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Gabriella Barouch Illustration

Gabriella Barouch Illustration
Related:  zigue

François Place I Auteur et illustrateur jeunesse World Peace Through Character Design Рикардо Cavolo · Главная Anyone can tell that echoes move forward and backward in time, in Anyone can tell that echoes move forward and backward in time, in rings. But not everyone realizes that, as a result, silence becomes harder and harder for us to grasp—though in itself it is unchanged—because of the echoes pouring through us out of the past Drawings by Anton Van Dalen via BibliOdyssey Title: W. S. Merwin via woolgathersome Will 50 Watts

Featured Artist Jennifer Mullin Johansson Mixed Media Art | Keeping It Indie This week’s spot­light artist is an artist whose work I truly admire. Not only is her art­work com­pletely unique but her tech­nique requires such patience and plan­ning. It is with immense plea­sure that I intro­duce, the uber-talented, Jen­nifer Mullin Johans­son. Image Cred­its: Jen­nifer Mullin Johansson 1. 2. 3. 4. Thank you so much to Jen­nifer for tak­ing the time to share with us today. Related posts: Atlas des géographes d’Orbæ (François Place – Casterman/Gallimard) | Le blog de Li-An Les fans de Mouchel qui ne connaissent pas ces Atlas vont être aux anges… Voilà trois volumes qui compilent des légendes de ce beau monde d’Orbae. Un monde qui ressemble à bien des égards à la Terre du XVI° siècle mais avec des subtiles différences, des décalages infimes qui en font un univers dépaysant et familier à la fois. François Place a réalisé ici un travail merveilleux qui fait croire encore à l’esprit d’aventure et de découverte. J’ai cru que les albums étaient indisponibles mais je m’étais lourdement trompé. Le site de chez Casterman consacré à François Place ici. clic l’image

L Rossi Art. Blog « organicfields Hace ya varios meses tuvimos el enorme placer de comenzar varios proyectos con la editorial Naval, todo un lujo poder trabajar con ellos, nos trataron tan bien respetando el momento en el que estabamos, dándonos unos plazos que ya los quisiera para mi siempre! Fruto de esta colaboración saldrán a la venta dos libros, uno acaba de salir, Las maletas encantadas, de Joan Manuel Gisbert, y el otro seguramente para ... read post » Este cuento forma parte de un proyecto precioso, empieza con un cuento de Alfredo Gómez Cerdá en el que han colaborado 32 niños en un taller de literatura infantil para la Fundación Mapfre. read post » Editorial Narval. read post » Estoy terminando un librito de monos estos días, que creo que saldrá pronto! read post » Hace unos meses pude trabajar en un proyecto precioso que mi amigo David estaba preparando para regalarle a su mujer y a su querido Juan. read post » read post »

Marvellously Magical Matt Furie | Ape on the Moon: Contemporary Visual Arts As someone who grew up playing with 80s action figures, I couldn’t help myself falling head over heels into Matt Furie‘s universe. It’s a place where the curious inhabitants vary between the brightly cute and the darkly sinister. They may not always treat each other well, but it’s difficult not to warm towards his characters. Fine pencil strokes swathed in colour will keep your eyes looking for more. Before you know it, you become voyeur into this bizarre place, even relating to its oddities. © Matt Furie, 2010.
