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12 Photoshop Light Effect

12 Photoshop Light Effect
Below are a few Photoshop light effect tutorials that have caught my eye while looking over the tutorial sites, for me these produce the best results while using brushes, blurs and other media such as textures to create a top quality effect. Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop Covers using filters with textures such as the twirl filter and warp filter with a Nebula star texture making for impressive results. Create a Colorful Aged Poster With Special Lighting Effects You’ll learn how to use texture and adjustment layers to create an aging effect on a colorful abstract poster design. Create a Surreal Girl with a Raven Composition in Photoshop Tutorial Loads of great tricks in this tutorial. The Making of “Constant Slip” This is more a process description of making this illustration, than a detailed step by step how to, but is very detailed and can lead to some very creative ways of achieving light effects. Achieve Brilliant Lighting Effects in Photoshop Comments

creative attractive tuts These handy tutorials are so creative and attractive,tutorials are basically used for your guidance which helps you for create effects in different pictures which you can see in our post.Please let us know if you like our post through comments. Aquatic Sounds Magical Scenes Coffee Shop Menu Design Instruct Magical Four Piece Stardust Incredible Typographic Vector Butterfly Retro look Jungle 3D Shakespeare Text Illustration Light Effect Wallpaper Blend a Planet Funky Perspective Spoiled Princess Fashion Enhance Photos With a Pen Tablet Slick 3D Ice Text Effect Space Rocket Fantasy “Mother Nature” 3D Text Shatter Effect Dark, Post-Apocalyptic City Stylish Mail Robust 3D Letter Design Vector Collegiate Notebook About Author admin

50+ Photoshop Tutorials Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. Designers love all of those photoshop tutorials that can help them to learn more and more everyday and give them direction to design more beautiful and attractive creative works. And the demand for Photo Effects tutorials are too much in these days. We know this very well and SmashingApps is all about to feature all those smashing stuffs that are free and useful for designers. You are welcome if you want to share more Photoshop tutorials that our readers/viewers may like. Retouching A Picture In this detailed tutorial you will learn how to Retouching a Picture in photoshop. Correcting Keystoning In Photoshop Perspective Correction In Photoshop – Keystoning Adobe introduced the powerful Lens Correction filter which quickly replaced those other two methods as the fastest and easiest way to correct keystoning. Nostalgic Retro Fairytale Look in Photoshop Warzone Photo Manipulation

70 photoshop actions The compilation consist of 70 of the best Photoshop actions collected from all around the web from photo effects to actions for even creating photo borders, An essential design resource for all designers weather your an expert or an beginner. Photoshop actions consist of a series of menu commands such as i.e. filters, image adjustments etc which can be recorded and played back this process is called a Photoshop action. Photoshop actions are perfect for novices to Photoshop simply because it allows you to apply multiple different photo effects to an image within a few seconds without having knowledge about the ins and outs of Photoshop. Photo Effect Actions 1) Double sketch effect action for Photoshop This action offers a “double” sketch effect, just like if you painted the sketch twice, once from left to right, and once from right to left. 2) Photoshop Action – Bright Eyes A Photoshop action to enhance the appearance of the eye but only works with blue eyes. 3) Pencil Draw Photoshop Action

handwriting tips You’ve decided you want to improve your handwriting and you’re probably hoping a fountain pen will do the trick -- maybe a friend told you it would. Maybe you’re just adventurous and you want to try your hand at calligraphy (or you might, once your handwriting improves). Good for you! A fountain pen may make your writing look a bit better, but if your writing looks as if frenzied chickens got loose on the page, chances are this won’t be enough. After coaching handwriting and teaching calligraphy over the years, I’ve learned to see the characteristics of those who’ll be able to pick up the necessary motions quickly from those who’ll have to work a bit harder. Crampy, uneven letters are often the result of drawing the letters with the fingers rather than using the whole arm to write. People who inevitably have trouble with handwriting and calligraphy write with their fingers. If you use the right muscle groups, your writing will have a smooth, easy flow and not look tortured. Fig. 1. Top

