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Icon Design Guidelines An icon is a graphic that takes up a small portion of screen real estate and provides a quick, intuitive representation of an action, a status, or an app. When you design icons for your app, it's important to keep in mind that your app may be installed on a variety of devices that offer a range of pixel densities, as mentioned in Devices and Displays. But you can make your icons look great on all devices by providing each icon in multiple sizes. When your app runs, Android checks the characteristics of the device screen and loads the appropriate density-specific assets for your app. Because you will deliver each icon in multiple sizes to support different densities, the design guidelines below refer to the icon dimensions in dp units, which are based on the pixel dimensions of a medium-density (MDPI) screen. Launcher The launcher icon is the visual representation of your app on the Home or All Apps screen. Sizes & scale Launcher icons on a mobile device must be 48x48 dp. Proportions Style

Chromefastball: Une course à travers l’internet Afin de promouvoir l’intégration du Player Flash d’Adobe dans la dernière version de son navigateur, Google a mis à disposition via YouTube, le jeu Chromefastball. Le but du jeu est d’aider une boule chromé à réaliser une course à travers l’internet en répondant au travers de cinq étapes, à des questions (en anglais !) pour que celle-ci effectue son parcours et atteigne la ligne d’arrivée le plus rapidement possible. Même si ce petit jeu est la pour faire la promotion de Google Chrome Il n’est pas nécessaire de l’utiliser pour jouer à Chromefastball, celui-ci fonctionne également avec Internet Explorer, Firefox, ect… Lien : Chromefastball Vous avez apprécié cet article, Partager le!!!

Grey Wolf Productions » Cool Stuff … Ken Rockwell says you do! Ken is Philip Bloom’s un-flashy spiritual cousin, doing for lenses what Bloom does for cameras and gear. His elegant comparisons, near-encyclopedic knowledge of lenses and crisp review format have helped buyers save a lot of grief, time and money. His recommendations are simply invaluable. Chances are you not only know about it, you already have an account and have bought at least one piece of kit there. The good people at Criterion are transferring their huge collection online, but continue to give us reasons not to give up on physical formats just yet. Follow this link to Nick’s personal website (spot the difference, it’s a subtle one) for more back-catalogue projects. Maybe you’ve never heard the name Hanan Townshend. The old image of film critics as humorless, greying academics gets a hilarious makeover from Red Letter Media. In need of any film recommendations?

CoffeeCSA Et si l’Empire contre-attaque était un film 3D des années 50 ? | Je suis un grand fan de tous les détournements et produits dérivés autour de Star Wars. J’adhère donc à ce joli projet de fan qui a mis bout à bout des images d’anciens films pour en faire le trailer d’un « Empire contre attaque » fantasmé : celui des années 50 (en 3D selon le texte). Voici la liste des films qui ont servi à ce trailer : Vue sur ViralVideoChart.

Whaaa! - Free & Online: Convert and save PDF from any web page An In-Depth Look at How People Are Using the iPad Resolve Market Research has just completed a comprehensive study that looks at how the iPad is being used, and how the iPad is impacting other technology devices like e-readers, portable gaming consoles and netbooks. The study, which was conducted online across a nationally representative sample, compared technology owners or people that intend to own devices in four different categories: the iPad, smartphones (including iPhones, Androids and BlackBerrys), e-readers and portable video game devices. The study also focused on how users perceive the iPad both before and after owning the device.The study has some interesting, and in some cases surprising, results. The iPad: The Ultimate Gaming Device? The iPad has primarily been positioned as a device to browse the web, watch video and read content. However, after owning an iPad, those figures start to change. The iPhone has had a huge impact on the portable gaming market and it looks like the iPad could further that trend. Your Thoughts

Home Graffiti Analysis Noppenschaumstoffe - Swilo Noppenschaumstoff WAVE PU WAVE ist ein hochwertiges Schallabsorptionsmaterial auf Basis von PU-Weichschaumstoff. Durch den optimierten Strömungswiderstand und die strukturierte Oberfläche entsteht ein Lärmschutzprodukt mit exzellenter Schallabsorption in ansprechender Optik. Noppenschaumstoff PU WAVE (Schallabsorber aus PU-Schaumstoff) eignet sich für eine Fülle von Anwendungsbereichen, wie z. Auskleidung von Räumen im privaten Bereich Musikübungsräume, Hobbykeller, etc. clean sweep assessment Are you ready to clean up your life? The Clean Sweep Program is a checklist of 100 items which, when completed, give one complete personal freedom. These 100 items are grouped in 4 areas of life with 25 in each group: Physical Environment, Well-being, Money and Relationships. Objective The participant's goal is to get a score of 100 out of 100. Promise The Clean Sweep Program promises three things will happen as you increase your scores: You will have more energy and vitality. Instructions There are 4 steps to completing the Clean Sweep™ Program. Answer each question. Scoring: Add your totals from the four sections. Important Points: This program is part of establishing a Strong Personal Foundation.

Redonner aux artistes le contrôle de leur musique – Bulletin de santé d’Internet Making a living as a musician has always been tough. For many artists, the Internet represents an opportunity to seize control of their businesses on their own terms, challenging both old and new music monopolies that dominate the sale and distribution of music. The digital revolution turned the music industry on its head, but now streaming services are consolidating power. Spotify has a worldwide lead on subscribers and is looking to buy Soundcloud. Apple’s acquisition of Beats last year to make Apple Music puts them in competition. And Amazon recently launched Amazon Music Unlimited. Non-profit CASH Music in the United States has developed a suite of free online tools for artists to market and sell their own music and communicate with their fans. CASH Music executive director Maggie Vail was vice president at cult alt-rock label Kill Rock Stars, before joining CASH founder Jesse von Doom. Vail believes that an artist’s online home should be totally under their own control.

