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Timeline Outline View : From Cave Paintings to the Internet

Timeline Outline View : From Cave Paintings to the Internet

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts The Bible tells us that God created Adam and Eve just a few thousand years ago, by some fundamentalist interpretations. Science informs us that this is mere fiction and that man is a few million years old, and that civilization just tens of thousands of years old. Could it be, however, that conventional science is just as mistaken as the Bible stories? There is a great deal of archeological evidence that the history of life on earth might be far different than what current geological and anthropological texts tell us. Consider these astonishing finds: The Grooved Spheres Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres. The Dropa Stones In 1938, an archeological expedition led by Dr. The Ica StonesBeginning in the 1930s, the father of Dr. The Antikythera MechanismA perplexing artifact was recovered by sponge-divers from a shipwreck in 1900 off the coast of Antikythera, a small island that lies northwest of Crete. Ancient Model Aircraft

Los libros digitales en la educación escolar Desde que el hombre inventó la escritura como código compartido para comunicar ideas y pensamientos y, comenzó a agruparlos en lo que más adelante se conocerían como libros, se inicio para la comunicación humana un gran proceso transformador. Los libros, a lo largo del tiempo, han experimentado cuatro grandes cambios. El primero de ellos, ocurrió en el siglo III aC. cuando se pasó de escribir en tablillas de arcilla a hacerlo en rollos de papiro. El segundo se produjo en el siglo I dC y corresponde al reemplazo de los rollos de papiro y de pergamino (piel animal) que debían desenrollarse para leerse, por el códice o libro cuadrado. Al quedar lo escrito consignado en este formato, ocurrieron cambios sustanciales: se facilitó la consulta de contenidos, se agrupó mayor cantidad de texto, mejoró su transportarte y almacenamiento y, gracias a las tapas que los recubrían (encuadernación), se pudieron conservar durante un tiempo mayor [1]. 1. m. Gestionar contenidos.

History of China As you can see, this is a very ambitious project, and I'm not sure how far I will get, but here goes nothing. I must admit I haven't thought of undertaking such an ambitious project until I came across the Army Area Handbook on China converted into electronic form and made publicly accessible at the following gopher site in the University of Missouri at St. Louis: After contacting the Department of Commerce, Economics & Statistic's Division (they are responsible for converting the text into electronic form) and getting the to freely republish materials in the handbook, I decided to put the information in a more pleasing hypertext format with extra added bells and whistles (maps, pictures, mini bios, etc. ... The core of the following history pages is based on the history portion of the Army Area Handbook on China. If you are interested in what possessed me to do this, please read my motivations. A website dedicated to Ancient Times Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red Páginas: Codrops: Free Responsive Book Social icons Presentación El interés de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLE, por sus siglas en inglés) no reside tanto en su novedad conceptual o tecnológica, como en la asunción de una perspectiva sobre la educación que intenta responder al gigantesco cambio tecnológico y cultural que ha tenido lugar en las últimas dos décadas en nuestra sociedad. Desde nuestra perspectiva, el tema de los PLE es un nodo, y esperemos que un punto de inflexión, en el que confluyen el pensamiento, los debates y las prácticas sobre qué aprender y cómo aprender -y enseñar- a principios del siglo XXI. Una ocasión magnífica para reflexionar sobre cómo paliar la pobreza didáctica de algunas iniciativas supuestamente disruptivas (como los xMOOCs) o cómo integrar la tecnología en el aprendizaje formal más allá de proporcionar materiales de estudio digitales a los estudiantes. Esperamos que disfruten su lectura tanto como nosotros hemos aprendido editándolo. J. Autores

History of China Written records of the history of China can be found from as early as 1200 BC under the Shang dynasty (c. 1700–1046 BC).[1] Ancient historical texts such as the Records of the Grand Historian (ca. 100 BC) and the Bamboo Annals describe a Xia dynasty (c. 2100–1700 BC), which had no system of writing on a durable medium, before the Shang.[1][2] The Yellow River is said to be the cradle of Chinese civilization, although cultures originated at various regional centers along both the Yellow River and the Yangtze River valleys millennia ago in the Neolithic era. With thousands of years of continuous history, China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.[3] Much of Chinese culture, literature and philosophy further developed during the Zhou dynasty (1045–256 BC). Prehistory Paleolithic Neolithic The Neolithic age in China can be traced back to about 10,000 BC.[6] Ancient China Xia dynasty (c. 2100 – c. 1600 BC) Main article: Xia dynasty Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC) Main article: Shang dynasty

