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Classroom Management: 4 Keys to Starting the Year off Right

Classroom Management: 4 Keys to Starting the Year off Right
Related:  Classroom Management

Il destino della lezione frontale – DesignDidattico – Medium L’attuale situazione della scuola italiana sta vivendo un interessante momento di transizione. Da un lato il ricambio generazionale dei docenti sta portando in cattedra insegnanti sempre più giovani, sebbene l’età media dei docenti italiani resti una delle più alte in Europa, dall’altro il Miur col Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale sta dando un notevole e meritorio impulso alla formazione in servizio. Sullo sfondo ci sono i cosiddetti “nativi digitali”, ossia quei giovani che, nati nel nuovo millennio,utilizzano quotidianamente le tecnologie, seppure molto raramente in modo consapevole ed efficace. È davvero così avvilente il quadro? Pensiamo che tutto ciò non abbia inciso in modo irreversibile sui loro pattern mentali? Quello che spesso si finge di non capire è che internet ha cambiato in modo radicale, irreversibile e velocissimo un sistema culturale che, sotto certi aspetti, era fermo da decenni se non da secoli. Facciamo un esempio: la spedizione in Gallia da parte di Giulio Cesare.

4 Tips for Effective Classroom Management Classroom management is simply the techniques teachers use to maintain control in the classroom. Educators employ a variety of strategies and techniques to ensure that students are organized, on task, well-behaved, and productive during the school day. A lack of effective classroom management can cause chaos and stress, which can create an unsatisfactory learning environment for students and an unsatisfactory work environment for the teacher. However, these tips will help you master classroom management and create a quality learning environment. Know Your Students and How They Learn Implementing successful classroom management strategies creates a positive learning environment for students and ensure that they successfully master the materials presented. Teachers always want their students to succeed and thrive, but what that looks like for each individual might differ. Have a Strong Lesson Plan A key aspect of effective classroom management is knowing what you're going to do.

Why Instructional Design Must Focus on Learning Outcomes, Not Learning Activities It’s no secret that kids learn better when teachers provide learning activities that keep them engaged. Teachers work tirelessly to plan engaging lessons that capture and keep the interests of their students, thereby making content more accessible. However, teachers continue to feel the daunting pressure to compete for their students’ attention amidst the ever-evolving and rapidly-hanging mass media, social media, and entertainment industry, as these elements do a stellar job of keeping students highly engaged outside of the classroom. Although it is vitally important for us to know and understand our students' interests and the best conditions under which they learn, there is good news: It’s not necessary that we focus our efforts on competing with the devices and activities our students engage in during their downtime outside of the classroom! Recreation, entertainment, and downtime for students outside of the classroom are just that: recreation, entertainment, and downtime.

What Is Classroom Management? A Guide for Newbie and Veteran Teachers There are some topics that are so broad, so overwhelming that it’s hard to know where to begin. For teachers, classroom management can be one of those topics. It is a critical skill; some say it’s more important than content knowledge. And yet, there is no single method or protocol to follow to ensure success. So what’s a new teacher, or a teacher returning to the classroom after many years away, to do? What is classroom management? Simply put, classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to ensure that their classroom runs smoothly, without disruptive behavior from students. This can look different depending on which subject and age group you teach, how many students you have, and most importantly, your core personality. Of course, the ultimate goal for any teacher is an academically productive classroom with focused, attentive, and on-task students. The bottom line is this: Effective classroom management is an absolute must.

Pixar insegna i segreti dello storytelling in un corso online gratuito Il celebre studio di animazione ha deciso di svelare tutti i segreti che si celano dietro la magie delle sue storie e dei suoi personaggi, offrendo un corso online gratuito sulla piattaforma Khan Academy. Sullo storytelling, cioè sull’arte di raccontare storie, la Pixar, in effetti, può salire in cattedra, vantando un’esperienza decennale nella creazione di veri sogni animati. Pixar ha pubblicato sulla piattaforma di Salman Khan “Pixar in a box”, un corso suddiviso in varie lezioni che mostrano e insegnano il “making of” dei suoi film. Virtual Camera, Animation, Color Science sono alcuni dei corsi che “Pixar in a box” contiene, ma quello che attirerà sicuramente più utenti è la sezione “The Art of Storytelling”. Il corso è sponsorizzato da Disney, che ha la proprietà di Pixar.

7 Classroom Management Techniques That Really Work Some classrooms run like clockwork, with teachers seeming to manage them effortlessly. Others … well, not so much. But there’s nothing magic or automatic about classroom management. It’s a skill that teachers build over time, constantly refining their classroom management strategies to find the ones that work best for them. 1. While teachers don’t usually get to choose their own classroom management systems, sometimes one stands out enough to be brought to your administrators’ attention for consideration. 2. This is the most important of classroom management strategies and often the most challenging. Be realistic about how much information you can hold in your head. 3. This doesn’t just mean calling home when there’s a problem. If this sounds like a lot of work, we’ve got good news! 4. These days, there are no set rules for what a classroom needs to look like. 5. Most teachers start the year by sharing their classroom rules and procedures. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sitting still is hard. 10. 11.

Multiple Intelligences: What Does the Research Say? Many educators have had the experience of not being able to reach some students until presenting the information in a completely different way or providing new options for student expression. Perhaps it was a student who struggled with writing until the teacher provided the option to create a graphic story, which blossomed into a beautiful and complex narrative. Or maybe it was a student who just couldn't seem to grasp fractions, until he created them by separating oranges into slices. Because of these kinds of experiences, the theory of multiple intelligences resonates with many educators. It supports what we all know to be true: A one-size-fits-all approach to education will invariably leave some students behind. Howard Gardner's Eight Intelligences The theory of multiple intelligences challenges the idea of a single IQ, where human beings have one central "computer" where intelligence is housed. The Difference Between Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles References Tomlinson, C.

Classroom Management More Articles of Interest CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT TIPS Differentiated Instruction, Flexibility Make Multi-Age Classes Work Multi-grade classes sound like a lot of work for teachers. But by regularly assessing students, differentiating instruction, and using flexible groupings, the experience can be revitalizing for a teacher. Included: Tips for planning lessons in multi-grade classes. Goal Setting Made Easy Teaching students how to set goals is easy with Goal Setting 101, a 3-part article that describes the process, and the Goal Tracker booklet, a student journal for recording goals and focusing on action steps. Tools for Teaching Supplies Specifics for PBIS and RtI The objective of Tools for Teaching for the past 40 years has been to develop specific classroom management procedures that prevent both discipline and instruction problems.

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