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Pots de Creme

Okay, first of all, here’s how you do NOT pronounce Pots de Creme: “Pawts deh Creem.” Here’s how you DO pronounce Pots de Creme: “Po de Krehm”, or, if you want to get really technical, “Po de k(insert phlegmy, back-of-the-throat crackly French sound)ehm”. Okay, now that we have that life-altering issue under control, let’s talk about this delightful dessert! Folks, I can’t begin to express to you how monumentally easy this Pot de Creme is to prepare, and how truly delicious it is. Hypothetically speaking, of course. Let’s make Pots de Creme! The Cast of Characters: Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips, Eggs, Vanilla (OR Cognac, Grand Marner, etc.), and Strong Hot Coffee. See this? Not really on the rage part. Begin by throwing in 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips. Crack in four eggs… Right on top of the chocolate chips. Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla. OR! Liqueur hardly ever disappoints me. Next, add in a healthy pinch of salt. Now, put the lid on, for Pete’s sake. Then turn on the blender. And that is IT!

Imperial Brown Pumpkin - This is the big brown pumpkin ale that everyone loves to sip on as the cold weather rolls in. Our imperial pumpkin brew has a nice spice, rich caramelized brown sugar and traditional grains for an imperial brown. Earlier this month we published a recipe for a Smoked Pumpkin Saison with smooth Alder wood smoked pumpkins using a farmhouse style ale yeast, but this Imperial Brown Pumpkin would drink that pumpkin ale for breakfast. Imperial brown ales usually have a higher alcohol content than there traditional counterpart. The additions of organic canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) and dark muscovado brown sugar ( gives the yeast more sugars to convert to alcohol making this brew on the higher end of the ABV and Lovibond scale for the Brown style. Using 5-20% pumpkin in your recipe is a nice rule of thumb when dealing in squashy fermentables. The spicing mixtures vary for pumpkin beers, but normally are made up of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, anise or ginger.

How To Make Transparent Potato Chips There are two kinds of people in this world: the kind that open a bag of potato chips and indiscriminately start snacking on its contents without even looking down at them, and then there are those that look at a potato chip and ponder, what IS this? Who does it resemble? Could it ever be more than this? For those of your who fall into the first category, congratulations. You are completely normal human beings. Now, we at The Creators Project are not exactly a pack of Emerils. We kicked the habit of eating shards of glass back when we were teenagers, but these transparent potato chips brought back sweet memories of those adventurous days. Now let’s make some invisi-food. For this project, you’ll need an oven preheated to 375 degrees (F), 8 Yukon Gold potatoes, high-quality finishing salt or Kosher Salt, 1/2 cup olive oil, 4 cups water, 4 tabelspoons potato starch, a squeeze bottle, and an Arduino. First, wash the potatoes and place a 1 cm deep slit into each one. [via Instructables]

» Nougat, une deuxième version plus classique sans chocolat. Encore un cadeau gourmand… Lors de la récente recette de nougat que je trouvais originale car chocolatée, beaucoup de lecteurs ont demandé si cette version pouvait se réaliser de manière plus classique, à savoir sans chocolat. Une bonne occasion de recommencer, je sacrifie ma ligne pour une bonne cause en fait … Par contre, j’ai dû faire deux essais. Confiante, j’ai commencé par le pas à pas particulièrement détaillé du livre malheureusement épuisé Confiserie de Sébastien Serveau aux éditons Ducasse, version qui me plaisait car là encore pas de chalumeau impressionnant mais un banal sèche cheveux plus rassurant. Sauf que même si le goût y était, le nougat avait bizarrement tendance à couler. Pas grave, le fait de se lever tôt autorise plusieurs essais sans trop entamer une journée chargée. Nouvelle version avec un mix des 2 recettes et cette fois, de l’avis général des testeurs, une belle réussite avec un nougat ferme et moelleux à la fois, comme quoi il faut toujours persévérer ! La recette revisitée: L’Actu :