Top 10 Most Overlooked Mysteries in History Mysteries Over the last few months we have gone through 30 of the worlds greatest mysteries but what we haven’t covered are ancient mysteries. This list aims to put that right! 10. While many people know of the Moai of Easter Island, not that many people know of the other mystery associated with Easter Island. 9. In the late 2nd century AD, the Greek writer Pausanias wrote an account of how (4-500 years earlier?) 8. This mystery may even be a problem for those legendary investigators from CSI and the like! 7. The Minoans are best known for the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, but it is in fact the demise of this once-great civilisation that is more interesting. 6. Everyone has heard of Stonehenge, but few know the Carnac Stones. 5. The historical search for the legendary thief Robin Hood has turned up masses of possible names. 4. 3. The Voynich Manuscript is a medieval document written in an unknown script and in an unknown language. 2. 1. Jamie Frater

Geekonomía / Hugo Pardo Kuklinski Desde la irrupción de Internet y la computación personal, los geeks son los nuevos escribas del mundo, capaces de crear los instrumentos que utilizan, o apropiarse de manera especial de los ya creados. Ellos configuran y la sociedad consume. Bienvenidos a la geekonomía. Se ha impuesto la categoría de comunicación digital como artilugio diferenciador para enfatizar lo nuevo. Pero los procesos industriales de la economía de la información ya son exclusivamente digitales y el término irradia ambigüedad. Si todos los flujos de información generados en el espacio de las TIC son digitales, ¿por qué aún se hace énfasis en tal condición? Son las empresas e instituciones capitalistas las que redefinieron al digitalismo haciéndolo omnipresente hasta licuarlo. Descargar infografía de keywords de Geekonomía. Cobertura de prensa y entrevistas lanzamiento de Geekonomía. II Encuentro de Rectores Universia 2010.Bárbara Yuste, en ABC. Este libro es de acceso gratuito vía Web. Canal Geekonomia en YouTube

China proper Origin of the concept[edit] It is not clear when the concept of "China proper" in the Western world appeared. However, it is plausible that historians during the age of empires and the fast changing borders in the eighteenth century, applied it to distinguish China's 18-provinces from its newly acquired properties. This would also apply to Great Britain proper versus the British Empire, which would encompass vast lands overseas. However, to introduce China proper, Winterbotham still used the outdated 15-province system of the Ming Dynasty, which the Qing Dynasty used until 1662. The concept of "China proper" also appeared before this 1795 book. Dulimbai Gurun is the Manchu name for China (中國, Zhongguo; "Middle Kingdom").[6][7][8] After conquering the Ming, the Manchu Qing identified their state as "China" (Zhongguo), and referred to it as "Dulimbai Gurun" in Manchu. Modern[edit] Extent[edit] The approximate extent of China proper during the late Ming Dynasty, the last Han Chinese dynasty.

Content Curation Primer Photo by Stuck in Customs What is Content Curation? Content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme. The work involves sifting, sorting, arranging, and publishing information. Content curation is not about collecting links or being an information pack rat, it is more about putting them into a context with organization, annotation, and presentation. People and organizations are now making and sharing media and content all over the social web. Content Curation Provides Value from the Inside Out What does that mean for nonprofits and the people who work for them? For some staff members, content curation can be professional of learning. The biggest challenge to becoming a content curator is getting past the feeling of “content fried” or so much good content and so little time to digest it. The Three S’s of Content Curation: Seek, Sense, Share Getting Started

Manchuria This article is about the region that is divided between China and Russia. For region that falls entirely within China, see Northeast China. One of the earliest European maps using the term "Manchuria" (Mandchouria) (John Tallis, 1851). Previously, the term "Chinese Tartary" had been commonly applied in the West to Manchuria and Mongolia[1] Manchuria (simplified Chinese: 满洲; traditional Chinese: 滿洲; pinyin: Mǎnzhōu) is a modern name given to a large geographic region in Northeast Asia. Extent of Manchuria[edit] Manchuria can refer to any one of several regions of various size. Northeast China (Dongbei): consisting of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces.Inner Manchuria: the above, plus parts of modern Inner Mongolia (Hulunbuir, Hinggan, Tongliao, and Chifeng divisions);The above, plus Outer Manchuria (Russian Manchuria): the area from the Amur and Ussuri rivers to the Stanovoy Mountains and the Sea of Japan(East Sea). Etymology and names[edit] Geography and climate[edit] History[edit]
