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Product management software, services management: FeatureSet

Product management software, services management: FeatureSet - Simple Social Apps Lipitor and iPhone 4s: Setting the Stage for Industry Disruption - Christopher Bowe by Christopher Bowe | 12:55 PM December 20, 2011 The two biggest product stories of 2011 were arguably Lipitor and the iPhone 4S. Although the two stories could not appear to differ more, both offer business leaders strategic lessons that are intriguingly similar. The Lipitor story seems to be about a managed end: the highly anticipated demise (due to the expiration of its patent last Nov. 30) of a blockbuster prescription drug. But they have fundamentally more in common than meets the eye. Lipitor’s Long Good-bye Throughout its history, Pfizer’s biggest product and the biggest-selling branded drug in pharmaceutical industry history, has delivered some confounding strategic lessons. With Lipitor’s annual global sales still approaching $10 billion and new generic competition poised to significantly eat away its sales, managing the end of its life cycle is critical for Pfizer’s near-term outlook. The iPhone 4S Says Hello to the Future

Tracking Down Exception Errors With objc_exception_throw | Mobile Developer Tips When an application throws an exception, there is debug information shown in the console – below is the output in the console for an NSInvalidArgumentException: Although helpful, depending on the size of your application, it may take quite some time to find the offending code. One way to better track exceptions is to catch them, as shown in this post Try, Catch and Finally. However, wrapping every potential condition is not always practical. There is another way to track down exception errors. With a symbolic breakpoint, we can force the runtime to stop on the line of code that is generating the exception. When you run the application with the symbolic breakpoint enabled, the code will stop at the offending line: Notice in the console the reference to obj_exception_throw and Pending breakpoint – the debugger stops before the actual line of code executed. When you experience an exception that is not wrapped in a try/catch block, give the symbolic breakpoint a go.

Engagement Brand Advertising, Brand Engagement, Brand Awareness, Increase Purchase Intent, Engagement Advertising | HTML Email Marketing from MailChimp People Are the Puck - Ravi Sawhney by Ravi Sawhney | 11:26 AM September 1, 2011 “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been” – Wayne Gretzky The Great One’s well-known words are often repeated in corporate corridors during discussions about understanding market trends. That is typically where the conversation comes to an abrupt end, because few can elaborate on how to anticipate these trends with any reliability and predictability. The reality these discussions generally miss is that people are the puck. In spite of these realities, clarity can be achieved and cultural, socio-economic, and political differences mitigated by analyzing needs and aspirations of both individuals and groups. This is often the reason why thoughtful quantitative analysis that incorporates macro-economic trends, market share, competitive strategies, retail analysis and technological assessments so often misses the mark. I’ll part with five quick tips for better understanding where the puck is headed (understanding people):

43 Folders | Time, Attention, and Creative Work SocialVolt | Social Media Management Software Issuu - You Publish