8 photoshop tricks Graphics Photoshop is one of the (if not THE) most well known software used in the design industry when it comes to manipulating images and pixels. As a web designer I had some Photoshop lessons at school but that was 2 years ago. Today the software has evolved, more options are available, and I also learn a few tricks while practicing. You will find in this article eight tricks I wish I knew when I was a student (or wish existed in previous Photoshop versions). Easier Illustrator-like Layer Auto-Select As I do a lot of logo / UI design, I won’t hide it, I’m a huge fan of Illustrator. In Photoshop by default you have to go and select what you want to work on in the layer panel, and use a CTRL + click on the element to select it, or right-click somewhere in the working space and you’ll get a list of your layers (good luck if you did not rename them). Fortunately, there’s a simple tip to make Photoshop behave like illustrator. Get Better & Quicker Control on Your Current Tool Size Conclusion

30 posters tuts Photoshop allows designers to create amazing posters that can be used for a variety or purposes like movie promos, product promos, event promos, as well as just for fun and practice. There are a lot of quality tutorials out there that teach the process of designing a poster in Photoshop. In this post we’ll feature 30 poster tutorials from a variety of different designers. Looking for hosting?

6 minute workout Hi BodyRockers, Today Freddy and I are starting to pack for our move and we are crazy busy. With everything that we have to do today, I didn’t have time for a full workout, but don’t worry because I put together this savage little 6 minute full body routine that will rock you out. Freddy & I will be back this weekend with new BodyRockers, a new diet challenge and possibly a life post if we actually do anything interesting besides packing! Enjoy your training! Zuzana & Freddy Jump Squatmax. reps during 10 secondsSide Pike Jumpmax. reps during 20 secondsMountaing Climbermax. reps during 20 seconds Get your gear for this workout here: Interval TimerGet your equipment here Instructions: This workout is 6 minutes long Super Intense Interval Training. There are 3 exercises that you will be going through until you complete all 12 rounds. 10 seconds of Jump Squats 20 seconds of Side Pike Jumps 20 seconds of Mountain Climber … and repeat until your timer tells you that the 6 minutes are over. Jump Squat

Separate Complex Objects from Background Welcome to! If you find this site useful, you might want to subscribe to our free newsletter for updates on our new Photoshop Tutorials and Articles. You can find a lot of tutorials how to separate complex objects from the background. But I would like to invite your attention to another one unique simple tutorial how to achieve the desired effect in just a few steps. I got this method by experimenting. In the beginning you should find some appropriate picture to work with. Apply Filter > Extract with similar settings to these: This is where we start to extract the image first of all zoom into the image with Zoom Tool so you can clearly see the outline and set the brush size to a suitable size and then simply draw around the outline of the woman’s hairstyle with Edge Highlighter Tool. After that create a new layer under and fill it with color of #aed2da. Now we can see that we have some defects on woman’s hair. Now, move to the next step. We are done on this step.

50 tutoriels photoshop pour le ciel et les effets de l'espace et des plan?tes | TuniBOX Le ciel, les nuages, le soleil, les étoiles et les planètes sont des éléments omniprésents dans les illustrations, les photos personnelles ou les maquettes professionnelles. Photoshop permet -à l’aide de ses outils- de manipuler ces éléments et d’ajouter des effets réalistes ou correctifs. Il permet aussi de réaliser des paysages fantastiques et imaginaires. Après les retouches de beauté, les effets d’eau et de pluie et la réalisation des anciens modèles, cet article présente 50 tutoriels réalisés par des professionnels de Photoshop. L’espace et les planètes Effet d’éclipse avec Photoshop Fabio Sasso, un maître de Photoshop vous montre comment réaliser cet effet de lumière. Tutoriel pour l’espace et les planètes Créez cette figure avec de simples effets Photoshop. Comment réaliser une planète réelle ? Nébuleuse Créez une scène colorée de nébuleuse spatiale. Réalisation d’une scène d’espace Créer une scène avec des planètes et des lumières… Les explosions La fin du monde ! Le ciel Vidéos

