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Australia Theme - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, Printables, Worksheets

Australia Theme - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, Printables, Worksheets
Related:  Australia

Australia country profile Australia ranks as one of the best countries to live in the world by international comparisons of wealth, education, health and quality of life. The sixth-largest country by land mass, its population is comparatively small with most people living around the eastern and south-eastern coastlines. The country's first inhabitants, the Aboriginal people, are believed to have migrated from Asia tens of thousands of years before the arrival of British settlers in 1788. They now make up less than 3% of Australia's 23 million people. Years of mass immigration after the Second World War heralded sweeping demographic changes, making modern Australia one of the world's most multicultural countries. But migration continues to be a sensitive issue politically. In shaping its foreign and economic policy, Australia first looked to Europe and the US but in the last 20 years has developed stronger ties with Asia. Read more country profiles - Profiles by BBC Monitoring Prime Minister: Malcolm Turnbull

Australia Country Profile Aboriginal Australia: History, Culture, and Conflict Aboriginal AustraliaHistory and culture of Australia's indigenous peoples Who Are Aborigines? Aborigines are Australia's indigenous people. Recent government statistics counted approximately 400,000 aboriginal people, or about 2% of Australia's total population. Australian Aborigines migrated from somewhere in Asia at least 30,000 years ago. "The Dreamtime" Aboriginal spirituality entails a close relationship between humans and the land. Unlike other religions, however, aboriginal belief does not place the human species apart from or on a higher level than nature. Storytelling, Art, and the Didgeridoo The oral tradition of storytelling informs aboriginals' vibrant cultural life. In the Northern Territory, aboriginal art includes sculpture, bark and rock paintings, and baskets and beadwork. Aboriginal music is often recognizable for its most famous instrument, the didgeridoo. Land Rights Movement Land and property rights fueled an important civil rights movement in the 1970s.

Sydney - kidcyber Sydney is the largest city in Australia. About 5 million people live in the city and its suburbs. It is the capital city of the state of New South Wales. Sydney in Australia is built around beautiful Sydney Harbour. The harbour covers an area of 5 500 hectares and has an average depth of 9 metres. The city was named after Thomas Townshend, the first Viscount Sydney, who was an English politician involved in managing the colony of New South Wales. The city is run by a city council which is elected by the people of Sydney. The weather in Sydney is temperate which means it is rarely very hot or very cold. The first people to live in the area now known as Sydney were the Australian Aboriginal people, the Eora. The first European settlement in Australia was established at Sydney Cove in 1788 by Captain Arthur Phillip. Sydney: A brief timeline of European settlement and development 1788 – 2000 Sydney was the host city for the Olympic Games in 2000. If: you need more help with this topic

Webquest: riflessioni di Tom March sul webquest Riflessioni di Tom March sul Webquest Tom March, in WebQuests for learning (Nota 1), valutando quanto profonda e diffusa sia la penetrazione dei nuovi strumenti tecnologici, ma soprattutto di internet, nella nostra società - tanto che la lingua che usiamo tutti i giorni ne risulta influenzata - ricava la necessità della scuola di misurarsi con le conseguenze della rivoluzione telematica, progettando e realizzando attività didattiche centrate sul web. Prende in esame il webquest mostrando come sia una metodologia particolarmente idonea a creare l'auspicata continuità tra ciberspazio ed aula scolastica. Rifacendosi alla storia del web, constata come il senso profondo della rete internet, anche prima che nascesse l'interfaccia grafica degli odierni browser, fosse quello della condivisione delle informazioni (Nota 2). Il Web presuppone l'accessibilità diffusa, ma ciò comporta anche inevitabilmente qualche problema.

City WebQuests: Sydney: history and traditions This webquest will help you investigate Sydney: its history, music and famous landmarks. You will also plan a trip and send a postcard home. Downloadable worksheet and teacher's notes are available at the bottom of the page. Activity 1: Introductory quiz Visit the link below: Look at the page and, in pairs or small groups, find the answers to the following eight questions on the history of Sydney and Australia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Activity 2: Famous landmarks Sydney has two landmarks which are famous around the world: Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. In this activity, your teacher will put you in two groups: A and B. If you are in Group A, visit the website below: Read through the information on the Opera House and write six questions. If you are in Group B, visit the website below: Activity 3: Planning a trip a) We’re going to Australia. 1. 2.

Australia Webquest 1. Complete the map and colour France in blue and Australia in red. - Which hemisphere is Australia in ? - So, when it’s winter in France, it’s ………………………………………… in Australia. 2. - Australia is composed of ………………… states and …………………. territories. - What is the capital city of Australia ? - Which are the largest cities ? - How many people are there in Australia ? - What is the nickname of Australia ? 3. - Why is there the British flag on the upper left corner ? - What do the 5 stars represent ? - What does the Commonwealth star symbolize ? 4. In France, we pay in euros ; In Australia, they pay in ………………………………………………………………. 5. - Who is the « Head of State » of Australia ? - Who represents her when she is not here ? - Who is the Head of the Government ? 6. - Who are they ? - Look at the Aboriginal flag : The black represents ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. The red represents …………………………………………………………………………………………………. The yellow represents ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Australia Map / Map of Australia - Facts, Geography, History of Australia Australia whose name comes from the Latin word australis, meaning "southern", has a population of 23,480,939 and gained its independence in 1918. The initial inhabitants of Australia traveled here from far-southeast Asia, and from the Torres Strait islands. From their initial settlements in the north some 70,000 years ago, their individual lifestyles and cultural traditions eventually spread across this vast uncharted land. The first European exposure to Australia occurred in 1606, when the Dutch explorer, Willem Janszoon, sighted, then landed on the Cape York Peninsula. He found the area inhospitable and moved on. Regardless, adventurers and traders, aggressively searching for riches in the southern hemisphere, continued to sail through the northern coastal areas bordering a land the Dutch named New Holland. In 1688, on one of his three circumnavigations of the globe, William Dampier became the first British explorer to set foot on Australian land, coming ashore in Shark Bay.
