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Photojournal: NASA's Image Access Home Page Free Lapbooks Free Bible Lapbooks We’ve got some fantastic resources for teaching your children about key bible characters and concepts. You’ll find Adam and Eve, Bible Basics, Creation, Daniel, Easter, Fruit of the Spirit, Prayer, and more. Free Insect Lapbooks We have some great printables to take your children on a bug study! Book Report LapbooksWe have lapbooking printables for some classic children’s story books. Animal LapbooksWe have a small selection of Animal Lapbooks, put together out of our own personal homeschool studies. Character LapbooksThese lapbooks deal with specific character qualities. History LapbooksOur History Lapbooks are for children studying a specific time and place. Countries and Cultures LapbooksLapbooking is a great way to explore countries and cultures. Holiday LapbooksChildren can put together special holiday lapbooks to help remember what each holiday is really about. Science LapbooksLearn about Space Shuttles and Garden Science with these quick and easy lapbooks!

Did you know Lapbooking Ho già parlato (qui) della mia ponderata idiosincrasia per l'uso didattico del cartellone. Mi dispiace dirlo, ma ho potuto notare che in genere la propensione per i cartelloni è nel docente inversamente proporzionale alle reali capacità didattiche. Nel corso di un esperimento, un gruppo di bambini è stato accolto in un'aula tapezzata di cartelloni mentre un altro in un'aula con un angolo dedicato a mettere in mostra i libri fatti da altri bambini. I cartelloni non sono stati minimamente notati, mentre l'angolo dedicato alle ricerche dei coetanei ha suscitato non poca curiosità.Meglio un libro costruito dal bambino, quindi... anzi un lapbook. Lap nel senso di largo, ampio, formato quadernone (o più) per intenderci.Per conoscere meglio l'argomento e sperimentarne le potenzialità in classe (o a casa), seguiamo le orme di Jimmie, che dedica una pagina all'argomento. Come fare? Ci soccorre anche youtube con diversi video. Ci serviranno anche molte immagini da stampare. Foto da qui e da qui.

Why Is No One Interested in Vagina Size? -- Science of Us It’s no secret: We are obsessed with penis and testicle size. Lately, we’re especially fond of evolutionary explanations for why penises and testicles are as large as they are, and why they’re shaped the way they’re shaped. It’s an obsession that extends from the ivory towers of academia on down. You’ve probably seen the articles by now. They follow a similar pattern in which penis size — often girth, rather than length — is an arms race in which the biggest or most innovatively shaped penis wins the evolutionary prize of passing on its owner’s genes to the next generation. Another explanation is male competition. All this is, admittedly, terribly fun to write about, and I’m not even going nuts (gah) like journalists and researchers do in their endless, gleeful coverage of the subject. If we were going to answer it the same way we’ve long explained the human penis, and other animal-penis shapes, then it’s clear what approach we’d take.

Butterfly Preschool Printables Butterfly Life Cycle Sequencing CardsThis is a colorful set of sequencing cards for children learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. These are great for center time activities, or for take home cards.Butterfly Life Cycle Sequencing Cards BW www.theworkathomewoman By Holly Reisem Hanna Where has this school year gone?! In the next couple of weeks my daughter will be out of school and summer will be upon us. So whether you’ll be traveling the world, lounging by the pool, or enjoying some quiet time at home while the kiddos are off at camp — make sure to stock up on some good books to help cultivate your mind and spirit over the summer months. Here are 6 books that are on my reading list this summer. Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friend and Influence People This has been on my reading list for a long time. Lois Frankel – Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich: 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make with Money For some reason, this title rubs me the wrong way. Jeff Olson – The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness After looking at the top business books on Amazon, I couldn’t resist downloading The Slight Edge. Ruth Soukup – How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul) What books are on your summer reading list?

Lapbook, tabliczka mnożenia Szczegóły Kategoria: Edukacyjne gry i zabawy Buszując po sieci natknęłam się na ciekawą metodę prezentacji fascynujących dziecko materiałów lub rzeczy przygotowanych wraz z dzieckiem do nauki. Lapbook to teczka lub papierowy folder wypełniony zebranymi faktami, ilustracjami, wykresami na określony temat. Tworzy się ją wspólnie z dzieckiem. Teczkę można wykorzystać w pracy z przedszkolakami, uczniami młodszych klas szkoły podstawowej i, jak twierdzą amerykanie, starszych uczniów też. Jako że, nasze dziecko zaczęło zadręczać nas pytaniami związanymi z mnożeniem, przygotowaliśmy wspólnie teczkę zawierającą tabliczkę mnożenia. Teczka zawiera działania, a ich wyniki są ukryte pod różnymi, kolorowymi klapkami. Nareszcie koniec z nudną tabliczką w formie tabelki:) Przyznaję - zajęło nam dużo czasu przygotowanie materiałów do teczki. Gotowa teczka- tabliczka mnożenia: Czy warto? Oceńcie sami:) Artykuły powiązane
