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Photos panoramiques Vosges, Alsace, Lorraine - 360° plein écran

Photos panoramiques Vosges, Alsace, Lorraine - 360° plein écran
Le Forlet (lac des truites) Cirque de Frankenthal-Misshemle recueil photographique (21x30 - 48 pages) consacré au thème de l'eau dans le massif des Vosges Grotte des poilus (14-18) la Chapelotte Galeries de mines de 1914 (Forêt de La Chapelotte) Roches du Bihay (Saint-Dié) Massif de la Madeleine - St-dié crevasse en corniche - Wormspel Le Hohneck / la Martinswand Col des Feignes sous Vologne Cascade Charlemagne Hiver Le haut Gazon (le Collet -Balveurche) Les blanches roches (Bipierre) Hêtraie des crêtes (trois fours) Le Donon (visite virtuelle) Crêtes du Lac Blanc (visite virtuelle) Fôret primaire des Vosges Lunéville -Escalier à vis château des Lumières La Haute-Pierre - Moyenmoutier Massif de la Madeleine (saint-dié) Tête de Bipierre (Col de Prayé) Cascade d'Heidenbad (Kruth) Panoramic photographies of the East of France – to discover these full-screen moving panoramics, click on the picture you select and guide the mouse into the direction you want. La chaise du Roi (Saint-Dié) Related:  VISITES VIRTUELLES

::. Visites virtuelles - Nature et paysages en photographie panoramique 360 degrés Acropole des Draveurs aux Hautes-Gorges de la Rivière Malbaie Automne Québécois aux chutes de Ste Ursule Arc-en-ciel au village des Escoumins en Haute-Côte-Nord du Québec La Malbaie vue de Cap-à-l'Aigle dans la région de Charlevoix en panorama Observation des baleines à Cap-de-Bon-Désir aux Escoumins Baie de Tadoussac et sa chapelle indienne en réalité virtuelle Panorama au lever de soleil au lac Memphremagog en Estrie Vue aérienne du lac glaciaire Jökulsárlón en Islande et visite interactive

Visite virtuelle 360 | Visite virtuelle flash Balades en Alsace à pieds, vélo, vtt et en voiture... Panoramic photography and image stitching blog Photo stitcher update, plus short links July 22nd, 2009 First I must apologise for the lack of updates. All I can say is that I’ve been very busy. With that in mind, I am happy to announce two updates. In other matters, we now have short links implemented, using the domain Recent downtime March 7th, 2009 We’re very sorry about the recent downtime. Actionscript 3 vector speedups September 25th, 2008 Mike Chambers has posted a comparison between the performance of AS3 arrays and the new Vectors available in Flash Player 10. Share your CleVR panoramas on Facebook and MySpace. August 31st, 2008 I’m pleased to announce that we’ve been approved by Facebook as a multimedia Share Partner. Try it out with this one of Beijing Olympic Green, the Birds’ Nest Stadium and Water Cube. Hiding Flex DataGrid columns using a context menu in AIR August 28th, 2008 A Flex/AIR project I’m working on at the moment uses a DataGrid to display a lot of data. State change bug in Flex August 17th, 2008 S3 outage

Le port antique de Rome revit grâce au virtuel Des chercheurs ont déblayé virtuellement le plus grand port antique de Méditerranée, aujourd’hui complètement ensablé, et ont remis en mouvement l’eau qui s’y trouvait. Un travail qui a permis de répondre à une question qui taraudait les archéologues depuis longtemps. Le port antique de Rome, le Portus, fut le plus grand port du monde méditerranéen antique. Il y a deux millénaires, son bassin s’étalait à perte de vue sur le delta du Tibre. Heureusement, grâce à la magie du virtuel, une équipe de géoarchéologues et d’océanographes a réussi (link is external) à déblayer l’immense bassin et à le rouvrir à la circulation de l’eau et des sédiments1 ! Grand comme… 275 terrains de foot ! Situé à 32 kilomètres à l’ouest de Rome, le Portus a été construit à partir de l’an 42 apr. Embouchure actuelle du Tibre. La structure globale du Portus est connue depuis plus de 400 ans déjà. Lors de sa construction au IIe s. ap. Les scientifiques avaient cependant déjà émis une hypothèse. R.

Histoires lorraines Panoramas on Google Maps Two weeks ago Google added Street View to a number of French cities. The rumours are that tomorrow Google will announce Street View for a number of Spanish towns. Therefore it seems only fair to do a quick round up of some of the wonderful websites that provide 360 panoramas with Google Maps. Perhaps the surprising thing is that each of the sites listed here provide panoramas of far better resolution than you get with Street View. Panedia Panedia is an Australian site that has mapped over 6000 interactive panoramas, including Uluru (above, the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. Panedia allows users to search for panoramas via a Google Map. Panedia have also recently added a new feature that allows users to embed Panedia panoramas in their own websites. Nikon Indy 300The Nikon Indy 300 site is an example of a website using Panedia's mapped panoramas to enhance the experience of their users. Singapore VR The site uses Google Maps to show where each panorama was taken. Limoges 360

Artsteps | explorer l'art dans les galeries virtuelles 3D PATRIMOINE DE LORRAINE British Museum - Welcome to the British Museum MayaArch3D A web-based 3D GIS for archaeological research The MayaArch3D Project has built a virtual research environment for the documentation and analysis of complex archaeological sites —specifically, it is a web-based, 3D-GIS that can integrate 3D models of cities, landscapes, and objects with associated, geo-referenced archaeological data. An international, interdisciplinary project This international, interdisciplinary project brings together archaeologists, art historians, and cultural resource managers with experts in geosciences, remote sensing, photogrammetry, 3D modeling, and virtual reality from various institutions in Germany, the US, Italy, and Honduras. Case Study: UNESCO World Heritage site and ancient Maya city of Copan, Honduras The digital collections used to demonstrate the system contain basic information for other ancient Maya cities in Central America, but focus on the archaeology of Honduras and specifically Copan.

Google Street View – Explore natural wonders and world landmarks Zhoucun Ancient Town Zhoucun ancient commercial town now is national AAAA level tourism scenic spot, cradle land of Lushang culture, demonstration base of national culture industry, provincial level key cultural relic protection unit, provincial level civilized scenic spot, provincial level patriotic education base and one of top ten film shooting bases in Shandong. The total area of planning scenic spots is 4.92 sq.m, having protection area, control area and transition area. The protection area consists of historical cultural streets and districts such as: Da Jie (the main street), silk market street and silver market street.