NOUGAT AU MIEL FONDANT ET IRRESISTIBLEMENT BON!!!!! Du nougat au mie! ça vous tente???? c'est une tuerie........ pas plus compliqué que ça à faire, tout est question de température, de dosage, de précisions, de rapidité..........mais quand on a un assistant culinaire comme Mr Cook'in, la tache est quand même simplifiée!. Ingrédients: 450 g de sucre en poudre 200 g de miel 2 blancs d' oeufs 80 g de noisettes entières grillées 160 g d' amandes grillées émondées Préparation Dans une casserole cuire le miel à feu doux et monter la cuisson à 120°c. Petit conseil de caro: A faire avec des pistaches grillées... Je vous offre une vidéo se notre robot multi-fonctions..........où vous pouvez voir toutes ses fonctions. Je suis à votre disposition pour venir chez vous, vous le démontrer quand vous voulez autour de recettes faciles, rapides, saines et économiques!!!. Je me déplace sur le 31 et 81....

Nougat pistaches et fraises séchées Du nougat, j'en ai déjà fait aux amandes et aux pistaches. Celui là est directement inspiré de la démo de Khala , à Soissons l'année dernière. J'ai gardé ma recette habituelle, mais j'ai à mon tour apporté des fraises séchées. Nougat pistaches et fraises séchées: 200 g de fraises séchées 100 g de pistaches 175 g de miel 300 g de sucre 2 cs d'eau 1 blanc d'oeuf 2 feuilles de papier azyme Avant de commencer, couper les fraises grossièrement. Préchauffer le four à 150 °C. Pendant ce temps, mettre le miel, le sucre et l'eau dans une casserole. Quand la température atteint 140 °C, commencer à monter le blanc d'oeuf dans un récipient supportant la chaleur. A 164 °C, enlever la casserole du feu et verser progressivement le sirop sur le blanc monté tout en continuant de battre. Rajouter tout en continuant de battre les pistaches encore chaudes et les fraises. Verser sans attendre la préparation sur la feuille azyme préparée. Laisser refroidir quelques heures avant de couper en rectangles.

Meringues bicolores au nougat – Recette Des jolies meringues colorées et parfumées au nougat. En voilà une idée originale pour épater vos convives autour d’un petit café ! Des recettes simples ou compliquées, gourmandes ou lights, rapides ou longues mais toujours avec amour, découvrez toute la cuisine de Véronique sur son blogLes recettes de Vero. Temps de préparation : 30 minutesTemps de cuisson : 45 minutesPuissance du four : 110°C (Th 4) Ingrédients pour environ 50 petites meringues : - 2 blancs d’oeufs - 75 gr de sucre - 1 cc de vinaigre blanc - 1 cc de Maïzena - 75 gr de sucre glace - 4 gouttes d’extrait aromatique de Nougat (ou autres aromes) - Colorant jaune et bleu (ou autres couleurs) Préparation des meringues bicolores au nougat : Préchauffer le four à 110°C. Monter en neige 2 blancs d’oeufs avec 1 pincée de sel. Quand les blancs sont montés en neige, continuer de fouetter et incorporer doucement 75g de sucre. Ajouter 1 cc de vinaigre blanc et quelques gouttes de colorant (facultatif) en fouettant à petite vitesse.

Bang Bang Shrimp Time for another delicious football snack! This one would be good for a nice dinner too though! So this is supposed to be like the Bonefish dish with the same name but I’ve never had the dish so I can’t really say how close it is to the real thing. I can, however, say that it is amazing. Not going to lie, it was quite a bit of work because you have to deep fry the shrimp but seriously worth all the time spent staring into the pot of oil. Ingredients 1 lb. medium shrimp, peeled and deveined For the sauce: ½ cup mayonnaise 4-5 teaspoons chili garlic sauce, such as Sriracha sauce 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1 teaspoon rice vinegar For the egg mixture: 1 egg, beaten 1 cup milk For the breading mixture: ½ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup panko breadcrumbs 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon onion powder ¼ teaspoon garlic powder ¼ teaspoon dried basil For frying: 8 to 12 cups vegetable oil Instructions Combine all ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl; cover and set aside.

