular sites do not have stringent enough rules to protect users from harassment, bullying, misleading or distributing offensive material. Hence, this contract wants to develop a “common understanding of a model of accountable and responsible digital citizenship a digital social contract may need to be part of the debate about Australia’s digital future”.

How to Start a Small Business |'s Start-up Guide Writing a Business Plan, Section by Section Are you starting a business? Advice for small businesses on what it takes to create a solid business plan, including forming an outline, forecasting credible financial information, and establishing a marketing strategy. Business Plans by the Numbers When writing a business plan, here's how to run the numbers that matter without getting hung-up on those that don't. How to Choose the Right Legal Structure S Corp, C Corp, or LLC? How to Set Up a Website Want to create a terrific website without spending a fortune? How to Pitch Angel Investors Obtaining capital can be one of the trickier aspects when it comes to starting a business. How to Hire Your First Employee Your business is growing so fast that soon you'll be not only your own boss, but someone else's as well. How to Set Prices Pricing is easily one of the trickiest aspects of starting a business. How to Write a Memorable Slogan How to Choose an Accountant How to Conduct Initial Market Research