Tutoriel créer une sphère 3D surréaliste avec Photoshop Cs5 Tutoriel créer une sphère 3D surréaliste avec Photoshop Cs5 Pour commencer ouvrez un nouveau document de 900x900 pixels résolution 300Dpi Couleur RVB Nous allons maintenant créer une sphère 3D pour le faire créez un nouveau calque (Ctrl+Shift+N) allez dans Menu > 3D > Nouvelle forme à partir d'un calque > sphère Maintenant allez dans Menu > Fenêtre > 3D et appliquez les options suivantes Ce qui vous donne ceci Ensuite Nous allons ajouter une texture à notre boule mais avant de le faire téléchargez l'image panoramique suivante Après avoir téléchargé l'image dans votre Pc allez dans Menu > Fenêtre > 3D dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre cliquez sur Matière sphère > Environnement > Charger une texture et choisissez l'image panoramique Voilà le résultat Maintenant appliquez les options de fusions suivantes sur votre sphère Ensuite mettez vous sur le calque de la sphère puis allez dans Menu > Sélection > Récupéré la sélection ou bien juste maintenez la touche Ctrl enfoncé et cliquez sur le calque

20 Photoshop photo effect tutorials advertisement Effective attribute to a image adds value to what a person perceive. Photoshop is one medium that adds beauty to the picture through its various effects. So if you are a person who has passion towards photos and have the desire to make your photo of some worth. 1. Create a Funky Perspective of a Model Riding Digital Volume 2. Dance Photo Manipulation 3. Creating an Abstract Watercolor Wallpaper 4. How to Create a Fantasy Landscape Photo Manipulation 5. Creative Photoshop Animal King Photo Manipulation Tutorial 6. How to Turn Humdrum Photos into Cinematic Portraits 7. Expressive lighting effects 8. The Making of Mystic 9. Dramatic Gritty Effect 10. Create a Powerful Mental Wave Explosion Effect 11. Fantastic Disintegration Effect inspired by Watchmen in Photoshop 12. Selective Sepia 13. Add Another Dimension 14. How to Create a Chilling Photo Manipulation in Photoshop 15. Using Photoshop and Your Brain to Produce Diorama Illusions 16. Realistic Spotlight Effect in Photoshop 17. 18. 19.

50 FREE Photoshop Brushes Sets / Freebies / SPLASHnology - Web D inShare0 Today we are glad to release 50 Sets of great brushes for Photoshop, a set with 30 high-quality swirl Photoshop brushes. You can use the set for all of your projects for free and without any restrictions. You can freely use it for both your private and commercial projects, including software, online services, templates and themes. Glow Brushes II Homepage: Birds And Power Lines Homepage: Splash 1.5 Homepage: Hard Concrete Texture Brushes Homepage: Potpourri Homepage: Dried Blood Splatters Homepage: Abstract Brushes Vol 8 Homepage: Hand Print Hand Drawn Arrow Light Beam Brushes Fractal Lite

77 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters | Tutorials When it comes to Image editing or photo enhancement, Adobe Photoshop is usually the primary option to consider. However, the software package itself is a quite hard to learn — and extremely hard to master. Display beautiful images is a potent element in web and graphic design, where there is less concern for readability and more potential for using images in an artistic manner. Photoshop is useful for both creating and editing images to be used in print or online. Not too easy to use, but full of high-quality features, Photoshop is the best choice for any image manipulation job. Below, you’ll find some of the Best Adobe Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters Art which might help you to get inspired and learned a tip or two by the end of this presentation. For those, who don’t know what is Adobe Photoshop? The next generation, representing two decades of excellence. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Excellent Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters 01.
