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Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Developers

Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Developers
Cheat sheets are helpful to have around because they allow you to quickly remember code syntax and see related concepts visually. Additionally, they’re nice decorative pieces for your office and can prepare you for client questions regarding web development. In this article, you’ll find 23 excellent, print-ready cheat sheets for HTML/HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (including MooTools and jQuery). So go ahead – print out your favorites and pepper your workspace with these wonderful references. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. JavaScript 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. mootools 1.2 cheat sheet 18. jQuery Cheatsheet 19. jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet 20. jQuery Visual Map – PNG Miscellaneous 21. 22. 23. These are great resources regardless of the size of your clients. Related:  Webdesign

17 Wonderful Free Tools To Make Designers Lives Easier! - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. This is the wonderful list of 17 free and online web based tools for designers and developers which may be very helpful for you as well when you are at work. Designers and Developers will must like this list but you can also use them and will love whether you are office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known but, they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here. You are welcome to share if you know more free tools for designers that our readers may like. You may be interested in these older posts17 Online Free Web Based Applications That You Probably Would Love To Use! FontStruct FontStruct is a free font-building tool lets you quickly and easily create fonts constructed out of geometrical shapes, which are arranged in a grid pattern, like tiles or bricks. DamnIT Scrumy

7 Steps for Systematizing The Design & Build Process « Noupe Sep 17 2009 Systemization is basically what it says on the tin, i.e creating a series of processes or a pre-defined set of steps to speed up and quicken a laborious and or repetitive task. So how can you systemize the design & build of websites? Snippet Repository Absolutely everybody should have a code / design repository. Here’s a few ideas as to what you could store to save you countless hours in re-writing, re-designing and wasting time: Contact forms (create one which allows you to quickly customize for different projects User Management / login scripts e.t.c (create one that is not heavily integrated into your design with loads of inline code for even more time saving) Payment handlers and online store scripts (if you’ve built one before, why not re-use it?) CodeCollectorPro: Code of conduct If you work in a team of any size, you’ll know that once a piece of code or script is passed around, things can start to get messy. Zend supports -

Flash MX 2004 news and views 23 Go To Resources for Finding Great Code English | Español | Français About Us Menu ≡ home > resources > articles > 23 go to resources for finding great code 23 Go To Resources for Finding Great Code As a developer, you are probably writing most of your own code. These 23 websites are for those times. Take a look and add them to your programming tool belt: CodeGuru CodeGuru is a free website where you can find tips, tricks, and other pieces of useful code. The Free Country This website is a collection of free programming, but also webmasters’ and security resources, and free utilities. Hot Scripts is a large Internet directory that compiles and disseminates Web programming-related resources. Script Dungeon Script dungeon is a free directory offering hundreds of free scripts, tools, and utilities. CGI Resource Index is a free directory containing over 2,700 programs and CGI scripts written in Perl, C, C++, and other languages. PHP Resource Index Dynamic Drive Fat Scripts Open Source Scripts JavaScript Kit

Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes A quick reference guide for Ruby on Rails, containing the default directory structure, predefined variables, methods, reserved words and regular expression syntax. The Ruby On Rails cheat sheet is designed to be printed on an A4 sheet of paper and live by a developers desk, to make life a bit easier. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient, you can go straight to the full size Ruby On Rails cheat sheet. I am no expert in Ruby, On Rails or off, so to ensure this cheat sheet was as useful as possible, I pestered the very helpful Amy Hoy of (24)Slash7 and David Heinemeier Hansson of Loud Thinking into giving me a hand. Thanks, both of you - I appreciate it. In the same vein, though the cheat sheet has been checked there is a chance there is the occasional typo - if anybody spots a mistake (or something that could be worded better) please let me know. Default Directory Structure Pre-Defined Variables Reserved Words Regular Expression Syntax Methods Download

