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Polyhedra Models

Polyhedra Models

Paper Models of Polyhedra Mental Imagery Almost all of mathematics could be described as ‘mental’ in the sense that engaging in a mathematical task involves thinking. Thus every mathematical problem a pupil tackles must involve several stages of mental mathematics. Pupils actively involved in mental mathematics might be engaged in any combination of: interpreting, visualising, analysing, synthesising, explaining, hypothesising, inferring, deducing, judging ,making decisions & justifying These ideas are prevalent throughout mathematical endeavour and underpin the work of using and applying mathematics. These 6 booklets cover a few key areas likely to influence pupils’ progress beyond level 5. Number Talks A Number Talk is a short, ongoing daily routine that provides students with meaningful ongoing practice with computation. PowerPoint Explanation Number Talks 1 Number Talks 2 Level 4 Problems Level 5 Problems Level 6 Problems Level 7 Problems Level 8 Problems Maths Talks This new blog is at Mental Imagery

Fun Kids Online Math Games "Sheppard offers everything from early math to pre-algebra. The lessons include interactive activities to practice concepts. Students can shoot fruit, pop balloons, and even play math man (the math version of pac man!). Fractions, place value, money, and basic operations are some of the areas that are covered. Check it out at " --Shannon Jakeman , "Online math games, like the ones that you'll find for free at Sheppard Software, provide a valuable opportunity for children to learn a great deal while they're having fun. It can be very difficult for parents to find productive and worthwhile activities for children on the Internet; however fun online math games do offer a wonderful alternative. This free section of Sheppard Software was written for children. Sheppard Software offers a couple of cute games for the youngest math students.

Defining Death in Jewish Law Traditional sources point to the cessation of breathing as the moment of death. Reprinted with permission from Medicine and Jewish Law, edited by Fred Rosner and published by Jason Aronson Publishers. The main talmudic text dealing with the question of the determination of the moment of death is the following: “If a building collapses on a person [on the Sabbath]…they [may] dig to remove the rubble from him [to try to save his life]…but if he is dead, they leave him there [until after the Sabbath because it is forbidden to dig on the Sabbath]. We Also Recommend How far does one check [to determine whether or not he is dead]? Maimonides states: “And when one comes to his nos­trils and does not find any breath in him, then one may not dig any more, since he is undoubtedly dead.” The talmudic text thus contains a disagreement as to which organ’s cessation determines the fact of death. Did you like this article? Please consider making a donation today.

Générateurs de tests de tables 12/10/11 : Ajout de test de divisions avec restes3/3/2011 Ajout des générateurs de multiplications à trous et de divisions (Introduction pour les collègues blogueurs : si vous utilisez ces générateur pour votre classe, merci de ne pas les publier sur votre propre blog. Vous pouvez toujours faire un lien vers cet article, si vous souhaitez en parler). Voici 6 fichiers qui permettent de générer automatiquement des tests de tables d'addition, de multiplication ou de division en choisissant les tables testées (3 tests par page ou 1 seul grand test, suivant le fichier choisi). En page 2, on a une page de correction qui peut servir à réaliser un fichier autocorrectif ou bien à vous faciliter la correction (qui est ch... heu, fastidieuse, je vous préviens). On peut, par exemple, faire faire un graphique de suivi de leur score aux élèves... IMPORTANT : Vous ne pourrez ouvrir mes fichiers qu'avec une version française, et assez récente, d'Excel, ou bien avec Open office Calc. Ca se corse... 6.

Free Printable Math Worksheets -- Material Masters Te Kete Ipurangi Navigation: Te Kete Ipurangi Communities Schools Te Kete Ipurangi user options: Close Register TKI uses the New Zealand Education Sector Logon system for user accounts. If you already have an Education Sector user ID and password, you are ready to log in. Home Material Masters Click here for Māori versions of the Material Masters. Search Search by popular keywords Copyright © 2010 New Zealand Ministry of Education End of Life Issues: A Jewish Perspective An introduction to Jewish attitudes toward life support, ceasing medical care, living wills, and caring for patients in their final days The following article, written for hospital or hospice workers, is primarily geared to educate them about end-of-life issues for Jewish patients. As such, it also provides an introductory overview of Jewish attitudes toward ceasing medical care for terminally ill patients, living wills, and other issues of Jewish medical ethics. Reprinted with permission from Ethnicity Online, a website with resources about medical care of people of different religious and ethnic groups. Dealing with death is always a traumatic time for patients and their family. Medical advances made within the past 50 years or so have created situations that were never thought of at the time the Torah became the basis of Jewish law, and so there are some situations associated with the processes of death and dying that may not have clear resolutions. Terminal Illness