Top 10 Secret Recipes Food The weekend is upon us, and what better way is there to enjoy it than to cook or bake some of your favorite takeout treats? Think of how much money you will save by whipping up these lovely recipes instead of paying out all the big bucks to the fast-food chains. So, here it is: the top 10 secret recipes! 1. Sauce 1/4 cup Miracle Whip 1/4 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons french salad dressing 1/2 tablespoon sweet relish 2 teaspooons dill pickle relish 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon dried, minced onion 1 teaspoon white vinegar 1 teaspoon ketchup 1/8 teaspoon salt The Rest 1 regular sized sesame seed bun 1 regular sized plain bun 2 beef patties (2 ounces each flattened to bun size) 2 tablespoons Big Mac sauce 2 teaspoons reconstituted onions 1 slice real American cheese 2 hamburger pickle slices 1/4 cup shredded lettuce To make the sauce, mix together all the ingredients about one hour before using. To assemble: Discard the crown half of the regular bun, retaining the heel. 2. 1. 3. 1. 4. 1. 5. 1.

50 Pumpkin Recipes It’s time to get ready for Fall!! Are you excited?! I admit this is my favorite time of year but it’s also the craziest time of year!! Looking at our calendar it looks like every Saturday is booked with something from here until mid-November. No joke. Well, if you are a Pumpkin Lover and are already in the baking mood, I have just the round-up for you: 50 Pumpkin Recipes!! Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake from I am Baker Pumpkin Blondies from Inspired by Charm Easy Pumpkin Bread from Chef in Training Pumpkin Streusel Cheesecake Bars from Betty Crocker Pumpkin Coffee Cake with Brown Sugar Glaze from Clever Housewife Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse from Dashing Dish Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars from My Recipes Glazed Pumpkin Buttermilk Donuts from Barefoot and Baking Pumpkin Bread with Salted Caramel Drizzled Pumpkin Buttercream from A Kitchen Addiction Pumpkin Cheesecake from Love and Laundry Cinnamon Pumpkin Dessert from Grandmas Kitchen Great Pumpkin Dessert from Taste of Home Pumpkin Spice Pancakes from Annie’s Eats

How to Make Marshmallow Fondant This time I decided to make it with those mini fruit flavored marshmallows. I had to sort them by colour first. I figured they would add a little bit of flavor to the fondant so I wouldn't have to add much flavoring oil. I use gel colours to dye my fondant but regular food colouring will work too. I also had lemon oil and coconut flavoring on hand.. oh la la the value brand (which still works fine). Step One: Take a couple of handfuls of marshmallows and put them in a microwave safe bowl. I like to make smaller batches because its easier to add the colour to the melted marshmallow than it is to work the colour into the fondant later. Step Two: Stick the marshmallows in the microwave for ten seconds at a time until the are puffed up and easily stir into a goo with a wooden spoon. Step Three: Add food colouring to the melted marshmallows until you get the colour you want. Step Four: Start folding icing sugar into the marshmallow goo until it becomes a soft and fluffy dough. Finished fondant! 1.

Deep Dish Fruit Pizza My sister-in-law Missy first introduced me to the concept of fruit pizza years and years ago, and here’s how: she brought one to my house and I proceeded to eat the whole thing. But it was small. And I was nursing. I whipped up a whopper of a fruit pizza a couple of weeks ago using my good ol’ standby sugar cookie recipe…and it was so darn good in such a naughty, naughty way. This is one of those fun, throw-together treats that’s perfect for everything from a slumber party to a baby shower. Sorry I said mammary glands. The Cast of Characters: my sugar cookie dough (recipe below), marshmallow creme, cream cheese, peaches, kiwi, blueberries…and whatever other fruit you’d like! Now, you could divide the dough in half, then roll out each half into thin, round pizzas. Or you could do what I done did… And press the whole quantity of dough into a sheet pan. I love this pebbly texture. Then just throw it in the oven… And bake it till it’s golden brown but not very crisp. And then…brace yourselves.