70+ Cheat Sheet Resources for Web Designers | Design And Marketing Blog Posted By Thomson Chemmanoor Cheat sheats, or reference sheets, are a helpful and quick way to remember things. Web designers, by nature of their work, are forced to cram their heads with TONS of information ranging in many different areas. HTML Cheat Sheets 1.HTML Cheatsheet from Web Monkey for Beginners 2.Forget what some of the tags in HTML do? 3.List of up-to-date HTML tags / codes Cheat Sheet 4.HTML cheat sheet is a one-page A4 printable document 6.A free online cheatsheet by VisiBone 7.HTML Code Cheat Sheet to look up HTML tags 8.HTML Cheat Sheet 9.HTML Cheat Sheet by Dave Child 10.HTML Cheat Sheet from XHTML Cheat Sheets 11.XHTML cheat sheet provides an at-a-glance perspective of common XHTML practices 12.XHTML Cheat Sheet v. 1.03 Action Script Cheat Sheets 13.Papervision 3D Cheatsheet 14. 15. 16.Fuse CheatSheet JavaScript Cheat Sheets 17.JavaScript reminder and reference sheet 18.JavaScript Reference Sheet 19.JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference 35.

10 Excellent Feedback Tools for Web Designers It’s easy to get caught up doing your own thing and even easier to stick to what you know already know. However, whether you’re a developer or a designer, seeking out constructive, third-party feedback can bring your projects to a new level. You may also know that finding objective, qualified sources of feedback can be near impossible (your relatives and roommates only cut it for so long). That’s why I’m bringing you 10 fresh, useful and fun ways to get an outside perspective on your work. Free web-based feedback communities 1. Concept Feedback is a brand new community for designers, developers and marketers. 2. The name explains it all. 3. This cool venture from OnWired allows designers to solicit feedback from a panel of industry veterans, including your very own Jacob Gube of Six Revisions. 4. Part of the Envato network, Creattica brings together a group of top-notch designers looking to share a wide range of design projects. 5. 6. Web-based collaboration tools 7. 8. 9. 10.

How I Survived a 2300% Traffic Increase With Drupal Yesterday, my Orphaned Works article hit the front page of Reddit, a popular social news site. Traffic instantly increased by a factor of more than 20. At peak, the site was serving over 30 requests a second, enough to take down most poorly configured Drupal sites. In this article, I'll show you how I survived, and what steps you can take to make sure your site is ready for the Reddit Effect. These first 2 tips will give you the quickest bang-for-your-buck, and based on my research, more than half of new Drupal sites fail to take advantage of them! 1. Drupal has a tendency for CSS file overload. This is a huge bottleneck that can add tens of seconds to your page load time, and kill your server, in the event of a traffic spike. Luckily, there's a simple solution: CSS Aggregation. To enable CSS aggregation in Drupal, just go to Site Configuration > Performance. Drupal 6 also offers JavaScript Optimization, which does the same thing for JS files. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not all hosts are so generous.

Git cheat sheet Due to the fact that I've been moving I forgot to point out that about three weeks ago I created a small Git cheet sheet. Quoting my email to the Git mailing list: I took a short break from being insanely handsome (which takes a lot of my time - gorgeous doesn't just happen) and based on similar work for Mercurial created a little SVG cheat sheet for Git. I'm not sure if it's going to be useful for anyone else (the target audience was composed of engineers who agreed to move to and work from Norway so you know right of the bat that historically they already made some bad decisions), but the times when I do art are so rare that I feel the need to share. The thing that I took from the Mercurial sheet, besides the idea, is the flow-chart (people dig icecream and flow-charts, the first one is really hard to get into a SVG rendering so I went with the second) so the license is the same as of the Mercurial sheet which was Creative Commons.

20 Useful Tools to Make Web Development More Efficient | Six Revisions There are many available tools to help make web development projects quicker and more productive. Aside from a handy text editor or WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver, you can find plenty of tools and utilities that can greatly increase development speed, reduce debugging and testing time, and improve quality of the output. The tools described below are a variety of utilities, optimizers, testing, and debugging tools aimed towards helping developers create websites more efficiently. 1. CSS Grid Builder is an online GUI for customizing the YUI Grids CSS – a lightweight CSS framework developed by Yahoo! You don’t even have to host the CSS file on your web server (saving you some bandwidth and maintenance hassles), the generated code links to the appropriate stylesheet found on Yahoo!’ 2. CSS Sprite Generator allows you to upload all of your images (you have to place them in a .zip file first) and it will combine the uploaded images into a single sprite and also generate the CSS for you. 3. 4.
