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Mac Rumors: Apple Mac Rumors and News You Care About TechCrunch VentureBeat | News About Tech, Money and Innovation Archive | Digital Media Central All Digital Media Central People’s Music Store Gets A Big Label Boost As a concept, I like the People’s Music Store. It allows users to set up their own digital storefronts, in which they recommend music to other visitors through reviews, news and widgets on other Web sites. Aside from gaining cred as music buffs, these citizen salespeople earn store credit worth 10 percent of every sale. It’s a solid system for word-of-mouth music downloads, and it’s certainly more personal than a recommendation algorithm, but two major problems are holding back the People’s Music Store from greatness. The label will be the first major to climb aboard, and wisely so. Now, about that other problem: Much of the content at the People’s Music Store is walled off for US consumers, including the new tracks from Universal. I know international licensing is complicated, but consumers should at least be able to filter out the stores and bands that are inaccessable to them. But these are fantasies, to be sure.

David on Formosa - a blog from Taipei, Taiwan Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters The Far-Eastern Sweet Potato The View from Taiwan Taiwan Matters!
