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A Weekly Dose of Architecture »

Practice Matters RECORD's Practice section is a comprehensive source of information for architects seeking current news, reports, and the innovative thinking they need to run their businesses. Can project alliancing agreements change the way we build? By Chris Noble Errors, omissions, inefficiencies, delays, coordination problems, cost overruns, productivity losses—the list of complaints against (and often by) architects and contractors is a long one. Integrated practice in perspective: A new model for the architectural profession By Andrew Pressman, FAIA The inefficiencies inherent in the process of design and construction are necessitating a shift to greater multidisciplinary collaboration and information sharing among project team members. Where independent contractors are concerned, know the rules By Alec Appelbaum Architecture firms may need to lure extra hands for all sorts of reasons. Forum: Are you an independent contractor or a person who hires them? Forum: Doubts?

Europaconcorsi ASLA 2008 Student Awards - Congratulations Amanda, Malea, and Laura Remediation as Catalyst: Transforming an Industrial Landscape Laura Kamin-Lyndgaard, Student ASLA, Amanda Olson, Student Affiliate ASLA and Malea Jochim, Student Affiliate ASLAUniversity of Minnesota, College of Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota Faculty Advisors: Lance M. Neckar, ASLA; John J. Comazzi "An important topic! — 2008 Student Awards Jury Comments Project Statement: The St. Project motivation and approach The term superfund, according the Environmental Protection Agency, is the name given to the environmental program established to address abandoned hazardous waste sites. Environmental, cultural and historical data and analysis methods The analysis and collection of data was essential to our design process and planning strategies. Planning strategy/Design Process After the final analysis presentation, the two studios were asked to create three to four member groups that had at least one person from a landscape studio and one from an architecture studio. P.s. via: Bustler

A Critical Architecture Blog | Critique This! Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing Michael Graves & Associates A freehand sketch of the south facade of the Denver Central Library, which the writer designed. More Photos » IT has become fashionable in many architectural circles to declare the death of drawing. What has happened to our profession, and our art, to cause the supposed end of our most powerful means of conceptualizing and representing architecture? The computer, of course. Today architects typically use computer-aided design software with names like AutoCAD and Revit, a tool for “building information modeling.” I’ve been practicing architecture since 1964, and my office is not immune. Architecture cannot divorce itself from drawing, no matter how impressive the technology gets. Of course, in some sense drawing can’t be dead: there is a vast market for the original work of respected architects. But can the value of drawings be simply that of a collector’s artifact or a pretty picture? These sketches are thus inherently fragmentary and selective.

issue 45 Meet five up-and-coming designers who are not afraid to create forward-looking, wardrobe-defining labels. With influences that are as far-reaching as classic Italian tailoring, streetwear, architecture and East Asian aes… Archinect | Connecting Architects Since 1997 BLDGBLOG
