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Shorten urls, share files and track visits - Owly In the age of sharing, linking, retweeting, capped attention spans and character limits, people need things to be shorter, better, faster, stronger. The social bar is your answer. What does this mean for you, the content creator? For the active social media participant: Sharing functionality remains the focal point of the social bar. For the content creators, prolific publishers, savvy social media marketers and web developers, 2.0 has a ton of features that you and your readers will find useful: Drastically increase the amount of clicks on every submitted link thanks to stickier and more versatile sharing functionality. Interested in finding out how you can get an social bar of your own? Social Bar Partner Program

Biblia en Internet Gracias a los últimos adelantos tecnológicos, los expertos han logrado reunir virtualmente en internet las más de 800 páginas y fragmentos que se conservan de la biblia más antigua del mundo, el llamado Codex Sinaiticus. Por primera vez, podrá accederse desde cualquier parte del mundo a las imágenes digitales en alta resolución de las páginas de ese libro, que data del siglo IV de nuestra era, informó hoy la Biblioteca Británica. Lo escribieron en griego sobre hojas de pergamino varios escribas y el texto se revisó y corrigió a lo largo de los siglos siguientes. La reunificación virtual del Codex Sinaiticus marca la culminación de cuatro años de estrecha colaboración entre la Biblioteca Británica, la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Leipzig, el Monasterio de Santa Catalina (Monte Sinaí, Egipto) y la Biblioteca Nacional de Rusia, en San Petersburo. Oportunidades de colaboración impensables

Suck My Geek - Video and Download · Dholyan We created Stage6™ to empower content creators and viewers like you to discover a new kind of video experience. However, the continued operation of was prohibitively expensive, and ultimately we had to shut it down. We appreciate the millions of global users who supported us and made Stage6 such a successful online video destination. Thanks for a wild ride. — The DivX Team You can still watch and share high-quality DivX® video in your browser using DivX Web Player. Watch the video below and get more information on how to use DivX Web Player on your site. Key features: HD playback Full-screen mode Win and Mac compatible Skinnable and more...

Virtual machine A virtual machine (VM) is a software-based emulation of a computer. Virtual machines operate based on the computer architecture and functions of a real or hypothetical computer. Definitions[edit] A virtual machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine (e.g., a computer) that executes programs like a physical machine. Virtual machines are separated into two major classifications, based on their use and degree of correspondence to any real machine: A VM was originally defined by Popek and Goldberg as "an efficient, isolated duplicate of a real machine". System virtual machines[edit] System virtual machine advantages: multiple OS environments can co-exist on the same computer, in strong isolation from each otherthe virtual machine can provide an instruction set architecture (ISA) that is somewhat different from that of the real machineapplication provisioning, maintenance, high availability and disaster recovery[3] The main disadvantages of VMs are: Process virtual machines[edit]

Google Reader Lets You Subscribe to Any Page on the Web RSS technology makes it possible for anyone to keep up with fresh content without having to visit the site in question. Now the same holds for webpages without RSS thanks to a new Google Reader feature. Today Google has rolled out a subtle change to Google Reader that lets you create custom feeds to track pages that don't already have them. So you can subscribe to updates for any webpage simply by typing the URL into the "Add a subscription" text box. Should you put the new feature to work, you'll start to receive short snippets for any updates made to the pages, and Google asserts that it's committed to improving the quality of these tiny blurbs over time. So when might this come in handy? [img credit: filiph]

Habla fundador de internet No todo en la vida está en las pantallas para Vinton Cerf. Mucho menos la fabada que se mete entre pecho y espalda antes de descubrirnos las claves del pasado y el futuro de Internet, esa plataforma gigante que él y sus colegas Bob Kahn, Tim Berners-Lee y Lawrence Roberts inventaron hace más de 40 años. Ante todo, Vinton Cerf (Connecticut, EE UU, 1943) es un caballero. Un hombre refinado, de exquisitos modales y gustos, que va contando allí donde le llaman cómo él y sus compañeros dieron con este invento después de trabajar para el Pentágono. Al principio no cayeron en que aquella red que fueron probando para los militares cambiaría las costumbres y los modelos de trabajo del planeta. "Debe implantarse lavoluntad de pagar lo que debe pagarse" Una de las cosas que Vinton Cerf sabe con certeza a sus 66 años es que un ordenador no puede cocinarle una paella. ¿Cuál era su sueño mientras estudiaba? Y lo consiguió. Aquello era ni más ni menos que el futuro real. ¿El gran dilema? ¿Tanto?

Download Free Political Documentaries And Watch Many Interesting Yellow-Bricks Listorious: Discover the Best Twitter Lists Hábitos y comportamiento de internautas en Chile Hábitos y comportamiento de internautas en Chile “Soy Digital” es un reporte anual sobre consumo digital, elaborado por AyerViernes, que presenta data sobre los hábitos de usuarios de Internet. ¿Qué tendencias hay en la red y cómo se comportan los internautas en las redes sociales y otras plataformas? Este informe te brindará detalles sobre ambos temas. Un dato interesante: más del 70% de usuarios está en redes sociales como Facebook y un 68% lee noticias en la red. Este es el cuadro completo: El reporte cuenta con 64 páginas y puede ser descargado gratuitamente desde el sitio Soy Digital. Nota: También puedes revisar el reporte Soy Digital 2010 para hacer comparaciones de cifras.

The Real Story in the Google – Encyclopedia Dramatica Censorship Seems to be a bit of hype growing about the recent Google unlinking to pages on US-based Encyclopedia Dramatica(ED), a satirical version of Wikipedia. The gist of the story is that a particular ED entry contained racist comments about Aboriginal Australians. An Aboriginal man took his complaint with the page to the Australian Human Rights Commission asking for the page to be blocked. Google Australia responded by removing the allegedly discriminatory content from their search engine. At first there were stories on the SMH saying the site had been banned. There were other posts that covered the topic and now there’s a post on Google Blogoscoped that has made it onto the front page of Techmeme . In any case, the best take on the whole affair comes from Duncan Riley over at the Inquisitr, who wrote about it a couple of days ago when the story first popped up. First – Google did not block ED. Does this amount to censorship by Google? That sounds kind of fair. That sounds kind of dumb. Or don’t.

Documental en anglès que tracta sobre la revolució digital que estem vivint en els nostres dies. by andreaballesta Apr 16
