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A Taste of Medicine - St Georges University of London Actualités 2013 - Alcool : une campagne pour dire non Synonyme de convivialité, l’alcool se boit entre amis, en famille, à l’occasion d’un repas, d’un apéritif, d’une fête... et refuser un verre n’est pas toujours facile. C’est pourquoi la nouvelle campagne de communication en promotion de la santé lancée le 18 novembre par l’Inpes ne pointe pas les dangers liés à la consommation d’alcool mais valorise les moyens d’agir au quotidien pour refuser le verre de trop. Des modes de consommation qui évoluent Au niveau mondial, la France figure parmi les pays les plus consommateurs d’alcool. Si la consommation globale a considérablement diminué depuis les années 50, la fréquence des consommations ponctuelles excessives est en hausse. Rabat-joie, moi ? Doit-on se sentir obligé de boire de l’alcool pour profiter d’un moment convivial avec ses proches ? © Inpes - Droits réservés Oser dire non La campagne prévoit la diffusion de deux spots TV illustrant respectivement une soirée entre amis et un repas en famille. Libérer la parole Une information fiable

Fancy Fast Food SimDis -find out what people with disabilities experience Staying Alive - 4 minutes to save a life in 3D Theothermostamazingwebsiteontheinternet Depression Quest //Your therapist asks you a question that you're embarrassed to answer. Do you lie or not?//\n\n[[1. Lie.|lietoHer]]\n[[2. Tell the truth. <html><center><img src=" no doubt that depression is a battle, and it seems to have taken a particular toll on you. Depression Quest: An Interactive (non)fiction About Living With Depression We really want to thank you for taking the time to play //Depression Quest//. themostamazingwebsiteontheinternet

Interactive Ear tool showing how the ear works by Amplifon The ear is the organ which controls hearing and balance, allowing us to understand our surroundings and position ourselves correctly. It is split into three parts: outer, middle and inner. This guide will take you through each part of the ear in turn, answering those essential questions – what are the parts, what do they do, and how? Pinna Helix Antihelix Concha Antitragus Lobe Cartilage Temporal Muscle (Temporalis) Temporal Bone Semicircular Canals Ganglia of the Vestibular Nerve Facial Nerve Ear Canal (External acoustic meatus) Mastoid Process Internal Jugular Vein Styloid Process Internal Cartoid Artery Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane) Auditory Tube (Eustachian Tube) Outer Ear – Welcome to the Interactive Ear! This is the part of the ear that people can see, and funnels sound into your ear canal. The rim of the pinna. A curved panel of cartridge. Bowl-shaped part of pinna. The small, hard bump above your ear lobe. The earlobe contains a large blood supply, helping to keep the ears warm.

explore 3d cell structures The Blood Typing Game - about blood groups, blood typing and blood transfusions What happens if you get a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type? Even though a patient's own blood type is the first choice for blood transfusions, it's not always available at the blood bank. Try to save some patients' lives and learn about human blood types! Play the Blood Typing Game About this game Embed the Blood Typing Game onto your own web site or blog Swedish version of the game 2012 Winner of the Best Game Category by Swedish Learning Awards "The winner has created a minimalistic but, at the same time, captivating graphic design which grabs the user's curiosity. See a Video about the Blood Typing Game 3 min. 1. ploster34802. Listed are players who have the highest number of treated patients within the last 24 hours.