Reproduction de dessins d'après le quadrillage et son modèle - Coloriages Apprendre le dessin par la reproduction de modèle d'apès quadrillage. Apprendre à tracer des formes géométriques n'est pas simple, quand celles-ci sont symétriques cela aide, mais assymétriques la compléxité est là. Votre enfant doit apprendre à tracer des formes, se servir d'une règle, de points de repères, d'un axe, pourquoi ne pas passer par la géométrie de façon ludique en lui proposant de redessiner ces dessins d'après ces reproductions à réaliser selon le quadrillage du modèle. Les formes géométriques (axe, rond, oval, carré, cercle, losange, pavé, rectangle, triangle) sont la base du dessin pour un illustrateur, peu à peu assimilées, elles permettront à votre enfant non seulement à bien faire ses devoirs et exercices de géométrie (CE1 et plus), mais aussi à s'exprimer davantage lorsque l'envie de dessiner lui prend. Tee-shirts personnalisés à peindre soi-même.

14 Excellent YouTube Math Channels for Teachers and Students February 10, 2014 Since the posting of "20 Great Math Websites for Teachers and Students", I have received some requests from math teachers asking for websites that provide quality math videos. Upon checking my archive and some other online resources, I deemed it necessary to compile this list of Math YouTube channels to share with you. These are basically channels where you can have access to a wide variety of math videos and tutorials to help your students with Math. I have included only what I believe are the best Math channels out there. 1- Mr. TenMarks' web-based math program is used by students across 25,000 schools and 7,000 districts. 3- Mathademics: Mathademics is a community learning tool based out of Northern Illinois. This is one of the most popular YouTube channels that offers free video lessons and tutorials on a wide range of subjects including Math. 7- Numberphile: 9- Mathematics Online: This channel offers math videos on geometry formula derivations and more.

The Basics - End-of-life issues and dilemmas - End-of-Life There are many hard choices to be made as the end of life seems to approach, and often we have the burden of having to choose for our loved ones as they are no longer capable of doing so. Essentially, the key components of Jewish tradition are: Our life belongs to G-d, who entrusted it to us to care for it and preserve it.Hence euthanasia, and all forms of it, are rejected by Jewish law. Life is G-d's choice in us. These are the general guidelines that govern end-of-life issues in Jewish law. (Click here for help in contacting a rabbi in your area)

NCTM Brain Teasers Sliding Triangle The triangle at left lies on a flat surface and is pushed at the top vertex. The length of the congruent sides does not change, but the angle between the two congruent sides will increase, and the base will stretch. Initially, the area of the triangle will increase, but eventually the area will decrease, continuing until the triangle collapses. What is the maximum area achieved during this process? This brainteaser was written by Derrick Niederman. Solution: 200 square units; 32 units. For the first part of the question, the maximum area occurs when the angle between the sides is a right angle. For a more advanced trigonometry solution, remember that the area of a triangle can be calculated by taking half the product of two sides and the sine of the angle between those sides. Again using a trig solution, A=(1/2)absinθ, where a and b are the side lengths.

Jewish Ethics: Some Basic Concepts and Ideas The biblical text and the rabbinic tradition provide the universal search for an ethical life with passion and some unique concepts. The rabbis of late antiquity, building upon the Hebrew Bible, shaped the terms and categories of practical ethics that have guided discussions of ethical issues in Jewish life for the past two millennia. We Also Recommend This survey of those terms and some of the main areas of concern of Jewish ethics in the formative period of Judaism is reprinted with permission from Encyclopedia of Judaism. The rabbis generally referred to morality by the phrase bein adam la-havero (“norms between man and his fellow-man”), which was included in the term derekh eretz (“ways of the world”). In terms of the content of the morality of Judaism, the basic meaning of key moral terms such as mishpat (“justice”), tzedakah (“righteousness”), hesed (“kindness”), and rahamim (“compassion”) is much the same as what is understood by current philosophic analysis.

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